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研究生: 蘇文利
wen-li su
論文名稱: 利用自然支援進行融合式班級合作諮詢模式之行動研究
An Action Research on Using The Supporting Networks to Apply Collaboration Consultation in The Inclusive Classrooms
指導教授: 盧台華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 208
中文關鍵詞: 自然支援合作諮詢融合式班級課程調整
英文關鍵詞: Supporting Networks, Collaboration Consultation, Inclusive Classrooms, Curriculum Adaptation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:353下載:34
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  • 摘 要

    This research aimed to apply supporting networks (three regular class teachers and 1 resource room teacher) and collaborative consultation model to resolve the Chinese language learning problems of six special students who studied in inclusive classes.
    The main findings of this study were as follows:
    1.The interaction of the collaborative consultation partners:
    (1)The collaborative consultation process of regular teachers and the resource room teacher included the following phases: the awareness of expectation deficiency between ideals and the reality, the resource room teacher getting recognitions and building professional images, establishing interactive talking platform.
    (2)To obtain the recognition of regular teachers, it was necessary to expand the extent of collaborative consultation, from the special student to the inclusive class.
    (3)Resource room teachers should be active, humble and empathetic to improve the collaborative relationships with regular teachers.
    (4)Special students’ improvement in this study was the motivation to the willingness of collaboration and the recognition of resource room teachers’ performance.
    (5)To raise the quality of interaction between regular and resource room teachers, resource room teachers should improve their communicating and social skills.
    2.The application of supporting networks:
    (1)The application process included: understanding the current supporting networks and improving the efficiency, expanding the supporting networks and constantly raising the efficiency, transforming the strength to teaching techniques.
    (2)To improve the special students’ learning ability in regular classes, and to increase their confidence and the ability to handle frustration, it was good for resource room teachers to use: previewing the subject content, simulating the situations in regular classes, using peer demonstration, and exchanging roles with students.
    (3)The establishment of resource room teachers’ professional images facilitated the expansion of supporting networks.
    (4)Resource room teachers should transmit the teaching techniques to regular teachers and volunteers. Resource room teachers and regular teachers should exchange teaching experiences and skills.
    (5)The educational attitudes of special students’ parents would be improved through the students’ concrete study performance.
    3.On the influences of the special students:
    The academic achievements in Chinese Language, the learning attitudes, the relationships with others and the self-conception of the six special students were improved. However, there was an accident of over intervention and influenced the relationship with the classmates.
    4.On the influences of inclusive classes:
    (1)Most influences are positive, but there once occurred an accident that caused little negative impression on the special students.
    (2)The regular teachers understood more about resource rooms, and approved the effect of the close collaboration between resource rooms and regular classes. Moreover, they faced the challenges bravely and were more active in adjusting the methods to fit in special students
    5.The researcher was more familiar and gained more insight of the process of appraisal, the field work of resource room teachers, the key concept of inclusion. And the researcher also boosted his confidence and the ability to acceptance and communication.
    Based on the results, some suggestions were made to resource room teachers, the using of relevant supporting networks and further exploration in the future.

    目 次 第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機和背景……………………………1 壹、研究背景……………………………………1 貳、行動的契機…………………………………4 第二節 研究目的與研究問題…………..…………..9 第三節 名詞釋義………………………..…………10 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………12 第一節 融合教育的困境 …………………………12 壹、融合教育的績效 …………………………12 貳、普通班特殊需求學生之適應困難 ………13 參、普通班教師實施融合教育之困難 ………14 第二節 運用自然支援進行課程調整 ……………15 壹、課程調整之重要及其方式 ………………15 貳、課程調整之自然支援 ……………………16 第三節 普通教育與特殊教育之合作 ……………17 壹、普通教師與特殊教師對融合之看法與合作 態度 ……………………………………17 貳、普通教師與特殊教師之合作模式………18 第四節 合作諮詢模式之探討 ……………………20 壹、合作諮詢之意義與特色 …………………20 貳、合作諮詢之發展階段 ……………………20 第五節 合作諮詢模式之相關研究 ………………23 第三章 研究方法……………………………………26 第一節 研究場域與參與人員 ……………………26 壹、研究場域 …………………………………26 貳、研究時間 …………………………………27 參、研究參與者…………………………………27 第二節 研究設計 …………………………………35 壹、採用行動研究之理由………………………35 貳、行動研究流程………………………………36 第三節 研究程序與資料收集……………………44 壹、研究程序…………………………………45 貳、資料收集…………………………………47 第四節 資料處理與分析…………………………50 第五節 研究之效度………………………………51 第四章 結果與討論…………………………………53 第一節 應用合作諮詢模式進行融合式班級課程調整之歷程…………………………………55 壹、合作夥伴的互動過程……………………55 貳、運用自然支援進行課程調整的歷程……68 第二節 特殊需求學生學習的成效………………99 壹、特殊需求學生國語科成績的變化…...…99 貳、特殊需求學生國語科學習態度的變化.106 參、特殊需求學生人際關係的變化……….117 肆、特殊需求學生自我態度的變化……….126 第三節 對融合式班級之影響………………….136 壹、對一般學生的影響…………………….136 貳、對融合式班級導師的影響……………147 第四節 研究者的專業成長、省思與改變…….156 壹、 研究者的專業成長與省思……………156 貳、研究者的改變…………………………166 第五章 結論與建議……………………………….170 第一節 研究結論 ……………………..………170 第二節 研究建議 ……………………..………175 後 記 ~再出發~……………..…………………178參考文獻 ……………..…………………………….185 中文部分…………………………………………185 英文部分…………………………………………189 附錄(一)…………………………………………196 表 次 表2-1 合作諮詢之相關研究……………………………………23 表3-1 研究程序與資料收集……………………………………44 表4-1特殊需求學生學習問題與背景一覽表…………………69 表4-2 特殊需求學生成績平均一覽表……………………99 表4-3特殊需求學生習作成績一覽表………………100 表4-4特殊需求學生學習態度前後差異一覽表……………107 表4-5 特殊需求學生社交評量前後測結果…………………117 表4-6 特殊需求學生社交評量前後測受喜及受惡原因……118 表4-7特殊需求學生自我態度量表前後測得分分析………126 圖 次 圖3-1行動研究流程圖 …………………………………37

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