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研究生: 石明宗
論文名稱: 山難經驗:一個運動與宗教觀點的考察
Mountain Accident Experience:An Inquiry from the Perspective of Sport and Religion
指導教授: 劉一民
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 206
中文關鍵詞: 山難運動宗教
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:480下載:223
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  • 本論文主要探討的問題,是欲瞭解「神聖人」在運動世界中如何可能﹖如同神聖世界中的現象一樣,一顆普通的樹,究竟如何搖身一變為一棵「聖樹」﹖在運動世界中,對某些人來說,窮極無聊的馬拉松賽跑,如何昇華成一趟「神聖之旅」﹖體育館如何變成「聖殿」﹖民國77年玉里林道的38K工寮,對筆者而言,為何是一個「神聖的時空」﹖……本論文的核心思想其實可以說是延續Eliade的觀點,意圖探討宗教世界中神聖的辯證關係在運動世界中是如何產生的﹖也可以說是想探討「神聖人」在運動世界中如何可能的過程與答案。
    從文獻探討中,發現古代奧運事實上是為了祭宙斯神而舉辦的盛會。現代運動中,馬拉松、柔道、足球、美式足球等,許多的運動項目也呈現出「宗教性」的一面,使得筆者極感興趣於一個課題,也就是存在於「運動」與「宗教」之間的關係是怎麼一回事﹖為何有學者主張「運動是現代人的宗教﹖」加上筆者就讀大學期間,曾發生過「山難」而造成對筆者身心以及價值觀的深刻影響,使得筆者很想了解這些變化是怎麼發生的;同時,最近幾年的著名體育運動學術刊物,例如「運動社會學期刊」(Sociology of Sport Journal)也曾介紹奠基於社會學、人類學背景的「生命史」(Life Story)研究風格。從上述的觀點,不管是個人的特殊經驗,或是學術研究的新思潮,皆引領著筆者從事本論文的研究工作。
    至於神聖時空的誕生,首先需存在一個「神聖的本體論」。藉由對Eugen Fink「遊戲的本體論」文中,「遊戲世界」觀的詮釋,本文發現了一個化約的式子如下:神聖的本體論=修行者和自性+儀式節慶活動。也就是說神聖總是由「實體」與「虛擬」所組成,「實體」指的是修行者或參與神聖活動個體的「肉身存在」(body),「實體」也指東方思想中的那一份「自性」或者「覺」;「虛擬」指的是神聖活動時的「儀式節慶活動」,藉由這些活動,人們進入了不同於日常生活的「過渡狀態」,或稱「中介狀態」,並經由儀式「再現」的功能,而達到「淨化」或「重生」的作用。
    最後,人是什麼?歷代以來的思想家,分別提出了人是「理性的人」(Homo Sapiens)、「創造的人」(Homo Faber)、「遊戲的人」(Homo Luden)。本論文的主要貢獻,在於提出一個主張,此主張認為人是「宗教的人」(Homo Religiosus),更核心的講法為人是「神聖人」(Sacred Man)!「神聖人」之所以可能,本論文的發現是因為神聖具有一「本體論」,以及「誕生的條件」。

