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研究生: 黃鈞蕙
論文名稱: 台灣水韭棲地之生態因子及其族群遺傳之研究
The study on the ecological factors of habitats and the population genetics of Isoetes taiwanensis
指導教授: 張永達
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 台灣水韭棲地族群遺傳生態因子光量光質夢幻湖演替
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:325下載:9
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  • 陽明山國家公園內的夢幻湖長期以來一直是台灣水韭唯一的自然棲息地,然而夢幻湖漸漸演替成沼澤形態的生態系,且陸生物種有加速入侵的趨勢,嚴重壓縮台灣水韭的生長空間。

    The Dream Lake in Yangmingshan National Park is the only natural habitat of Isoetes taiwanensis. The succession took place in Dream Lake so that it has gradually turned into the ecosystem of swamp, and the land plants in Dream Lake have spread more widely. As a result, the habitat of Isoetes taiwanensis has severely been affected .
    Two factors- the heavy rainfall in Dream Lake, and an outlet located in the southeast of Dream Lake have resulted in the tremendous variation of water level in Dream Lake. It is inferred that when the water level in the dredged area of Dream Lake is about 20cm high, there is no outflow from the outlet. The temperature and the amount of light in Dream Lake vary from season to season. Since the Dream Lake is usually shrouded in mist, the amount of light in one day fluctuates tremendously. Although there is no statistically significant difference not only between Dream Lake and the plain, but also between sunny days and misty days, it still can’t be concluded that the ecological factors of the habitat and the growth of Isoetes taiwanensis are completely unrelated. Further more, a comparison was made among different areas in the artificial wetland of Lan-Shue-Ken concerning the growth condition of the Isoetes taiwanensis, the Isoetes taiwanensis grows best in the area under the shade of trees. Therefore, more liverworts have been transplanted. The growth condition of Isoetes taiwanensis population in Bamboo Lake is characterized by the fact that there are some algae competing with Isoetes taiwanensis for light, and now the most suitable growth condition is still being simulated.
    In this study, there are four findings of the distribution of plant species in Dream Lake, there is no statistically significant difference between the undredged area and dredged area of Dream Lake in dried weight of Sphagnum cuspidatum. Next, after comparing the aerial photography of Dream Lake in this study with that in 2001, the superficial measure of Isoetes taiwanensis has decreased, but the superficial measure of Eleocharis congesta has increased. Third, according to the results derived by the line transect sampling, Sphagnum cuspidatum, occurs most frequently and is the most abundant species in dredged area of Dream Lake. In the undredged area of Dream Lake, Eleocharis congesta is the most abundant species; Isoetes taiwanensis and Schoenoplectus mucronatus are second in abundance to Eleocharis congesta. According to the conversion of species in the sampling area in this study, the superficial measure of Isoetes taiwanensis and that of Sphagnum cuspidatum have decreased, but the superficial measure of Sphaerocaryum malaccense and that of Schoenoplectus mucronatus. Further study is needed to investigate whether such a conversion has resulted from ecological succession or from seasonal variation.
    When the growth condition of Isoetes taiwanensis in the undredged area and dredged area in Dream Lake is compared, the length of the leaves of Isoetes taiwanensis is longer in the dredged zone and the number of leaves of one liverwort is larger in the undredged area. This phenomenon is caused by different environment of the lake. However there is no significant difference between the undredged area and the dredged area in terms of the superficial measure of one leaf and the density of Isoetes taiwanensis. Therefore, the work to dredged in Dream Lake by Yangmingshan National Park in 1992 was more advantageous to the expansion of the habitat of Isoetes taiwanensis.
    There are two major findings regarding the population genetics of Isoetes taiwanensis. Isozyme of the subpopulations in Dream Lake and Lan-Shui-Ken were tested. The genetic distance between the two subpopulations is 0.021, meaning that the two subpopulations are similar to each other. When the two subpopulations were pooled, and the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was tested, the population of Isoetes taiwanensis is not in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

    目次 壹、前言 1 貳、材料與方法 14 參、結果 19 肆、討論 28 伍、結論 53 陸、參考文獻 56 柒、附表 68 捌、附圖 78 玖、附錄 94

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