研究生: |
荊元宙 Jing, Yuan-Chou |
論文名稱: |
太空軍事化國際法規範之研究 A Study of the Norm of International Law on Space Militarization |
指導教授: |
Wang, Kuan-Hsiung |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
政治學研究所 Graduate Institute of Political Science |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 495 |
中文關鍵詞: | 太空軍事化 、太空武器化 、太空法 、信心建立措施 、軍備控制 |
英文關鍵詞: | space militarization,,, ,, space weaponization, space law, CBMs, arms control |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:401 下載:5 |
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自從前蘇聯於1957年發射首顆人造衛星引發美蘇兩強太空競賽,太空的戰略價值即開始受到重視,從此太空被認為將繼陸、海、空之外成為第四維戰場。從20世紀90年代初爆發的波灣戰爭(Persian Gulf War)做為起點,之後各次的戰爭中,高科技特別是太空科技,無一例外地決定了戰爭勝敗。時至今日,戰場優勢觀念已演變成為包括:「誰能掌握資訊優勢,誰就掌握戰場主動權」的「制資訊權」(Information dominance)及「誰控制太空,誰就控制地球」之「制天(太空)權」(Command of the space)等。而為了擁有武力掌握制天權,太空的軍事化及武器化成為一種趨勢,太空戰(Space Warfare)就是太空軍事化下產生的新型作戰型態。
由於視太空為下一代主戰戰場,強權當然不願意對發展太空軍事能力加以設限。然若太空大國無法合作建構約束太空軍事化的機制,則太空軍事化的現象必將持續惡化。目前國際間在太空軍事化議題上的討論已呈現「聾人的對話」(dialogue of the deaf)局面,眾人皆不願放手太空的利益是為主因。太空是人類的公共財,聯合國曾通過各項條約及決議案,試圖達到避免太空軍事化及太空軍備競賽的目標。然而該等協議或條約,雖然立意良善,但原則與內容或者陳舊或者含糊,對防止人類濫用太空或將太空軍事化上之功能明顯不足,更遑論對太空衝突發生的監督約束作用。
The launch of the first man-made satellite by the former Soviet Union in 1957, set in motion the space race between the Soviet Union and the USA and generated much debate over the strategic value of space, since then, space has come to be regarded by many as the fourth battlefield after land, sea and sky. Since the Persian Gulf War in 1991, space technology has been instrumental in determining victor, therefore, current strategic thinking has evolved into a focus on “information dominance” in the belief that “whoever has an advantage in the control of information will control the battlefield.” In relation to the “command of space” this same logic implies “who controls space will control the Earth”. In effect, space warfare is a new form of warfare arising directly from the militarization of space.
The militarization of space would destroy peace in this arena which would be rather sad for mankind. As such, how best to avoid the militarization of space has become an important issue in international strategic and legal circles, even though global discussions on the issue have resembled something of a “dialogue of the deaf”. The root cause of this situation is that no country is willing to give up its interests in space.
In point of fact, space is a public good and the UN has passed all manner of conventions and resolutions in an effort to prevent its militarization and the beginning of a space arms race. However, those agreements are either out-of-date or ambiguous and have little practical use in restricting militarization. To safeguard the right of each country to exploit space and guarantee the security of space assets, it is essential that the international community comes together to review the existing international legal system and revise or enact new international agreements. If the militarization of space proves unavoidable, a engagement rule for future conflicts in space will need to be made.
In the foreseeable future, it is very likely that the international community will focus more on how to prevent the militarization of space and seek to introduce mechanisms designed to prevent such an outcome. This article will explore this issue and identify the shortcomings inherent in existing space law, while making proposals on how to develop a mechanism that might just be able to prevent the militarization of space.
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