研究生: |
林琳 Lin Lin |
論文名稱: |
旅館經理人教育訓練模式之個案研究 A Case Study on the Educational Training Model for Managers in Hotel Industry |
指導教授: |
Horng, Jeou-Shyan 孫瑜華 Sun, Yu-Hua |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 191 |
中文關鍵詞: | 旅館經理人訓練 、教育訓練模式 、訓練需求分析 、360度評鑑 、問題導向學習 、旅館管理 |
英文關鍵詞: | Hotel manager training, Educational training model, Training needs assessment, 360 degree feedback, Problem based learning, Hotel management |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:551 下載:45 |
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餐旅產業是一個勞力密集的產業,且人力在餐旅產業當中被視為關鍵的軟體與重要資產,管理人力的訓練與發展,對於顧客滿意度與組織績效均具重要的影響。因此,組織應發展系統性的訓練,包括訓練需求分析與訓練方法的選擇,以在有限的資源下,將訓練成果最大化。本研究之研究目的包含以下三點:1.發展旅館經理人教育訓練之模式與架構;2.評估旅館經理人教育訓練模式導入之成效;3.分析與探討影響教育訓練模式實施之因素。針對上述研究目的,本研究採取個案研究取向,應用多元研究方法,包括:調查法、訪談法與觀察法進行研究,對象為國內品牌之休閒連鎖旅館,參與者包含參與旅館培訓課程之管理人力12名。本研究以訓練品質模式ISO10015作為基礎,發展旅館經理人教育訓練模式,模式包含以下五個階段流程: 確認訓練需求、設計與規劃訓練、提供訓練、評估訓練成效與監控訓練流程。在訓練需求分析階段,本研究以餐旅管理能力評量表作為評估工具,透過管理人力360度評鑑與重要性/績效分析評估經理人之缺口職能,進行訓練需求分析(training needs assessment, TNA)。在訓練設計上,本研究訓練課程中結合問題導向學習策略(problem based learning, PBL)。研究結果發現結合360度評量可有效的分析出組織缺口職能,確認出訓練需求。另外,透過本訓練模式實施後的評估,確認能有助於提升受訓者之管理職能,受訓者可藉以深入分析與解決現場實務問題,發展批判性與反思性思考。最後,影響教育訓練模式實施之正向因素包含:組織學習氣氛、團隊動力與團員異質互補三項因素;而階層阻礙與經驗限制則為主要的阻礙因素。
The most important resource to the service industry is human. The development of human resource strengthens a business’ competitiveness, but in small and mid-size hotels, staff training is often unsystematic and fails to reap desired results. The purpose of the study include: 1. Develop an educational training model for hotel managers; 2. Evaluate the effects of the training model; 3. Analysis the influence factors of PBL training model. The educational training model is developed based on the ISO10015 system, and the five stages of the model include: training needs assessment、design and plan training、training implementation、training evaluation and training monitor. A case study and importance–performance analysis are adopted to identify competency gaps. Based on the managerial competency framework, the importance of competency is determined by using Fuzzy Delphi method, and the performance is estimated by 360 degree feedback. The effectiveness of TNA is confirmed through interviewing the general manager. The training program was developed according to the competency gap, and conducted with PBL strategy. The study result shows that trainee can solve managerial problems effectively by using critical and reflective thinking. The positive factors of the training implementation are organizational learning atmosphere, group dynamic and group member complementary. On the side, the negative factors including hierarchical obstacle and experiential limitation.
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