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研究生: 陳姿穎
Tzu-Ying Chen
論文名稱: 前行星狀星雲 IRAS 17150-3224 的環狀物及噴流研究
Torus and Outflow in Proto-Planetary Nebula IRAS 17150-3224
指導教授: 陳林文
Chen, Lin-Wen
Lee, Chin-Fei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 31
中文關鍵詞: 前行星狀星雲PPNIRAS 17150-3224質量損失率
英文關鍵詞: circumstellar matter, planetary nebulae, AGB, mass-loss
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:220下載:4
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  • IRAS 17150-3224 為一顆周遭富含塵埃的雙極前行星狀星雲(Bipolar
    proto-planetary nebulae)。前行星狀星雲是在類太陽質量恆星演化末
    期出現的一個極短現象,介於漸進巨星(Asymptotic giant branch)和行
    星狀星雲(Planetary nebulae)之間。在這篇論文中,我們使用次毫米波
    陣列(Sub-millimeter Array, SMA),並利用CO J=2-1 輻射線觀測這顆
    知系統速度(VLSR)約為15.5 km s−1。從觀測中發現有一環面(torus)
    由位置-速度關係圖(Position-Velocity diagram)可得知此環面結構約
    以13 km s−1 的速度向外膨脹。為了了解此星體的物理性質,包含:結
    transfer)的模型去做擬合。根據光學與SMA 的觀測資訊,在模型中加
    模型顯示出,IRAS 17150-3224 的質量損失率(mass-loss rate)大約是
    5.5 × 10−4M⊙ yr−1,約小於Meixner et al. 在2002 年提出的數字(1.2 ×
    10−3M⊙ yr−1)兩倍。另外,可以從此天體的大小及速度分佈可知此環
    面結構已存在將近1600 年,略大於外向流的1000 年。因此認為是恆
    (dipole magnatic field)又或是雙星系統(binary companion)影響而造
    成。而IRAS 17150-3224 在1993 年就被測出有偶極磁場的存在,或許

    IRAS 17150-3224 is a bipolar proto-planetary nebula (PPN) with a series
    of dust shells in optical image. It is one of the best candidates for studying this
    short-lived phase between the asymptotic giant branch phase and the planetary
    nebula phase during the low- to intermediate-mass stellar evolution. We
    have mapped it in CO J = 2-1 with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at  1 ′′
    resolution. The observed CO J = 2-1 spectrum shows that the systemic velocity
    VLSR  15.5 km s−1. At low velocity, a dusty torus is seen in continuum
    and CO perpendicular to the outflow axis. Judging from the Position-Velocity
    (PV) diagram, we find that the torus is expanding at  13 km s−1 away from
    the central star. A radiative transfer model is used to obtain the physical properties
    of the torus, including the structure, density, temperature, and velocity
    distributions. Based on the optical and SMA observations, we assume two
    components in our model: a toroidal envelope and a bipolar outflow. The
    mass-loss rate of the torus is found to be  5.5 × 10−4 M⊙ yr−1, which is 2
    times lower than that found in Meixner et al. (2002). From the size and the
    speed of the torus, we find that the dynamical age of the torus is  1600 yrs,
    longer than that of the outflow. We believe that the outflow is produced by an
    interaction of an underlying mass ejection with the torus. This mass ejection
    could be collimated, producing the bipolar outflow. The outflow could be
    confined further in the equatorial plane by the torus. The formation mechanism
    of the torus is still unclear, and it could be related to the dipole magnetic
    field detected in this source (Hu et al. 1993) or an orbital motion of an unseen binary companion

    致謝 i 中文摘要 iii Abstract iv Contents vi List of Figures viii List of Tables ix 1 Introduction 1 1.1 TheevolutionofProto-planetarynebulae ................. 1 1.2 IntroductionofIRAS17150-3224 ..................... 2 2 Observations and Data reduction 5 3 Observational Results 7 3.1 ATorus-likeStucture............................ 7 3.2 BipolarOutflow............................... 12 4 Radiative Transfer Modeling 15 4.1 ModelResult ................................ 19 5 Discussions 25 5.1 Expanding Torus and Outflow Velocity Gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.2 MassandMass-lossrateofthetorus.................... 27 5.3 TheopacityofIRAS17150-3224...................... 28 6 Conclusions 29 7 Bibliography 31

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