研究生: |
廖建銘 Liao, Chien-Ming |
論文名稱: |
成人童年逆境經驗者人格特質、心理韌性與生涯自我效能之相關研究 A Relational Research on Personality traits, Resilience, and Career Self-Efficacy among Adult with Adverse Childhood Experiences |
指導教授: |
Tien, Hsiu-Lan |
口試委員: |
Wang, Yu-Chen 林蔚芳 Lin, Wei-Fang 田秀蘭 Tien, Hsiu-Lan |
口試日期: | 2022/04/13 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系碩士在職專班 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling_Continuing Education Master's Program of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 254 |
中文關鍵詞: | 童年逆境經驗 、五大人格特質 、心理韌性 、生涯自我效能 |
英文關鍵詞: | adverse childhood experiences, big five personality traits, resilience, career self-efficacy |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200463 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:701 下載:98 |
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本研究主旨在探討童年逆境經驗(adverse childhood experiences)的成年人於人格特質、心理韌性與生涯自我效能之現況,同時比較其與無童年逆境經驗者之間的差異,並驗證心理韌性在人格特質與生涯自我效能之間所扮演的中介角色。研究以18歲以上之成人,且符合個人在18歲以前經驗任一項童年逆境經驗問卷上的描述者為對象。本研究使用「童年逆境經驗量表」、「中文版簡式五大人格量表」、「Conner-Davidson復原力量表」、「成人生涯認知量表之生涯自我效能分測驗」為研究工具,採取網路問卷之便利取樣方式,再將研究資料以SPSS 23.0進行描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及線性迴歸等統計方法進行處理與分析。
The main purpose of this study was to explore the status of adults with adverse childhood experiences in terms of Big Five Personality traits, Resilience, and Career self-efficacy, and meanwhile it also compared the differences between adults with adverse childhood experiences and those without adverse childhood experiences, and verified the mediating role of Resilience in the relationship between Big Five Personality traits and Career self-efficacy.The study included 18-year-old adults and above who matched any description of the adverse childhood experiences questionnaires before age 18. Using the Adverse Childhood Experiences Quesionnaires, the Chinese Shortened Version of the Big Five Inventory, the Conner-Davidson Resillience Scale, and the Career Self-efficacy Sub-test of the Adult Career Cognitive Scale as the tools.The questionnaires were conducted through the Internet surveys, and those datas in the quantitative investigation had been analyzed by statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, independent sample T test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation, and linear regression with SPSS 23.0.
The analysis results are as follows: First, a total of 739 valid questionnaires. 406 cases (55%) had no adverse childhood experiences, 333 cases (45%) had at least one adverse childhood experience, 43 cases (5.8%) had more than four adverse childhood experiences, and 2 cases (0.27%) had complete adverse childhood experiences. Second, in addition to Neuroticism, the scores of Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness, Resilience and Career self-efficacy in these adults with adverse childhood experiences were all lower than those without adverse childhood experiences. Third, there are significant differences in gender, occupations and conscious health (physical health, mood, insomnia and suicide thoughts) between the adults with adverse childhood experiences. There were no significant differences in age, education level, nature of work, term of office and religions. Further study of the gender of those with adverse childhood experiences in different background variables, there are significant differences in the occupations and conscious health (physical health, mood, insomnia, suicide thoughts), however there were no significant differences in the term of office. Fourth, there were significant differences in Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Resilience and Career self-efficacy in adults with adverse childhood experiences. There were significant differences in Extraversion, Neuroticism, Resilience and Career self-efficacy in at least one aspect of adverse childhood experiences. There were significant difference only in Neuroticism between the gender of the four or more adverse childhood experiences. In at least one of adult childhood adverse experiences conscious health.All dimensions were significant except for physical health; Only Openness was not significant in conscious emotional distress, conscious insomnia and suicidal thoughts, while the other dimensions were significant. Fifth, there was no significant difference only in Openness among adults of different ages with adverse childhood experiences,There was no significant difference in Extraversion and Agreeableness among adults with different occupations of adverse childhood experiences. There were significant differences in Conscientiousness and Neuroticism among adults with different work nature. There were significant differences in Conscientiousness, Resilience and Career self-efficacy among adults with different term of office. Sixth, the personality traits of Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness were signifivantly positive correlated with Resilience and Career self-efficacy. The personality trait of Neuroticism were signifivantly negtive correlated with Resilience and Career self-efficacy. Resilience was signifivantly positive correlated with Career self-efficacy. Seventh, resilience can completely mediate Agreeableness and Career self-efficacy of adults with adverse childhood experiences. It can partially mediate Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness and Career self-efficacy of adults with adverse childhood experiences.
Finally, according to the above results, this study provided some academic and practical suggestions.
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