簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 周志建
Chih-Chien Chou
論文名稱: 敘事治療的理解與實踐 : 以一個諮商個案為例之敘說研究
The Comprehension and Practice of Narrative Therapy--Explain with a Counseling Case in Narrative Research
指導教授: 金樹人
Jin, Shuh-Ren
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 238
中文關鍵詞: 敘事\敘說外化敘事治療敘說研究
英文關鍵詞: narrative, externalizaing, narrative therapy, narrative research
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:577下載:309
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  • 本論文研究主要在敘述研究者對敘事治療的理解與實踐的歷程。研究目的包括:1.以一個諮商案例做說明,描述在敘事治療取向的諮商歷程中,案主所經歷的變化歷程。2.在這樣敘事治療取向的諮商歷程中,瞭解使案主能產生上述改變歷程的敘事治療介入方式與特殊問話有哪些。3.瞭解在諮商歷程與研究歷程的實踐過程中,研究者內在產生怎樣的反思與對敘事治療的新理解。

    The main purpose of this thesis is to describe the comprehension and practice process of the researcher to narrative therapy. The purposes of the study are as follows:
    1. There is a counseling case to explain how the process of the client had changed by
    applying narrative therapy.
    2. In the process of counseling, to understand what intervention methods of narrative therapy and special dialog could change the counseling process of the client.
    3. To understand the process of counseling and the practice of the narrative therapy how influence the researcher to have new thinking and understanding of it.
    The client of the thesis is about twenty years old female, and her problem is categorized to career issue. The study method of the thesis is narrative research.
    To take the whole counseling process as text and further to interpret and introspect.
    The result of the study is shown as follow:
    1. The counseling process of the client includes the four phases: disorientation phase, confusion phase, the phase of contemplation and the phase of clear mind.
    2. In the counseling process, counselor had used the different intervenient method
    and question technique from narrative therapy. They are including the interpretation question, externalization, name, relative influence question, unique outcomes question, meaning landscape question and active landscape question , re-membering question, the question of others aspect, the prospected question, self-preference question and so on. The intervention methods are also including story, metaphors, certificates, drawing and letters and so on. To push ahead of these intervention method and question technique work is especially from the curious, appreciated attitude and the sense of humor and non-so sure of the counselor.
    3. At last, the researcher further to integrate all of the new understanding and introspection of the practice during the counseling and the different thinking of the practice during the counseling and study process, and to expound how the postmodern counseling should return to one is innate character, the intersubjective counseling and the method of narrative research, how to make the counselor and research could have truly interactive with clients.

    目 錄 中文摘要..................................................Ⅰ 英文摘要..................................................Ⅱ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的.....................................1 第二節 研究問題........................................2 第三節 名詞解釋.......................................…..2 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 範典的轉移---從現代的實證世界觀 到後現代的敘事觀點.....................5 第二節 敘事治療的理論與技術.............................10 第三節 敘說研究的理論與分析....….......................32 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究方法的選擇...............................45 第二節 研究對象(研究參與者).......................54 第三節 研究者.......................................55 第四節 研究歷程........................................58 第五節 文本的分析與研究的效度..........................61 第四章 研究結果與反思 第一節 案主在諮商中的改變歷程...........................63 第二節 諮商歷程中諮商師的介入方式與問話技術.............81 第三節 諮商與研究的反思................................107 第五章 結論與建議.......................................123 參考文獻................................................127 ◎附錄: 附錄一、我的故事.....................................132 附錄二、諮商的故事---諮商歷程的詮釋與解析............148 ◎附件: 附件一:研究目的與諮商歷程說明、研究同意書...........231 附件二:挑戰宣言...................................…233 附件三:爸爸對小琪的支持.............................234 附件四:證書.........................................235 附件五:小琪「人生的畫」.............................236 附件六:小琪「媽媽的畫」.............................237 附件七:我的「未來人生的畫」.........................238 表目次 表2-1 各典範知本體論、認識論與方法論的差異...….......33 圖目次 圖3-1:本論文敘說研究呈現流程圖..............…...…...50 圖3-2:不同時空的詮釋觀點..............................51 圖3-3:經驗學習的循環歷程..............................52 圖3-4:敘說研究的歷程流程圖............................61

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