研究生: |
蔣立琦 Li-Chi Chiang |
論文名稱: |
氣喘兒童父母自我處理行為及其相關因素之研究 The study of self-management behaviors of parent with asthma children and the influencing factors |
指導教授: |
Lu, Chang-Ming |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 250 |
中文關鍵詞: | 氣喘兒童父母 、自我處理行為 、氣喘病人教育 、衛生教育診斷模式 |
英文關鍵詞: | asthma child parent, self-management behavior, asthma patient education, PRECEDE model |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:760 下載:12 |
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以林口長庚兒童醫院的門診3~14歲氣喘兒童之父母為母群體,首先進行質化研究訪談16位成功控制的氣喘兒童父母。訪談內容分析結果顯示21項行為氣喘兒童父母的自我處理行為,可以分為預防性行為、發作處理行為以及症狀評估行為等三類,經由專家修訂以建立其內容效度,並運用因素分析分為三個類別,解釋變異量達48.2%,可見具有良好建構效度,信度方面,Cronbach's α為 .88。其次在影響因素方面共找出12項因素,根據訪談內容分析,分別編訂問卷,進行量化調查研究,共有133位氣喘兒童父母填寫問卷,結果顯示:
The Study of Self-Management Behaviors of Parent with Asthma Children and the Influencing Factors
The purpose of this study is a need assessment based on PRECEDE model to diagnose the educational and behavioral factors of parent with asthma child. The first purpose is to explore the self-management behaviors and the educational factors (predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing) from successful management parents with asthma children by qualitative interviewing method. The second purpose is to explore self-management behaviors, predisposing factors, enabling factors, and reinforcing factors by the quantitative survey of 133 outpatient parents with asthma child in Chang-Gung Children's Hospital. The third purpose is to explore the relationship between the demographic data of parents and self-management behaviors, predisposing factors, enabling factors, and reinforcing factors. The forth purpose is to explore the correlation between the predisposing factors, enabling factors, reinforcing factors and self-management behaviors. The fifth purpose is to find the predicable rate of self-management behaviors by the demographic factors and educational factors. The sixth purpose is to find the main predictors of self-management behaviors.
The twenty-one self-management behaviors and twelve educational factors are inducted from the content analysis of 16 successful parents. The construct validity is established by factor analysis of rotation method with Varimax with Kaiser normalization. The extraction sums of squared loading are 48.2%. Three components are extracted from it, named as preventing behaviors, attack managing behaviors and assessing behaviors. The reliability is established by Cronbach's α .88. The questionnaire is developed based on the content analysis. The results of survey 133 parents with asthma children indicate:
1. The self-management behavior of parents is middle level; most parents are depending on hospital and doctors more than by themselves. Asthma knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy are middle level. The number of facilities of environmental control is little. The feasibility of transportation is around 70%. The opportunity of education is poor. The results of family's support, health caregiver's support, doctor-patient communication, perceived self-management efficacy and cooperation of child are around 70%.
2. Demographic data: Father perceived more family support and health caregiver's support than mother. The younger the parents, the more cooperative of children. The lower socioeconomic status of parent, the better doctor-patient communication they perceived. The more family income of parent, the more facilities of environment control they have. The lower family income of parent, the better doctor-patient communication they perceived. The parent with middle family income has better perceived self-management efficacy and self-management behaviors. The experienced parent has higher asthma knowledge, more positive asthma attitude, and higher self-efficacy, better feasibility of transportation, higher health caregiver's support, and better self-management behaviors. The parents their child has been diagnose asthma less than 3 years have more facilities of environmental control. Besides the parents whose child have been diagnose asthma more than 8~11 years, the more the years they diagnose, the better the doctor-patient communication and the better the child's cooperation. Family's smoking, family history, family location and children's age are not the significant factors in this study.
3. The correlation between educational factors and self-management: In predisposing factors, the more severity the parents perceived and the more asthma knowledge they have the more assessing behaviors they have. The more positive asthma attitude of parents, the better self-management behaviors they have. In enabling factors, the facilities of environmental control, the feasibility of transportation, and the opportunity of education are not significantly correlated with self-management behaviors. In reinforcing factors, the more family support, the better health caregiver's support, the better doctor-patient communication, the better perceived self-management efficacy and the more child's cooperation, the better the self-management behaviors the parents have.
4. Totally, the demographic factors (family income and care experience) and educational factors can explain 48.7% self-management behaviors, 43.2% preventing behaviors, 25.0% attack managing behaviors, and 28.4% assessing behaviors.
5. The results of Stepwise Multiple Regression indicate the main predictors of self-management behaviors are perceived self-management efficacy, self-efficacy, child's cooperation, and care experience (R2 = .506). The main predictors of preventing behaviors are perceived self-management efficacy, self-efficacy, and children's cooperation (R2 = .448). The main predictors of attack managing behaviors are perceived self-management efficacy (R2 = .262). The main predictors of assessing behaviors are self-efficacy, asthma knowledge, subjective severity and perceived self-management efficacy (R2 =. 313).
From the results of this study, The self-management behaviors are not very well performed by parent, especially in assessing behaviors. Most parents still depending on health care professionals. Besides, perceived self-management efficacy, children's cooperation, and self-efficacy are the important factors to predicate self-management behaviors. In order to increase the independent self-management behaviors, we must reinforcing the efficacy of self-management, improving the cooperation of child, and promoting the self-efficacy by a comprehensive asthma education.
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