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研究生: 張義平
YI-Ping Chang
論文名稱: 於幽微邊境上巡禮--建構自我療癒之道
Crossing the border with flowing mist─conduct the pathway to self-healing
指導教授: 李佩怡
Li, Pei-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 自我敘說自我療癒
英文關鍵詞: self-narrative, self-healing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:453下載:0
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  • 在我的生命歷程裡,個人內在、個人與他者、個人與社會的衝突接連不斷,內外衝突造成生命中的斷裂與傷痛,使我不斷產生自我懷疑與困惑,我不知道自己是誰,也看不清楚世界真實的樣貌,經過種種追尋及探索,外在解答皆無法貼近我的生命,於是我決定回到自己身上找尋出路的解答。

    In my lifetime, the incessant struggle and conflict between I and myself, between I and other people and between I and the world, interior and exterior, makes my life broken and makes me fall into self-doubt and confuse. Neither do I know “who I am”, nor “what the world really is”. I can’t find answers to response to my doubts by questing of the outside world. So, I decide to move the focus back onto myself.
    This research purports to review my whole life. I try to respond my doubts with the methodology named “self-narrative”. The focus changed several times along with the research process. In the beginning, I just want to speak my thoughts out loudly, and then I find that my desire is to back “home”, so I track back to the inner path where I go away from home. Then I feel more eager to realize how to face the struggle in my life. Finally, when I find the key to reconcile struggle and conflict is love, I realize what I truly want is to understand myself, thus I can have the empathy toward others.
    About the method, I immerse in my life experience, and transfer them into scripts, and then read and ruminate repeatedly. By the circle of mimesis, understanding in the context and intersubjective understanding, I deconstruct and restructure the meaning of life experience. It helps me to see the past story and others in a new vision. by repeating this research process, I come to the conclusion about reconcile conflict and struggle. People conflict with others because of the difference in their context of growing up. However, if we can see the core of human being within each other, there will be conversation intersubjectively between each other. Then everyone is living more easily in the world.
    However, I think the key of living easily is not reconciliation, but deeply intersubjective understanding between each other. Furthermore, what the really meaning of love is not only contain everything, but also persist belief and boundary. When I am able to face the conflict with soft mind, while still persist with my belief and boundary as well, I am more close to the reality and feel stronger.
    There’s a combination of writing within experience, research ruminating, and practicing in this research. By agitating between “me” in the different position, I open the possibility of broad version. It makes the understanding of research continuously change with my life. So the conclusion is temporarily, and the behind agency of healing is emerging from the process.
    Finally, though the purpose of this research is to report the process of understanding me and others by deconstructing and restructuring the meaning of my own experience. However, I try to arouse the reflection of readers by presenting my life by interweaving an internal crossing and conversation with readers. So the agency of healing will spread sustained.

    Key words: self-narrative, self-healing

    謝‧辭 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目錄 vii 圖次 ix 第一章 投入自我敘說的動機 1 第一節 關於我的,隱喻故事 1 第二節 雙重矛盾的自我意象 3 第三節 在漂泊中渴望安定,於是反身回看 7 第二章 我的成長歷程 11 第一節 體弱多病的童年 11 第二節 平順安逸的國中 13 第三節 充滿絕望的高中時期 15 第四節 徹底邊緣化的大學階段 19 第五節 在暗晦中前進的研究所前期 24 第六節 邁向內在豐盛的研究所後期 29 第三章 從離家至返家的心路歷程 37 第一節 從離家,到決定返家 37 第二節 帶著內在孩童返家 44 第三節 構築內在新居 49 第四章 反身回看──我對論文的再理解 57 第一節 從對立邁向和解的歷程 57 第二節 與自身生命的多層次和解 65 第三節 產生轉化的四元素 71 第四節 愛是療癒的關鍵 72 第五章 專業理論與生命的對話 75 第一節 淺談榮格理論 75 第二節 榮格理論與生命經驗的激盪 78 第六章 論文探究與實踐的方法 85 第一節 何謂自我敘說 85 第二節 我在研究歷程中的位移 90 第三節 我的研究團隊 94 第四節 我的研究路徑 96 第五節 倫理議題 100 參考書目 105

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