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研究生: 陳榆婕
Chen, Yu-Chieh
論文名稱: 雙北地區大專院校聽覺障礙學生心智理論能力之研究
The Study of Theory of Mind in College Students with Hearing Impairments in Taipei and New Taipei City
指導教授: 劉秀丹
Liu, Hsiu-Tan
口試委員: 劉秀丹
Liu, Hsiu-Tan
Huang, Gui-Jun
Liu, Huei-Mei
口試日期: 2024/06/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 大專聽障生心智理論
英文關鍵詞: college students with hearing impairments, theory of mind
研究方法: 因果比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400746
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:355下載:25
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  • 本研究旨在了解雙北地區大專院校聽覺障礙學生的心智理論能力。研究透過自編個人基本資料問卷進行調查,了解研究參與者的個體背景、聽覺相關變項,並透過自編語言能力評估表蒐集學生自評與教師評量口語能力,接著進行國民小學六年級閱讀理解篩選測驗,確保學生具備基礎閱讀能力,最後進行心智理論量表施測,將數據資料整理後進行統計分析,研究結果如下。


    The purpose of this study was to understand the theory of mind abilities of hearing-impaired students in colleges in Taipei and New Taipei City. Data were collected through self-compiled questionnaires to gather information on participants' individual backgrounds and hearing-related variables. Students' self-assessments and teacher evaluations of oral abilities were gathered using a self-compiled five-point scale. The Reading Comprehension Test was conducted to ensure basic reading ability, followed by the administration of a Theory of Mind Scale. The collected data were then statistically analyzed. The results of the study are as follows:
    1.There is no significant difference in the Theory of Mind Scale between college students with hearing impairments and their peers with normal hearing.
    2.In terms of the use of auditory aids, there was no significant difference in Theory of Mind Scale between those using cochlear implants and the group with normal hearing. However, students with hearing impairments using cochlear implants significantly outperformed those using hearing aids in language theory of mind abilities, demonstrating the advantages of cochlear implants in this area.
    3.In terms of parents' hearing status, students with hearing impairments who have one or both parents with hearing impairments significantly outperform those whose parents have normal hearing in language theory of mind. This suggests that having parents with hearing impairments may confer an advantage in language theory of mind.
    4.The degree of hearing loss, age of initial auditory aid use, duration of auditory aid use, primary communication methods and whether early intervention was received do not show significant differences in the Theory of Mind Scale, indicating that these auditory-related factors are not key influencers of theory of mind in individuals with hearing impairments.
    5.In terms of oral ability, the self-evaluation by students and the assessment by teachers regarding others' oral comprehension and speech clarity did not have a significant impact on the Theory of Mind Scale.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4 第三節 名詞解釋 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 心智理論的定義及內涵 9 第二節 心智理論對語言及人際互動的影響 24 第三節 聽覺障礙者之心智理論能力 28 第三章 研究方法 39 第一節 研究取樣 39 第二節 研究架構 40 第三節 研究對象及招募方式 41 第四節 研究工具 44 第五節 研究程序 48 第六節 資料處理 52 第四章 研究結果與討論 54 第一節 聽障組之聽覺相關因素現況 54 第二節 心智理論量表之表現 58 第三節 聽覺相關因素在心智理論量表之表現 60 第四節 口語自評與教師評在心智理論量表之表現 76 第五節 重要結果與綜合討論 82 第五章 研究結論與建議 85 第一節 研究結論 85 第二節 未來研究建議與研究限制 89 參考文獻 94 附錄一 研究同意書(一般組) 107 附錄二 研究同意書(聽障組) 109 附錄三 個人基本資料問卷(一般組) 111 附錄四 個人基本資料問卷(聽障組) 112 附錄五 語言能力自評表 114 附錄六 語言能力評估表(大專資源教室評估) 116

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