    This thesis argues that people can become transformed and “spiritually enlightened”, specifically in the realm of sport and physical activity. Regarding sacred phenomenon in the world, how can an ordinary tree be transformed into a “holy tree”? In the world of sports, how can a marathon race become a “sacred journey”? How can a gymnasium be turned into a “Temple of God”? How can a near-fatal climbing accident in the forest result in a “sacred space-time”? In essence, the key concept of this thesis is to extend the ideas of Mercia Eliade in The Sacred and the Profane, in order to explain the dialectical relation between physical activity and spiritual enlightenment in the world of sport.
    Some scholars today maintain that “sport is the modern man's religion”, and that many sporting events demonstrate a religious perspective by both the participants and the spectators, on an individual level and in the collective. (See Jay Coakley, Sport and Society: Issues and Controversies, 2001.) For example, the ancient Olympic Games were sacred rituals held in order to honor the god Zeus. In addition, when the author experienced a near-fatal accident while hiking in the mountains, the trauma made him aware of the deep influence of the body upon the mind, causing him to reassess his values. These two examples of the body-mind-spirit connection were the inspiration for this thesis.
    Analyzing the mountain accident experience, three themes came to light: first, “the meaning of the suffering”; secondly, “the value of death and rebirth”; and third, “the emergence of the sacred space-time”. These three themes form the main focus of this research.
    The meaning of suffering deals with the ascetic reaction to pain, and how it creates the opportunity to enter the religious space. The meaning of suffering in the world of sport reveals the spiritual side of “injury”, “training”, “suffering and shared suffering”, and also represents the structure of “offering sacrifices” and “losing a part and gaining the whole”, thereby creating opportunities to enter a religious space.
    The value of death and rebirth can be illustrated by a quote from Heidegger: “A person dying before death will not die while dying.” A traumatic accident forces one to place the value of life itself above social values such as honor, fame or wealth. Due to the trauma of the near-death experience, some original perspectives will die although the individual will survive. Zen philosophy teaches that he who wants to solve the problem of life and death must completely detatch himself from his ego, which is what Zen calls “complete death”. It is only in complete death that one finds “true life”. To live in true life is to break the antinomy of life and death. “Rebirth”, then, can be taken from the interpretation of the “play world” (Eugene Fink, “The Ontology of Play”, 1988): Sacred ontology = Religious Person and Awareness + Ritual celebration festival. The sacred is thus constructed by “the entity” (the religious person, with awareness) and “the simulation”, which is the ritual celebration in which the entity enters “the transition state” or “liminality” and experiences purification and rebirth through the reproduction of ritual.
    Rebirth in sacred space-time, based on Fink’s ontology, requires four simultaneous conditions: “a sacred time and space”, “the bridge of ritual activity”, “emptying of the ego” and “revealing of the memory of the true self”. Surprisingly, these four conditions can be used to explain the creation of the “sacred time-space” not only in the mountain accident experience, but also in sport and religion. Many subtle aspects, such as suffering, sacrifice, payment, sympathizing with others, reproduction of the ritual, and purification of the body and mind can be found in all three examples.
    Finally, what does it mean to be human? Throughout history, philosophers have separately proposed that people have “intellect” (Homo Sapiens), “creative ability” (Homo Faber), and “the ability to play” (Homo Ludens). The main contribution of this thesis lies in proposing that people are also “religious” (Homo Religiosus), or more clearly put, become “spiritually enlightened” in their daily activities. Spiritual enlightenment is brought about by ontology and the four conditions outlined above.

    第壹章 緒論 一、前言 1 二、名詞解釋…………………………………………………………………… 3 三、研究背景 3 四、研究歷程 11 五、研究假設 14 六、研究問題 15 七、研究架構 23 八、本章結語 24 第貳章 回憶山難 一、前言 26 二、第一天 28 三、第二天 30 四、第三天 32 五、第四天 35 六、第五天 39 七、第六天 42 第參章 研究方法 一、前言 49 二、質性研究與量化研究的異同 52 三、人文研究「再現的危機」與「合法化的危機」 56 四、自我敘述(Narratives of the Self )的研究方法 63 五、本章結語 70 第肆章 山難與苦痛的意義 一、 前言 77 二、 苦痛的理論介紹 81 三、 苦痛在宗教的意義 98 四、 苦痛在運動的意義 104 五、 本章結語 108 第伍章 山難與死亡之價值 一、前言 109 二、研究死亡課題之特殊性 113 三、死亡之各種面向 115 四、山難與肉體之死 122 五、山難與大疑之死 125 六、希望掏空與價值重整 132 七、本章結語 139 第陸章 38K工寮:一個神聖時空的誕生 一、前言 142 二、遊戲世界的誕生 144 三、神聖世界的誕生 155 四、本章結語 164 第柒章 結論 一、出國進修的收穫 167 二、宗教與學術研究之關係(研究方法的省思) 167 三、研究問題與發現 168 四、重生的儀式…………………………………………………………………171 五、登山、運動與宗教的「中介狀態」………………………………………173 六、「冒險性運動」在現代社會的價值………………………………………. 176 七、神聖人的理念 178 附錄 一、Synthia Sydnor簡介 180 二、筆者旁聽伊利諾大學香檳校區人類學系課程的證明 182 三、Norman Denzin簡介 183 四、個人的靜坐與禪的體驗 185 五、山難新聞剪輯 186 六、 奧修(OSHO)簡介 192 七、 生命書寫重要相關名詞的說明 193 八、小仙女的回憶 195 參考文獻 一、中文參考文獻 199 二、英文參考文獻 202

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