研究生: |
羅郁晴 Lo, Yu-Ching |
論文名稱: |
以自我決定論探討成人閱讀動機、態度及行為之研究 A Study of the Reading Motivation, Reading Attitude and Reading Behavior for Adults Based on Self-Determination Theory |
指導教授: |
Ke, Hao-Ren |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 130 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自我決定論 、成人 、閱讀動機 、閱讀態度 、閱讀行為 |
英文關鍵詞: | Self-Determination Theory, Adult, Reading Motivation, Reading Attitude, Reading Behavior |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204437 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:527 下載:90 |
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本研究採用問卷調查法,自2016年5月21日至6月20日於網路、公共圖書館、各機關單位等地點發放問卷,總共回收1000份有效問卷。本研究根據問卷結果進行分析,提出三項結論:(一)成人閱讀動機及態度在過去研究多以參考The Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ)為主要動機理論。MRQ雖可呈現內在與外在動機的強度,但難以兼具研究對象所呈現之動機狀態;(二)個人天生的三種基本心理需求對於成人讀者的閱讀動機以及閱讀態度皆具有正向相關;成人讀者之閱讀動機以及閱讀態度亦和閱讀行為具有正相關;(三)以基本心理需求來說,除了勝任感外,自主性及關聯感皆可透過多元線性迴歸來呈現出對成人之閱讀動機以及閱讀態度的影響性;以閱讀動機以及閱讀態度對閱讀行為來說,在主題廣度方面,閱讀動機和態度皆具有影響力;在時間方面,僅有閱讀態度較具影響力。本研究結果顯示,滿足個人天生的基本心理需求有助於個體從事閱讀活動,不僅能夠強化其內在動機,也可以帶來正面的閱讀態度,使個體發自內心對閱讀活動感到喜歡,並將之內化為個人的興趣外,亦能體會閱讀的重要性以及意義。
This study aims at exploring the reading motivation, reading attitude and reading behavior of Adults based on the Self-Determination Theory. This study analyses multiple aspects including three basic psychological needs (perceived autonomy, perceived competence, and perceived relatedness) on human beings, reading motivation, reading attitude and behaviors of adults; furthermore, the relationships among those aspects are explored as well.
A quantitative methodology is applied in this study. Questionnaires were distributed to adults from 21st May to 20th June 2016. The data were based on 1000 samples of adults on Internet, public libraries and various institutions etc, ranging in age from 20 and above.
The result of this study shows that (a) most previous studies explored adult reading motivation and attitude on the basis of the Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ). It may reveal the strengths of intrinsic movitations and extrinsic motivations, but cannot present the motivation state; (b) the relationships among the three basic psychological needs, and reading motivation, reading attitudes, and reading behavior are positively correlated; the relationship among reading motivation, reading attitudes, and reading behavior are positively correlated as well; (c) except perceived competence, perceived autonomy and relatedness can positively predict adults’ reading motivation and attitudes through multiple linear regression analysis; with regard to reading behavior, reading motivation and attitude have positive influence on reading breadth; however, only reading attitude has positive influence on reading time.
According to the research results, three suggestions are preposed. First, creating a environment which renders a cozy reading atmosphere, enables adults to self-reading, and encourages adults to choose books interesting to them. Second, creating a co-reading environment which encourages adults to read together, discuss their reading experiences, improve their reading ability, and build a sense of belong. Third, investigating whether the change of reading environment as mentioned above may improve the three basic psychological needs.
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