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研究生: 紀雪雲
論文名稱: 中華民國、韓國、泰國菸害防制立法及其施行成效之研究
指導教授: 黃松元
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 224
中文關鍵詞: 菸害防制立法
英文關鍵詞: tobacco control, legislative
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:49
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  • 本研究採質性研究,以了解中華民國、韓國、泰國菸害防制立法內容、執法情形及施行成效如何?亞太地區菸害防制工作未來展望如何?以及提出對我國菸害防制工作之建言。

    This is a qualitative study, which intends to understand the contents of tobacco control laws in Taiwan, Korea, and Thailand, their implementation, and the effects of implementation. The study also intends to point out the future directions of tobacco hazards control in the Asia-Pacific region and make some recommendations for Taiwan’s tobacco hazards control efforts.
    The present study has extensively reviewed government publications, web site information, research reports, and other documents collected either directly or through friends and acquaintances, and by way of two surveys for data collection. Major findings and recommendations are as follows:
    1. Contents of Tobacco Control and Other Relevant Laws in Taiwan, Korea, and Thailand
    Taiwan and Thailand are similar in the contents of their tobacco control laws to restrict smoking in public areas and work sites, regulate sales and promotion of tobacco products, prohibit smoking of minors, and enforce labeling of health warnings on cigarette packs. The Korean laws are relatively general and are not legislated specifically for the control of tobacco hazards. The Korean laws stipulate several regulations in principle and leave the formulation of specific strategies to the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
    2. Implementation Effects of the Tobacco Hazards Control Laws in Taiwan, Korea, and Thailand
    For the inadequacy of information, and also for the short period of time since the implementation of the laws in these countries, analysis of the effects before and after the implementation of these laws was somewhat limited. Countries under the present study are relatively lenient in law enforcement, the effects of these laws are not significant.
    3. Prospects of Tobacco Control in the Asia-Pacific Region
    In the future, for tobacco hazards control laws in countries in the Asia-Pacific region to be effective, they should be enacted specifically for the purpose of health promotion and protection, and enforced with rigor. More funds should be raised and more stable financial sources secured for the sustained promotion of tobacco hazards control. Regional criteria for assessment and databanks should be established to provide the administration with precise and prompt information for reference in the formulation of control strategies.
    4. Recommendations for Taiwan
    A permanent database for the assessment of tobacco hazards control should be established based on the existing public health database. Families and schools should be the primary units for the promotion of anti-smoking in adolescents. Parents, schoolteachers, and students should be encouraged to participate actively in the promotion. Private citizens in anti-smoking should be organized to be responsible for the periodic inspection of their responsibility areas to assist the government in the enforcement of the tobacco hazards control laws. Sufficient funds should be made available from tobacco taxes for anti-smoking education. Various anti-smoking education activities should be designed and conducted for different target groups on regular basis.
    5. Issues for Further Study
    Studies on the following issues may have been conducted in some developed countries, findings in the Asia-Pacific region are generally inconsistent and more studies are needed. These issues are what is the impact of economic crisis on smoking behavior, and how long will the impact last and fade-out? How long will the impact of law enforcement on smoking behavior last and fade-out? And, what is the impact of price adjustment of tobacco products on tobacco consumption and how long will the impact last and fade-out?

    第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究背景及重要性-----------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的-----------------------------------------------------------5 第三節 研究問題-----------------------------------------------------------6 第四節 名詞界定-----------------------------------------------------------6 第五節 研究限制-----------------------------------------------------------7 第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------------11 第一節 美國吸菸與健康-------------------------------------------------11 第二節 亞太地區吸菸與健康-------------------------------------------14 第三節 影響吸菸行為相關因素之探討-------------------------------20 第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------37 第一節 研究架構----------------------------------------------------------37 第二節 研究設計----------------------------------------------------------39 第三節 研究工具----------------------------------------------------------41 第四節 實施方法及步驟-------------------------------------------------43 第四章 中、韓、泰、日各國菸害防制立法內容-------------------45 第一節 中華民國菸害防制立法內容----------------------------------45 第二節 韓國菸害防制立法內容----------------------------------------54 第三節 泰國菸害防制立法內容----------------------------------------57 第四節 日本菸害防制立法內容----------------------------------------64 第五節 中華民國、韓國、泰國及日本 菸害防制立法內容之比較-------------------------------------65 第五章 中、韓、泰、日各國菸害防制立法執行情形---------------69 第一節 中、韓、泰、日各國反菸團體代表對該國執法的看法-70 第二節 執法情形探討----------------------------------------------------77 第六章 中、韓、泰三國菸害防制立法執行成效--------------------85 第一節 以吸菸率及菸品消費量觀察菸害 防制立法執行成效----------------------------------------------85 第二節 以吸菸率及菸品消費量對照日本觀察 菸害防制立法執行成效----------------------------------------99 第七章 分析與討論------------------------------------------------------105 第一節 本研究設計之分析---------------------------------------------105 第二節 討論---------------------------------------------------------------109 第八章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------117 第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------------------117 第二節 建議---------------------------------------------------------------122 參考文獻------------------------------------------------------------------------129 附錄一 亞太拒菸協會會員國反菸活動調查表 (A Survey of Antismoking Activities in the APACT Nations)----------------------------------------------------------144 附錄二 亞太拒菸協會會員國反菸活動成效調查表 (A Survey of the Effectiveness of Antismoking Activities in the APACT Nations)----------------------------------------149 附錄三 訪問出席 第五屆APACT大會中各國代表名單---------154 附錄四 訪問APACT十週年紀念大會實驗國家代表名單-------155 附錄五 我國菸害防制法及施行細則---------------------------------156 附錄六 韓國「國家健康促進法」(National Health Promotion Act)及菸害防制相關法規細則------------------------------------164 附錄七 泰國「菸品管理法」(Thailand’s Tobacco Control Law) 泰國「不吸菸者健康保護法」(Non-smokers’ Health Protection Act)及公告事項----------------------------------183 附錄八 日本「未成年者喫煙禁止法」------------------------------224 附 表 目 次 表5-1 各國反菸團體代表認為該國公共場所限制吸菸實際執法情形-----------------------------------------------------------------------71 表5-2 各國反菸團體代表認為該國在菸品促銷及廣告管理實際執行情形-----------------------------------------------------------------72 表5-3 各國反菸團體代表認為該國在限制青少年吸菸執法情形及青少年吸菸改善情形-----------------------------------------------76 表5-4 各國反菸團體代表整體而言認為該國政府在菸害防制立法的執法情形-----------------------------------------------------------76 表6-1 中華民國菸害防制法立法前後吸菸率--------------------------87 表6-2 中華民國菸害防制法立法前後每人每年菸品消費量--------89 表6-3 中華民國歷年捲菸銷售量-----------------------------------------89 表6-4 韓國菸害防制相關立法前後之吸菸率--------------------------91 表6-5 韓國菸害防制相關立法前後國產菸及進口菸消費情形-----92 表6-6 泰國菸害防制相關立法前後之吸菸率--------------------------94 表6-7 泰國歷年每月家庭支出--------------------------------------------94 表6-8 日本歷年吸菸率-----------------------------------------------------96 表6-9 日本歷年菸品消費量-----------------------------------------------97 表6-10 實驗國家與對照國家男性吸菸率-------------------------------100 表6-11 實驗國家與對照國家女性吸菸率-------------------------------101 表6-12 實驗國家與對照國家菸品消費量-------------------------------103 表7-1 實驗國家與對照國家國民生產毛額、菸品消費與吸菸率之關係-------------------------------------------------------------------110 附 圖 目 次 圖3-1 研究架構--------------------------------------------------------------38

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