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研究生: 羅憲元
Lo, Hsien-yuan
論文名稱: 兄弟象球迷後援會成員涉入程度與滿意度相關之研究-以大台北地區成員為例
The Study of the Relationship between the Involvement and Satisfaction for the Members of Brother Elephant Fans Reinforcement Club - An Investigation of Members in Taipei Area
指導教授: 鄭志富
Cheng, Chih-Fu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 179
中文關鍵詞: 兄弟象球迷後援會涉入程度滿意度
英文關鍵詞: brother elephant fans reinforcement club, involvement, satisfaction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:294下載:12
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  • 棒球是國人最喜愛從事運動之一,也是觀賞比例最高的運動競賽。而國內職棒球迷最支持、也是球迷人數最多的即是兄弟象隊,目前更以組成球迷後援會的方式,力挺球隊的各種運作。目前國內並無針對參與後援會之球迷進行研究,尤其在涉入程度及滿意度方面,然此對於各球團經營與行銷,其實是相當重要的指標。為求實用上的連結與提供預測之參照指標,實有迫切開發相關研究之需要。




    Baseball game is one of the favorite sports of Taiwanese. It also has the most audiences among all of the sports in Taiwan. Brother Elephant baseball team right now is the most popular one and has the most and supportive fans. Further more, these fans assemble fan’s clubs to stand for their team. Right now there are no any studies on baseball team’s fan club, especially on involvement and satisfaction. However their connection can be important indicator for baseball team’s operation and marketing. To excavate reference indicator to connect practice and theory, practical and related study is necessary. According to the motivation above, the objects of this study were the members of Brother Elephant baseball team’s fans club in Taipei area. This study designed a valuation sheet named “the valuation sheet of involvement and satisfaction for members of Brother Elephant Club’s fans reinforcement club”, and gather information by questionnaire, and do the analysis using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Product-moment Correlation…etc. The result of this study is as the following:

    I. Most of the members of Brother Elephant Club’s fans reinforcement club are the students of
    colleges (or above), especially the 20-29 year-old female (around 60%), and the average
    monthly income is under NT$30,000; (totally are 60%).
    II. For the difference of involvement between the members of Brother Elephant club’s fans
    reinforcement club with different demography variables, the remarkable difference only appears on “sex”, “education” and “occupation”.
    III. For the difference of satisfaction between the members of Brother Elephant club’s fans
    reinforcement club with different demography variables, the remarkable difference only appears on “education”.
    IV. For the involvement and satisfaction of the members of Brother Elephant club’s fans reinforcement club, the remarkable positive relationship exists.

    According to the result of the study mentioned above, the author concludes the suggestions as following:

    I. Suggestions for the Brother Elephant baseball team:
    For the members of Brother Elephant Reinforcement Fans' Club, they can develop potential male and elder members; For the activities of Brother Elephant Reinforcement Fans' Club, they will have to hold more activities and provide more information for those related to the reinforcement club on baseball issues.
    II. Suggestions for the follow-up study:
    In the part of the follow-up of study. At first, they can try to enlarge the objectives of studies in order to find out the different satisfaction factors from the objectives. Secondly, they can try to add qualitative research and increase different variables in their studies.

