研究生: |
謝博皓 Po-Hao, Hsieh |
論文名稱: |
隨選多媒體(MOD)服務之市場區隔與行銷策略研究-以台北地區ADSL用戶為例 A Study of Market Segmentation and Marketing Strategies on Multimedia On Demand (MOD) Service -- A case study of the ADSL customers in Northern Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Yen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 117 |
中文關鍵詞: | 隨選多媒體 、市場區隔 、行銷策略 、中華電信 |
英文關鍵詞: | Multimedia on Demand (MOD), Market Segmentation, Marketing Strategy, Chunghwa Telecom. |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:524 下載:22 |
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摘 要
網路技術聚合與媒體匯流趨勢,造成市場的重整;在寬頻網路用戶數突破新高點的同時,電信產業的主要業者—中華電信也首次跨足數位內容產業,提供隨選多媒體(MOD)服務。;所謂MOD所涵蓋的內容,不但以隨選的功能(on demand)收看電視與電影等影音節目,更可擴大到各類型的加值服務。MOD是數位內容產業的市場先鋒,擁有許多可能性與發揮的空間;MOD的推出,對國內有線、無線電視與網路影音等競爭業者造成強大壓力,對業者本身與整體數位內容產業都具有指標性的意義,深具研究重要性。
With the convergence of network and media and telecom, the digital content market is going to be regrouped. While broadband network users dramatically increases in Taiwan, the main operator, Chunghwa Telecom, is getting involved with the digital content industry, providing Multimedia On Demand (MOD) service for the first time. MOD service does not only broadcast TV programs and movies with the functions on demand, but also extend to various services.
MOD, the vanguard in the digital content industry, has many possibilities to achieve remarkable success. By entering the market, MOD indicates the meaning of index in digital content industries. With foreseeable competitions, in order to enhance future marketing strategy and establish market positioning.The conditions of the market’s initial stage in addition to the market segmentation should be fully undersood for the purpose of dominating the largest percentage of market share as industry becomes more stable.
The research gets three kinds of flock in statistical analysis after focusing on potential users and recovering data. All flocks in all aspects have the obvious difference partially.
Finally, the result of this research suggests the following market strategies: In the beginning, MOD and hi-channel service from the same operator will work closely, carrying on the planning stage of the operations in order to create synergy. Secondly, MOD with established market positioning, the platform provider should match and share in the process of execution to create the profitable financial effects of the company, manufacturers, and also the users. In conclusion, the content provider, with feasible marketing strategy should aim at different flocks to give the exclusive content service.
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吳政達 (2002)。MOD是潘朵拉的盒子?--從中華電信與有線電視業者的戰爭談起。網路通訊雜誌,136,49-53。
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許熾榮 (1997)。全球隨選視訊發展加速起飛。通訊雜誌,40,54-59。
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徐 言 (2003)。數位媒體產業之策略規劃與經營。國立台灣師範大學
陳月卿 (2003)。從歐洲經驗~看國內數位無線電視經營與發展。華
陳金宏 (2000)。VOD的現況與應用趨勢。網際先鋒雜誌,71,36-39。
粘長榮 (2001)。ADSL寬頻網路服務市場區隔與行銷策略之研究-以中華電信北區分公司網易通(HIFly)連線HiNet客戶。國立交通大學經營管理研究所碩士論文。
黃俊英 (1992)。行銷研究一管理與技術 (4版)。台北:華泰書局。
楊祈煌等 (2001)。從CommunicAsia2001看有線電信的發展。網路通
楊國樞等 (1989)。社會及行為科學研究方法。台本:東華書局。
趙明哲 (1999)。ANSI ADSL參考架構。中華電信公司電信訓練
劉幼琍 (2004)。電訊傳播,台北:雙葉書廊。
魏錫鈴 (2000)。行動電話消費者購買行為及其市場區隔之研究---以
駱惠淑 (1994)。由創用者的生活型態研究發展新產品一以電傳視訊
謝安田 (1993)。企業研究方法。台北:三民。
謝博皓 (2004)。探討中華電信MOD進入付費電視市場定位與行銷策