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研究生: 張慈莉
Tzu-Lee Chang
論文名稱: 生命主題的敘說與理解
Narratives and Understanding of Life Themes
指導教授: 金樹人
Jin, Shuh-Ren
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 189
中文關鍵詞: 生命主題建構實在論敘說知識整體脈絡觀傳記/詮釋取向
英文關鍵詞: life themes, constructive realism, narrative knowledge, holistic contextualism, biographical-hermeneutic approach
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:314下載:0
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  • 本研究探索的主題是「生命主題」的發展歷程,並理解個體的生命主題是如何影響其生涯決定歷程;以及社會文化脈絡是如何影響生命主題與生涯決定的發展歷程?最後採用建構實在論的「語言性外推」與「實踐性外推」策略,將本研究結果與西方生涯理論進行對話,以進行研究結果與理論間知識的整合。
    一、 生命主題的發展以及對生涯決定的影響
    2.生命主題的理解形成的分析步驟︰研究者理解生命主題的發展步驟與理解形成步驟是有差異的,茲說明之︰(1)問題解決的行為模式;(2)目標訂定的內容;(3) 童年生存的壓力問題;(4)童年生存壓力的問題起源。
    三、 採用「語言性外推」與「實踐性外推」策略與西方生涯理論進行對話
    採用「語言性外推」策略將本研究與Adler的個體心理學進行對話,結果發現本研究所指稱的「童年生存壓力問題」的定是類似於Alder的「早期記憶」,故可進行轉換。至於與Watkins 所提出的Adlerian職業理論進行對話,由結果中可理解在生涯決定過程中,本研究所指稱的「生命主題發展過程」可外推至Adlerian職業理論的「生活形態」。

    The purposes of this study were to explore the developing process of individuals’ "life themes", to understand the influences of life themes on career decision making process, and to realize how sociocultural contexts act upon life themes and career decision-making process. In order to integrate research results and Western vocational theories, researcher adopted "linguistic strangification" and "pragmatic strangification" as research strategies to comprehend research texts and generate dialogues between research results and different vocational theories.
    Subjects of this study were two professional female counselors. Research texts include an autobiography of the researcher and literal records from narrative-interviews done by the researcher and another subject. This research adopted constructive realism as the frame of epistemology, narrative knowledge and holistic contextualism as the frame of text comprehension, biographical-hermeneutic approach as the research method, and employed holistic-content interpret of narrative research to interpret texts.
    Research results obtained through text interpret and comprehension include:
    I. The developing process of life themes and the influences of life themes on career decision-making
    1. Understanding the developing process of life themes:
    During individuals’ developing processes, people make efforts in goal setting and problem solving to overcome childhood existential stresses.
    2. The developing steps of "life themes" and the influences of "life themes" on career decision-making:
    Through text interpret, researcher divided the development of "life themes" into four subsequent steps: 1) origins of childhood existential stresses; 2) problems of childhood existential stresses; 3) goal setting; and 4) problem solving. However, the interpretative steps employed to comprehend “life themes” were different from the developing steps in both contents and order. The interpretative steps of “life themes” include: 1) behavior patterns of problem solving; 2) contents of goal setting; 3) problems of childhood existential stresses; and 4) origins of childhood existential stresses.
    3. Major and minor influences on different steps:
    Researcher suggested that there are major and minor influences which affecting the development of different steps of “life themes”.
    II. The influences of sociocultural contexts on individuals’ "life themes" and career decision-making process
    According to text interpret, “significant others in social culture contexts”, “education systems in Taiwan”, and “Chinese collectivism” are three factors that influence research subjects on their “life themes” and career decision-making processes.
    III. Adopting "linguistic strangification" and "pragmatic strangification" as research strategies to generate dialogues between research results and western vocational theories
    By adopting “linguistic strangification” strategy, dialogues are generated between research results and Adler’s individual psychology. It is found that the meaning of “problems of childhood existential stresses” in this research is similar to the concept of “early recollections” in Adler’s theory. Hence, researcher suggested that these two terms could be converted to one another.
    Besides, the meaning of “the developing process of life themes” in this research is similar to “life styles” in Watkins’ Alderian vocational theory. It is believed that these two terms could be converted to each other in a like manner.
    According to “pragmatic strangification” strategy, all theories must be understood in their contexts. In the attempt of generating dialogues between research results and Roe’s characteristic development and career decision making theory, researcher found that “parent-child relationships“ in Taiwanese family contexts and American family contexts are different. Traditional Taiwanese patriarchic culture believes that “men are superior than women”, whereas American culture believes “humans are equal”. Consequently, it would be inappropriate to strangify research results to Roe’s theory.
    Moreover, discussions, reflections, suggestions, and limitations of research results were given to provide useful information and direction for further research.

    目 錄 中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 生命主題之探討 6 第二節 西方生涯理論之探討 12 第三章 研究方法 21 第一節 研究方法論 21 第二節 研究參與者 54 第三節 研究工具 57 第四節 研究歷程 59 第五節 資料分析 61 第六節 研究判準 64 第四章 研究結果 70 第一節 自傳文本的理解與詮釋 70 第二節 「正芬」文本的理解與詮釋 116 第五章 理解與討論 148 第一節 生命主題的發展與探討其對生涯決定的影響 148 第二節 社會文化脈絡對生命主題與生涯決定歷程的影響 157 第三節 「外推」策略與西方生涯理論的對話 160 第六章 結論與建議 169 第一節 結論 169 第二節 建議與限制 172 參考文獻 179 中文部份 179 英文部份 181

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