研究生: |
馮木蘭 Mu-lan Feng |
論文名稱: |
女性青少年身體活動狀況及其影響因素之探討─應用健康促進模式 Physical Activity and its Determinants Among Female Adolescents: An Application of the Health Promotion Model |
指導教授: |
Jwo, Jun-Ling 吳姿瑩 Wu, Tsu-Yin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 107 |
中文關鍵詞: | 健康促進模式 、社會支持 、情意反應 、自我效能 、知覺利益 、知覺障礙 |
英文關鍵詞: | Health Promotion Model, social support, affective response, self-efficacy, perceived benefit, perceived barrier |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:631 下載:0 |
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本研究以Pender(1996)提出的「健康促進模式」為研究架構,目的旨在探討女性青少年身體活動狀況及其決定因素。本研究以台灣地區北部某兩所職業學校及兩所高中八十九學年度全體女學生為母群體,以方便取樣方式選取樣本, 以結構式問卷為研究工具,有效問卷共501份。所得資料以皮爾遜積差相關、t考驗、複迴歸及線性迴歸進行統計分析,研究結果經分析討論後,發現:(一)本研究對象有77.3%的比例在課外時間無從事規律身體活動的習慣;(二)社會支持、情意反應、自我效能、知覺利益和知覺障礙等因素與身體活動有顯著的相關性,和當時行為競爭需求與身體活動則沒有顯著相關;(三)有較高自我效能、較多知覺利益和較少知覺障礙的女性青少年,其身體活動量顯著高於那些具有相反認知者。至於社會支持、情意反應及和當時行為競爭的需求方面,高低組間的身體活動量則未達顯著水準;(四)自我效能對女性青少年身體活動有直接的影響,其它如社會支持、情意反應、知覺利益、知覺障礙及和當時行為競爭的需求等因素對身體活動則沒有直接的影響;及(五)社會支持和情意反應可透過自我效能變項間接影響身體活動。根據本研究發現,建議:(一)在規劃課程時,應介入正向的同儕影響力,增進女性青少年對身體活動的自我效能,以提升其身體活動量;及(二)設計有趣及符合學生程度的體育課程,讓學生從中獲得成就感,對身體活動有較多的正面的情意反應,增加知覺利益,降低知覺障礙,進而促進從事規律身體活動的習慣。
This study, was based on Pender’s Health Promotion Model (1996), to nvestigate physical activity and its determinants among female adolescents. A survey with structured uestionnaires was administered to 501 students of two senior high schools and two vocational high schools located in northern Taiwan. Pearson’s correlations, t–tests, and linear multiple regressions were used. The study findings were as
followed: (1) 77.3% of respondents do not have regular leisure time physical activity among the female adolescents; (2) the relationship of social support, affective response, self-fficacy, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers are significantly correlated with physical activity; however, competing demands was not significantly correlated with physical activity; (3) female adolescents with higher self-efficacy, higher perceived benefits, and lower perceived barriers toward physical activity report significant more physical activity than those in the other groups; and no significant difference was found in social support, affective response, and competing demands between high and low groups; (4) the only significant direct effect on physical activity
is self-efficacy; however, social support, affective response, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers did not have direct effects on physical activity ; and (5) social support and affective response had indirect effects on physical activity through self-efficacy. According to the findings, the following suggestions were made: (1) To promote physical activity level, the positive influences of peers should be designed in physical activity programs , so that female adolescents’ self-efficacy can be improved. (2) Interesting and appropriate activities should be designed to lead to a state of positive affective response, increasing perceived benefits and reducing perceived
barriers; as result, physical activity can be promoted.
Key words: Health Promotion Model, social support,
affective response, self-efficacy, perceived
benefit, perceived barrier.
一、 中文部分
王小星(民87):更年期婦女運動保健團體之行動研究。國立臺灣大學公 共衛生學研究所碩士論文。
員會專題研究計畫成果報告。NSC 88-2314-B002-091
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