研究生: |
陳湘芸 Chen, Hsiang-Yun |
論文名稱: |
焦點解決團體諮商對未婚成年女性愛情分手失落調適之輔導效果 The Effects of Solution-Focused Group Counseling on Break-up Adjustment of Unmarried Adult Females |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Wei-Su |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 294 |
中文關鍵詞: | 未婚成年女性 、分手調適 、焦點解決團體諮商 |
英文關鍵詞: | Unmarried adult females, Break-up adjustment, Solution-focused group counseling |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:348 下載:23 |
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1. 「團體前」有以下五點發現:(1)無法單就分手決定權來推斷分手者的態度與適應程度;(2)分手者在進入團體前已具備改變動力與因應方法;(3)自分手者拒絕既有人際資源的態度看見諮商輔導的重要性;(4)看見分手者同時擁有正/負面態度,並存著悲傷與療癒狀態;以及(5)分手者相似的態度與目標背後蘊藏著極大的個別差異。
2. 「團體後」有以下六點發現:(1)復原可經由投入當前生活而感到愉快,不必然得對過去感到釋懷;(2)與前男友拉出心理距離,形成得以檢視、感受與溝通的重要空間;(3)對分手調適歷程的覺察與理解,能帶出接受與重新建構的契機;(4)自單向承接轉為主動投入與雙向互動的人我關係;(5)看見自身轉變、能力與方法皆能帶出後續進展的滾雪球效應;以及(6)經驗到自我的轉變會帶出想進一步變得更好的渴望。
3. 「追蹤階段」則可看出以下四點:(1)自當事人的分手失落經驗出發,將使改變更具持久效益;(2)分手者在個人成長向度上的進展需要時間來累積;(3)成員接納情緒感受的內涵依各自狀態而有其獨特性;以及(4)成員在不同面向的轉變皆展現出對自身的關注與看重。
This study aimed to probe into the counseling effects of solution-focused group counseling regarding break-up adjustment of unmarried adult females. The research purposes were as follows: (1) to recognize immediate and follow-up counseling effects of solution-focused group counseling on break-up adjustment; (2) to probe into subjective adjustment to break-up of participants in solution-focused group counseling at different group stages; (3) to explore effect of solution-focused group counseling on unmarried adult females’ break-up adjustment. This study adopted pre-experimental design of “one-group pretest, posttest, and follow-up test”, and collected quantitative and qualitative data that resulted in mixed method studies of embedded design. Six unmarried adult break-up females were invited to participate in the group (two hours each time, with a total of eight times). Before group, after group, and four weeks after group, they received individual interviews of semi-structured questions, filled in “the Resilience and Personal Growth Inventory”, and completed the feedback after each sub-group. Quantitative data were tested and analyzed by Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Rank Test of Non-parametric Statistics and descriptive statistics. Qualitative data were generalized and analyzed by Thematic Analysis.
The results of the research included four parts:
1. Regarding “the Resilience and Personal Growth Inventory”, statistically significant differences were found on change scores between the post-test and the pretest, as well as between the follow-up test and the pretest. However, the “pleasure”, “flow”, and “hope” subscales showed immediate and follow-up effects, whereas the “optimism” and “personal growth” subscales showed only follow-up effects.
2. Feedback of group members participating in sub-groups showed a change of the members’ break-up adjustment capacity and confidence, accomplishment of expected goals in sub-groups and subjective feelings and acquisition in sub-groups.
3. It separately showed members’ subjective adjustment of break-up at different stages including before group, after group, and four weeks after group
4. The influential factors of solution-focused group counseling on break-up adjustment included safe, reliable, and supportive environment, sympathy, awareness, and acceptance of emotion, recognition of resources and methods, empowerment, positive encouragement and specific goals, recognition of progress and change, enhancement of self-awareness, observation learning, and interpersonal learning.
According to the results, research discussed the significance of group members’ break-up adjustment at different group stages, group members’ change experience of break-up adjustment, and effect of solution focused group counseling on break-up adjustment. Finally, this study proposed suggestions for counseling workers, group projects of break-up adjustment, and future research direction.
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