    目 次 中文摘要………………………………………………………..……………….i 英文摘要………………………………………………………..……………....ii目 次………………………………………………………..…………….....iii表 次………………………………………………………..……………….vi圖 次………………………………………………………..……………..viii第壹章 緒 論………………..………...……..………………....01 第一節 研究背景………………………………………………………..…01 第二節 研究目的………………………………………………………..…05 第三節 研究問題………………………………………………………..…05 第四節 研究之必要性…………………………………………..…………06 第五節 研究範圍………………………………………………..…………07 第六節 研究限制………………………………………………..…………07 第七節 名詞釋義………………………………………………..…………09 第貳章 文獻探討………………………………………………….11 第一節 兄弟象職業棒球之成立與發展與現況…………………………..11 第二節 涉入相關文獻探討……………………………………..…………35 第三節 滿意度相關文獻探討…………………………………..…………58 第四節 職棒消費者之相關研究………………………………..…………77 第五節 本章總結…………………………………………………………..81 第章 研究方法……………………………………...….……….84 第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………………..84 第二節 研究流程…………………………………………………………..85 第三節 研究對象…………………………………………………………..86 第四節 研究工具…………………………………………………………..86 第五節 資料處理方法.…………………………….………………………91 第肆章 研究結果…………………………………...….………….92 第一節 兄弟象球迷後援會成員人口統計變項描述性統計分析………..92 第二節 不同人口統計變項之兄弟象球迷後援會成員其涉入程度之差異 分析………………………………………………………………..96 第三節 不同人口統計變項之兄弟象球迷後援會成員之滿意度差異分析 …………………………………………………..……………….102 第四節 兄弟象球迷後援會成員涉入程度與滿意度之相關分析……….109 第伍章 討 論…………………………………...….………...112 第一節 兄弟象球迷後援會成員人口統計變項描述性統計討論……….112 第二節 不同人口統計變項之兄弟象球迷後援會成員其涉入程度之差異 探討……………………………………………………………….117 第三節 不同人口統計變項之兄弟象球迷後援會成員之滿意度差異探討 …………………………………………………..……………….124 第四節 兄弟象球迷後援會成員涉入程度與滿意度之相關討論……….131 第陸章 結論與建議…………………………………...….…...…133 第一節 結 論………………………………………………………….133 第二節 建 議………………………………………………………….137 參考文獻…………………………………………………………...141 附件一 台灣職業棒球的發展沿革及現況大事紀………………………..152 附件二 兄弟象球迷後援會成員涉入程度與滿意度量表編碼簿………..168 附件三 兄弟象球迷後援會成員涉入程度與滿意度量表(預試版)…..170 附件四 兄弟象球迷後援會成員涉入程度與滿意度量表(正式版)…..175 表 次 表2–1 兄弟象職業棒球隊業餘時代大事紀……………………………….13 表2–2 兄弟象職業棒球隊職棒時代大事紀……………………………….17 表2–3 兄弟象職業棒球隊連霸時代大事紀……………………………….25 表2–4 涉入定義彙總一覽表……………………………………………….37 表2–5 以處理對象分類之消費者涉入類型表…………………………….43 表2–6 以涉入本質分類之消費者涉入型態彙整表……………………….47 表2–7 Zaichkowsky的個人涉入量表……….…………………………….51 表2–8 Zaichkowsky的涉入前因變數表…….…………………………….53 表2–9 涉入對消費者之影響彙整表…...…….…………………………….56 表2–10 顧客滿意定義彙總表…………...…….…………………………….60 表2–11 「期望-失驗模型」為基礎的滿意度理論一覽表…...…….………64 表2–12 職棒消費者相關研究一覽表………………………...…….……….77 表3–1 專家組合表………………………………………..…...…….………89 表3–2 修改後之「後援會成員滿意度」因素構面及因素負荷表………..90 表4–1 兄弟象球迷後援會成員人口結構分析一覽表……………………..95 表4–2 兄弟象球迷後援會成員對其涉入程度方面整體分析……………..97 表4–3 性別面向對涉入程度差異分析……………………………………..97 表4–4 年齡面向對涉入程度差異分析……………………………………..98 表4–5 教育程度面向對涉入程度差異分析………………………………..99 表4–6 職業面向對涉入程度差異分析…………………………………….100 表4–7 平均月收入對涉入程度差異分析………………………………….101 表4–8 兄弟象球迷後援會成員對其滿意度方面整體分析……………….103 表4–9 性別面向對滿意度差異分析……………………………………….104 表4–10 年齡面向對滿意度差異分析……………………………………….105 表4–11 教育程度面向對滿意度差異分析………………………………….106 表4–12 職業面向對滿意度差異分析……………………………………….107 表4–13 平均月收入面向對滿意度差異分析……………………………….108 表4–14 涉入程度與滿意度整體之相關分析…………..……………..…….109 表4–15 涉入程度與滿意度各構面之相關分析………………………...…..111 表7–1 中華職棒聯盟的創始期發展概況表……………………………….154 表7–2 兩大職棒聯盟競爭時期概況表…………………………………….162 表7–3 合併後的中華職棒大聯盟時期概況表…………………………….167 圖 次 圖2-1 運動涉入階梯理論…………………………………………………42 圖2-2 瑞典模式……………………………………………………………68 圖3-1 研究架構……………………………………………………………84 圖3-2 研究流程……………………………………………………………85



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