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研究生: 高銘澤
論文名稱: 馬來西亞柔佛州西部海岸地區農業土地利用的變遷:以峇株巴轄縣居鑾河區為例
指導教授: 陳國川
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 居鑾河區小園主人文生態系統農業土地利用變遷
英文關鍵詞: mukim S. Kluang, small holder, human ecological system, land use changes
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:386下載:7
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  • 19世紀以降,柔佛地區的熱帶栽培業大多集中於柔佛南部,西部海岸地區則是沼澤遍布的景觀。至1930年代,西部海岸地區逐漸墾成椰園散布的農業景觀。獨立迄今,西部岸海地區盡是連綿不絕的油棕園。因此,本研究嘗試以柔佛州居鑾河區為例,從世界、國家與地方等尺度,探究市場需求與國家力量是如何形塑農業生產外部條件,並且透過各時期小園主的農業決策與經營方式的轉變,說明農業產銷活動與產銷組織等運作,建構各時期園丘經營人文生態系統,理解農業土地利用變遷的意涵。





    Since 19th century, tropical cultivation industry of Johore is mostly concentrated in southern Johore. In western coastal areas, there are all over the swamps. Till 1930’s,western coastal areas have been gradually reclaimed the agricultural landscape of coconut holding. From independence till now, there is full of endless oil palm holding in western coastal areas. Therefore, this research tries to take Mukim S. Kluang of Johore as example, investigating how the demand of the market and the power of nation shape the external conditions for agricultural production in terms of the world, nation, and region. Also, through the small holder’s change of agricultural decision and mode of operation in each period, demonstrating agricultural production marketing activities and organizations, etc, constructing the small holder human ecological system in each period, comprehending the meaning of the change of agricultural land use.
    The changes of agricultural land use in Mukim S. Kluang can be broadly divided into three periods:
    1. The period from swamps everywhere to coconut holding:
    After the mid-19th century, as the European market demands the rubber and vegetable oil, makes the rubber and coconut plantation industry being developed in Malay Peninsula. However, at the same time, when planters meet the needs of the European market, the British begins to adjust the colonial Policy in order to ensure the profit of Malay Peninsula. Under the new colonial Policy, the British assigns the advisers to reign over Johore indirectly- control the political and economic development of Johore and transform the agricultural environment for the development of Johore to meet the needs of the United Kingdom or the European market.
    Owing to the environmental characteristics of low-lying land, strong acidic soil, and easily flooded in Mukim S. Kluang, it is less conducive to the cultivation of rubber trees. It makes the small holders cannot meet the needs f the United Kingdom or the European market at all. Therefore, the small holders choose planting coconut which is more able to adapt the natural environment. Consequently, in this period, the crop of the small holding in Mukim S. Kluang is mainly coconut.
    2. The period from coconut holding to intercropping coconut holding:
    After WWII, the emergence and use of synthetic rubber endanger the economic structure of the natural rubber export-oriented in Malaysia. Thus, from 1960, the government starts to try developing new agricultural activities. The government enhances the importance of new agricultural activities, making the agriculture have diversified development. To promote Agricultural diversification, the government drafts many investment development programs. One of the programs is “coconut replanting and rehabilitation scheme” that is mainly for the rise of coconut oil in global market.
    For government, the rise of coconut oil in global market is an opportunity to implement agricultural diversification. However, coconut-farming is limited to deteriorating agronomic and economic conditions. The production of coconut declines which is unable to meet the needs of the market. Therefore, the government assists the small holders with the plan of replanting- replant or rehabilitate coconut holding to promote the new development of coconut-farming.
    Based on the subsidies of government and the profit of intercropping, the small holders in Mukim S. Kluang join the plan of replanting. Besides, when the small holders choose the intercrop, they consider the factors such as the profit of crops and natural environment. They choose interplant mostly cocoa or coffee. Consequently, in this period, the crop of the small holding in Mukim S. Kluang is still mainly coconut;intercrop is cocoa or coffee.
    3. From intercropping coconut holding to oil palm holding:
    Since 1960’s, the export market of coconut oil is competitive which reduces the economic profits by the coconut oil export trade. During the same period, the production of African oil palm reduces which make the price of oil palm rise. However,under the competition of other vegetable oil, the development of oil palm-farming must be planned. Thus, the government lays the foundation for the development of oil palm-farming by investment and interference from public sector and private sector. And it indirectly encourages the small holders to join the oil palm farming.
    Since 1980’s, the small holders in Mukim S. Kluang transform coconut holding into oil palm holding. Nevertheless, this time, the government doesn’t provide any subsidy to reduce the cost of transferring crops. In addition, due to the poorly drained soil in Mukim S. Kluang, it is not conducive to the development of root of oil palm. If so, why small holders are willing to replant oil palm tree? First of all, through “West Johore integrated agricultural development program”, the government assists small holders to resolve the drainage problems, improving the environment of planting. Then,the higher profit of oil palm than coconut enhances small holders’ motivation of replanting. Consequently, in this period, the crop of the small holding in Mukim S.Kluang gradually transferred from the coconut to oil palm.
    In brief, the change of agricultural land-use is agricultural decision-making for the small holders’ response to the external environment. In the process of responding,we can find natural environment make a great influence on small holders’ management decision. However, based on the considerations of the economic development, the
    nation will change the external conditions for agricultural development through public investment or other ways, making small holders follow the demand of market to manage small holding. Once when the influence of market demand and national forces enhances toward small holders’ management, small holders will gradually loss autonomy. It also makes human ecological system which is managed by small holders tend to be more open. And then it enhances the dependence on the external environment.

    第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 問題緣起與研究目的..................................1 第二節 文獻探討...........................................2 第三節 研究觀點、核心概念與研究架構.........................7 第四節 研究區概況與研究方法...............................11 第二章 馬來土邦時期的農業墾殖歷程............................15 第一節 與歐洲香料市場的聯繫...............................15 第二節 華人與馬來人的農業墾殖過程 ..........................20 第三節 小結.............................................24 第三章 馬來屬邦時期的農業土地利用............................25 第一節 橡膠與椰乾出口市場的出現............................25 第二節 英國於柔佛州的殖民發展策略 ..........................31 第三節 椰園的開闢與經營...................................41 第四節 小結.............................................54 第四章 獨立後初期的農業土地利用..............................56 第一節 農業多元化政策的提出...............................56 第二節 農業多元化政策下的椰園翻種計劃......................60 第三節 椰園間作的經營....................................66 第四節 小結.............................................78 第五章 現代的農業土地利用...................................80 第一節 棕油市場的崛起....................................80 第二節 新經濟政策延續下的油棕種植業之發展...................83 第三節 油棕園的經營......................................90 第四節 小結............................................105 第六章 結論..............................................107 參考文獻.................................................110

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    2004 Fertilizer use by crop in Malaysia, Rome: FAO http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5797e/y5797e00.HTM(瀏覽日期2009/03/31)
