研究生: |
歐映青 |
論文名稱: |
以認知師徒制觀點探討科展績優教師應用科學社團指導學生進行科學探究活動之個案研究 Exploration of Cognitive Apprenticeship Perspectives in Case Study of a Science-Fair Awarded Teacher’s Application of Science Club to Instruct Students in Progress of Science Inquiry |
指導教授: | 邱美虹 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 171 |
中文關鍵詞: | 認知師徒制 、科展績優教師 、科學社團 、科學探究活動 、個案研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | Cognitive Apprenticeship, science-fair awarded teacher, science club, science inquiry, case study |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:308 下載:44 |
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本研究主要是探討一位科展績優教師應用學校的科學社團,指導具有科學性向或興趣的國中學生進行科學探究活動的方略,並試圖以Collins, Brown,&Newman(1989)所提出認知師徒制理想學習環境的架構來分析社團活動內容、教師教學的方法、課程設計的順序、科學社團的組織運作以及教師建構同時指導多組學生進行科展研究的歷程,最後並探討社團學生科學本質、對生物學的態度以及對社團學習環境的感受作為科展績優教師應用科學社團指導學生進行科學探究活動的成效分析。
Exploration of Cognitive Apprenticeship Perspectives in Case Study of a Science-Fair Awarded Teacher’s Application of Science Club to Instruct Students in Progress of Science Inquiry
Ying-Ching Ou
This study mainly investigates the strategies used by a science-fair awarded teacher to instruct junior high school students who have talents for science to do the scientific inquiry in the science club. Based on the framework of designing ideal learning environment from Cognitive Apprenticeship Perspectives developed by Collins, Brown, and Newman (1989), we first tried to analyze the contents of the club’s activities, the teaching methods, the sequencing of learning activites and the sociology in the club. Second, we tried to understand the processes the teacher simultaneously instructs multiple group students the science inquiry in a fair way. Finally, we discussed students’ implementation, their science nature 、their attitudes towards biology and their feelings towards the club’s learning environment. Thus, this study presents itself as an effect analysis of a science-fair awarded teacher’s application of science club to direct students in progress of science inquiry activities.
The subjects of this study are members of the science inquiry club including the students and the instructor as a junior high school teacher in Taipei County. The research is a case study. The case data was collected by semi-structure questionnaire interview, open feedback questionnaire, document information collections (including club diary, laboratory diary, science-fair schedule, and webpage discussion area), Science Nature Scale, Attitudes Towards Biology Scale (ATBS), and Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES).
The main discoveries of this study are as following: 1. While the teacher of the case study was applying science club to guide students in progress of science inquiry, he indeed practiced Cognitive Apprenticeship in science learning; 2. In the science club, the teacher of the case study built up plenty of resources, thus helping the continuity of various learning experiences; 3. The teacher of the case study operated multi-content lessons to cultivate club student’s ability in science inquiry; 4. The teacher of the case study installed club homepage patterns, benefiting the multiple inter-action among science communities in the science club; 5. The teacher of the case study used multi-evaluation-scale to effectively guide students to do the research of special topics in science exhibition; 6.The teacher of the case study practiced Compound Organization Cooperation Learning to reinforce club student’s cooperating ability; 7. By conducting science club and instructing students to do science inquiry can encourage students to form positive attitude towards biology; 8. By conducting science club and instructing students to do science inquiry can strengthen student’s understanding of science nature; 9. By conducting science club and instructing students to do science inquiry can offer students a significant process of science studying under the Constructivist Learning Environment. According to the results this study stated above, it concretely provides school teachers of science a reference to advance science education by applying the establishment of science club.
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