研究生: |
姚惠馨 |
論文名稱: |
網路折價券特性對折價券兌換意願之影響-以產品性質與品牌形象為干擾變項 The effect of the characteristics of e-coupon on coupon redemption intention -the characteristics of product and brand image as the moderators |
指導教授: | 吳奕慧 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 160 |
中文關鍵詞: | 網路折價券 、兌換意願 、展望理論 、心理會計 |
英文關鍵詞: | e-coupon, redemption intention, prospect theory, mental accounting |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:219 下載:0 |
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Nowadays consumers have become more sophisticated as the economic recession continues. Such situation makes e-coupons an indispensable part when marketers design their price promotion scheme. Although past studies have paid much attention on exploring that who may prefer using e-coupons and why some consumers are prone to use them, the best design for e-coupons still needs further investigation. Therefore, this paper focused on the effect of face value, sources of coupons, combination of face value and expiration date on consumer redemption intention from perspective of prospect theory and also considering the moderating effect of brand image and characteristic of product. This research tries to utilize the experimental design method to analyze how to design favorable e-coupons and attempt to answer the following questions:
(i) What is the effect of face value on Redemption intention from the perspective of prospect theory and mental accounting?
(ii) How to create the synergy of offline coupon and e-coupon by considering the concepts of prospect theory and mental accounting?
(iii) What is the optimal combination of face value and expiration date by considering the concepts of prospect theory and mental accounting?
(iv) The coupon websites where consumers can easily collect many kinds of e-coupons become popular. In that highly competitive context, how should marketers design their e-coupons in order to enhance their profits?
This study used qualitative research (identify the most commonly used e-coupon products are fast-food, movie and books), questionnaire and experimental design to obtain the following results.
(i) Given the same amounts of the total discounts, consumers prefer the multiple coupons with low face value to the single coupon with high face value.
(ii) Compared with coupons received from the single channel, consumers have more redemption intention for coupons received from multiple channels.
(iii) When consumers receive coupons from multiple channels, they prefer coupons for complementary products to coupons for non-complementary products (fast-food & movie).
(iv) The characteristics of product moderate the effect of the coupon channels on coupon redemption intention, while the characteristics of product is complementary products, compared with coupons received from the single channel, consumers have more redemption intention for coupons received from multiple channels, but, while the characteristics of product is non-complementary products, the effect will be opposite(fast-food).
(v) Consumers are more likely to redeem coupons with high face value and short redemption duration than those with low face value but long redemption duration.
(vi) The company with superior brand image is advised to launch coupons with high face value and short redemption duration instead of those with low face value but long redemption duration, for the company with inferior brand image, the impact of the relationship between face value and redemption duration of coupon to consumers’ redemption intention is not significant.
(vii) The brand image don’t moderate the effect of the mix of face value & expiration date on coupon redemption intention, no matter how the brand image is, consumers are more likely to redeem coupons with high face value and short redemption duration than those with low face value but long redemption duration.
By answering the questions this research hopes to find out the possible empirical solutions about how to design favorable e-coupons for firms and then enhance consumers’ redemption intention and firm’s promotional effects.
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