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研究生: 游玫琪
Mei-Chi, Yu
論文名稱: 以館際互借與館藏流通資料探討大學圖書館圖書使用成本效益之研究
An exploration into the utilization cost-benefit of college libraries based on interlibrary loan and circulation of data collection
指導教授: 謝建成
Shieh, Jiann-Cherng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 館際互借圖書使用成本效益館際互借服務流程滿意度
英文關鍵詞: Interlibrary loan, The utilization cost-benefit of books, Interlibrary loan services stisfaction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:153下載:11
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  • 國內大學圖書館目前大多是以館際互借圖書記錄分析借出及借入的數量與類別等做為館藏強弱之分析;亦或納入館藏採購及館藏發展之參考,而對於圖書實際使用效益分析則較為缺乏,故本研究針對個案大學圖書館館藏圖書及館際互借圖書之流通記錄做分析,目的在於暸解個案大學圖書館館藏圖書與館際互借圖書之使用情形,並計算館藏圖書及館際互借圖書兩者之使用成本效益,藉由上述之分析結果,考量較佳的使用成本效益下,本研究提出有別於個案大學圖書館現行之館際互借服務流程,以個案大學圖書館館際互借使用者為調查對象,透過SERVQUAL問卷調查暸解使用者對於不同服務流程間之滿意度差異。

    Most domestic university libraries currently use interlibrary loan records to analyze the quantity and category of borrowing and lending to be the judgment of collection strength or the reference to put into the purchase or development list; however, there is still short of the analysis of utilization effectiveness. Therefore, this study analyzed the library collection and interlibrary loan circulation records of of one university in order to understand the utilization of the books of library collection and interlibrary loan and calculate the cost-benefit anlaysis. Based on the results of analysis and considering to improve the utilization cost-benefit anlaysis, this study proposed an interlibrary loan service process different its current one and used the SERVQUAL questionnaire to understand the difference of users’ satisfaction about these two processes, users of the interlibrary loan of this university as the survey subjects.
    This study used existing statistical data anlysis methods and questionnaire survey. The results showed that the books, in Chinese or foreign language, of library collection that it purchased within these years conform to its library collection development policy focusing on the category of social science; nevertheless, from the utilization status of the books of library collection and interlibrary loan, it can be known that as for the library collection, the vast majority of the users of the library are still more accustomed to using Chinese library; there definitely exists a need of interlibrary loan books with the library of foreign languages. In addition, the results of utilization cost-benefit calculated by utilization rate showed that the utilization cost-benefit of Chinese books of the library collection was better than Chinese books of the interlibrary loan because the unit time/cost was 1.04 times of Chinese books of the library collection. The utilization cost-benefit of foreign books of the interlibrary loan was better than foreign books of the library collection because the unit time/cost of foreign books of the library collection was 34.70 times of foreign books of the interlibrary loan.
    It was discovered in the satisfaction questionnaire survey that users were more satisfied with the interlibrary loan service process proposed by this study and they hoped that the library can satisfy their needs by analyzing the books of the interlibrary loan, draw up an interlibrary loan purchasing program and set the time to deal with the interlibrary loan services.
    Finally, based on the results, this study proposed the following suggestions to be the reference for university libraries: University libraries should (1) always anlayze the utilization cost-benefit of their books of library collection and interlibrary loan to improve the utilization effectiveness; (2) analyze the needs of the interlibrary loan to be the reference for purchasing decision and regulate the book selection policy of the interlibrary loan; (3) put the application fee of the interlibrary loan into the budget of the library collection; (4) set the time to deal with the interlibrary loan services; (5) establish an automatic interlibrary loan records of decision support system.

    第一章 緒論...........................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機...................................1 第二節 研究目的與問題...................................3 第三節 名詞解釋........................................4 第四節 研究範圍與限制...................................5 第二章 文獻探討........................................7 第一節 國內外應用館際互借或文獻傳遞之相關研究..............7 第二節 館際互借之使用者滿意度............................12 第三章 研究設計與實施...................................14 第一節 研究對象及研究方法...............................14 第二節 研究架構........................................15 第三節 研究流程........................................16 第四節 研究設計........................................17 第五節 資料分析方法.....................................21 第四章 研究分析與結果...................................23 第一節 館藏圖書與館際互借圖書之使用情形分析................23 第二節 館藏圖書與館際互借圖書之使用成本效益比較分析.........30 第三節 使用者對館際互借服務流程之滿意度情形................33 第五章 結論與建議.......................................45 第一節 研究結論.........................................45 第二節 研究建議.........................................47 第三節 未來研究建議......................................49 參考文獻 ................................................51 附錄A 正式問卷...........................................54

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