簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 呂欣晏
Lu, Hsin-Yen
論文名稱: 利用資訊管理系統開發科學新聞教學資源平台之研究
Using Information Management System to Developing a Science News Resource Website
指導教授: 張俊彥
Chang, Chun-Yen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 科學新聞教學資源平台科學素養
英文關鍵詞: science news, science news instructional resource website, scientific literacy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:363下載:36
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  • 媒體中的科學新聞能真實反應一般大眾對於當代科學的認識,若能將良好製作的科學新聞融入教學,可以幫助學生將教科書中之科學與生活連結,進而提昇科學素養。本研究旨在以156集「科學不一樣」科學新聞為內容,利用資訊管理系統開發科學新聞教學平台,幫助教師快速找到所需之多媒體新聞教材以提升教學品質和效率。

    The broadcasting science news could authentically reflect a certain area of public’s understanding toward science. Therefore, an integration of well-developed science news into instruction could improve learners’ scientific literacy. The main purpose of the current project is to develop a science news instructional resource website (named Web for Teachable Moments with Science News, TMSN Web), and built with 156 episodes of Science News series program. This current website shall provide an efficient way for instructors to access well-developed science news resource, obtain suggestions for instructional design, exchange ideas for teaching, and ultimately enhance their teaching quality.
    Researcher utilizes a well-known procedure of instructional design called ADDIE (e.g., analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) to construct the website. In addition, while interviewing five middle school science teachers via semi-structured questionnaire, formative results of qualitative analysis were serving as the web construction suggestions throughout the entire process.
    The preliminary result from the interviews suggested that science teachers were in need of this kind of instructional resource as they had difficult times in finding appropriate science news resource for their teaching. It often demands much time and efforts to search good quality of science news and to customize it for authentic teaching. Based on these findings, TMSN Web is developed. TMSN includes “Main Page”, “Science News/Different Science”, “Teaching Resources” and “Search Engine”. The evaluation and feedback of TMSN was also collected from those science teachers at the final stage. They reflected that the organization of TMSN was friendly to them and was helpful to solve their problems aforementioned. As one major direction for the future, more science news and related instructional design packages should be included in TMSN to enrich the resource data. Other suggestions and educational implementation are also discussed.

    目錄 第壹章、 緒論 1 第一節、 研究背景與動機 1 第二節、 研究目的與問題 3 第三節、 名詞解釋 4 第四節、 研究範圍與限制 5 第貳章、 文獻探討 6 第一節、 科學新聞的重要及影響 6 第二節、 科學新聞面向分析 9 第三節、 教學資源平台的設計原則與應用 13 第四節、 網站平台的建置與設計概述 22 第參章、 研究方法 28 第一節、 研究架構 28 第二節、 研究對象 29 第三節、 研究工具 30 第四節、 實施程序 31 第五節、 資料處理 34 第肆章、 研究結果 36 第一節、 分析歷程 36 第二節、 設計歷程 41 第三節、 發展歷程 46 第四節、 實施與評估歷程 54 第伍章、 結論與建議 58 第一節、 討論 58 第二節、 結論 60 第三節、 建議 61 第陸章、 參考文獻 63 附錄一 教師經驗及需求訪談大綱 67 附錄二 教師使用滿意度訪談大綱 69

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