研究生: |
劉又嫻 Yu-Hsien Liu |
論文名稱: |
冬蟲夏草增補與阻力訓練對大鼠骨品質的影響 Effects of Cordyceps sinensis supplementation and resistance training on bone quality in rats. |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Shen-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 25 |
中文關鍵詞: | 中藥草增補 、阻力運動 、骨代謝 |
英文關鍵詞: | Chinese herbal supplement, resistance exercise, bone metabolism |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:295 下載:6 |
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骨骼好壞是健康的重要議題,阻力訓練能促進骨骼生長,增加骨質密度。在台灣社會中,對於中藥材食補還是抱持著正面的態度,低副作用也是選擇的一大主因。近年來發現,冬蟲夏草的增補對於骨骼品質有明顯的提升,間斷增補8都週對於骨密度、骨血液指標與骨代謝指標都有正面的幫助。儘管已知冬蟲夏草的增補能提升骨骼品質,但依然無法完全取代阻力訓練。目的:探討冬蟲夏草與阻力訓練對骨品質是否有加成作用或能縮短時程。方法:以36隻雄性6週齡SD鼠,隨機分為控制組(Con)、阻力訓練組(T)、冬蟲夏草組(CM)與蟲草+訓練組(TCM),冬蟲夏草增補劑量為每天200 mg/kg,阻力訓練內容負荷以15%~45%體重、組數為1~4組、反覆次數為8次,訓練期為6週,每週3次。實驗前犧牲4隻為基準,訓練第三週與第六週,犧牲各組中4隻老鼠,以micro-CT進行骨骼3D攝影,進而計算骨質密度、骨礦密度、次級海綿骨骨量比率、骨小樑數目、間距、平均厚度與SMI。以實驗處理與時間變項做無母數克-瓦二氏單因子變異數等級分析(Kruskal-Willis one-way analysis of variance),曼-惠特尼U檢定(Mann-Whitney U test)進行事後比較。結果:在不同實驗處理上,骨密度、骨礦物質含量與靜態組織學分析皆未達顯著。在不同時間上,實驗處理3週與6週顯著高於基準。結論:阻力訓練與冬蟲夏草對於成長中年輕大鼠對提升骨品質的效果不明顯,未來相關研究可以利用年紀較大的老鼠,能較容易看出實驗介入所帶來的效果。
Bone health is a major issue for each individual. Resistance training (RT) can contribute to bone mineral density (BMD). People in Taiwan has a positive attitude towards the use of Chinese herbal supplements mainly due to little or no side effects. Resent research shows that there is a significant increase in bone mineral density (BMD) and a significant increase in bone quality with the use of Cordyceps sinensis. However, the benefits of Cordycep sinensis, is still unable to replace the effects of resistance training. Purpose: To investigate whether resistance training and Cordyceps sinensis could have a synergistic effect on bone quality. Methods: Thirty-six male Sprague-Dawley rates were randomly divided into 4 groups, control (Con), resistance training (T), Cordycep sinensis (CM) and resistance training +Cordyceps sinensis (TCM). Daily dose of 200 mg/kg of CS was given by syringe feeding. Four (4) rats were sacrificed at baseline, and 4 rats were sacrificed from each group at week 3 and at the end of week 6. For the resistance training, animals were subjected to climb a vertical ladder with weights appended to their tail with a protocol of 3 time/week, 1 to 4 sets, weights ranging from 15-45% body weight, 8 repetition each sets for 6 weeks. Micro CT was used give produce a histomorphometry, calculate BMD and BMC of cortical and spongy bone, second spongiosy percent bone volume, trabecular separation, separation, thickness and SMI. The Kruskal-Willis one-way analysis of variance and Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze differences among the treatment. Results: Among the different treatments, bone density, bone mineral content and static histomorphometry were not significantly different. There were significant differences at 3 and 6 weeks compare with baseline at different time periods. Conclusion: Resistance training and Cordyceps sinensis supplementation does not have an addictive effect on bone quality in young growing rats. It is suggested that using adult rats maybe able to show the effect of Cordyceps sinensis supplementation.
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