研究生: |
吳淑美 Su-Mei Wu |
論文名稱: |
吳郭魚仔稚魚金屬硫蛋白的表現與其生理角色 Expression and function of metallothionein in developing larvae of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) |
指導教授: |
Hwang, Ji-Chuu 黃鵬鵬 Hwang, Pung-Pung |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 94 |
中文關鍵詞: | 吳郭魚 、仔稚魚 、金屬硫蛋白 |
英文關鍵詞: | tilapia, larvae, metallothionein |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:294 下載:22 |
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本論文以吳郭魚仔魚(Oreochromis mossambicus)為材料,探討金屬硫蛋白(MT)之生理功能。首先進行MT純化以暸解其生化特性並建立定量方法,以探討MT在仔魚發育與重金屬解毒機制的角色。重要結果如下:
(1)、純化吳郭魚之MT,其分離係數是 2.07,因此推論MT在吳郭魚體內是以聚元體方式存在,而且因為需應用較高濃度之Tris-HCl與Acetonitrile,才能將MT分離出陰離子管柱與高壓液相層析管柱,因此推論吳郭魚之MT是一個極性高的蛋白質。
(4)、將H0與H3之仔魚以35 μg/L鎘處理24小時,H0顯著誘導MT,但H3則無誘導效果,比較H0和H3之鈣含量變化,結果經鎘處理後的H0仔魚,其鈣含量無顯著變化,而H3則顯著下降,因此推論H3仔魚之 MT的表現受到抑制是因為其生理狀況已不正常之緣故。
(5)、進一步以膠體管柱層析分析比較,H0 之蛋白質與鎘含量分布高峰一致,而H3之蛋白質與鎘含量分布高峰則不一致,顯示H3蛋白質與鎘之結合已有不正常之現象。
The purpose of the present thesis was to study the physiological functions of metallothionein (MT) in developing larvae of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Firstly, MT was purified and characterized, and the quantitative method for MT was also established. The roles of MT in larval devlopment and metal detoxification were studied. The results were surrmanized as follows:
(1) Purification and characterization revealed that tilapia MT, presented as a polymer protein, and is more electronegative than the MTs from other animals.
(2) Synthetic peptides were designed to raise an antibody specifically against tilapia MT, and an ELISA system using the antibody was established to measure the MT contents in tilapia and some other species.
(3) MT contents appeared a dramatic change in development of tilapia. Amount of whole-body MT in tilapia larvae increased to a peak at 1 d after hatching (H1), decreased rapidly thereafter. The change pattern in MT amount was similar to that in Zn and Cu contents during larval development, suggesting that MT is associated with the Zn and Cu regulation in developing larvae.
(4) H0 larvae, which were treated with 35 μg /L Cd2+ for 24 h, showed significant increases in the MT amount (1.7-fold) and accumulated Cd2+ (6.5-fold), but no significant change in Ca2+ content. The H3 larvae with the same treatment revealed about a 10-fold increase in the accumulated Cd2+, and a 10% decrease in Ca2+ content, but no any change in MT. 35 μg /L Cd2+ caused to experience hypocalcemia, an abnormal physiological condition, in which H3 larvae could not synthesize sufficient MT and thus showed greater mortality.
(5) Results of gel filtration chromatography showed that peaks of protein and Cd were concurrent in H0 while those in H3 were inconsistent, suggestion the occurrence of abnormal binding of Cd to the protein in H3.
(6) Waterborne Cd, Cu and Zn could induce MT in new-hatched larvae with dose-dependent and time-dependent patterns.
(7) Pretreatment with low-dose Cu, Zn and Cu were found to enhance the survival of larvae upon the subsequent exposure to a high-dose Cd. Stimulation of MT and/or activation of ionic uptake may achieve this enhancement.
Based on the above results, We concluded that MT might play some roles in the development and metal-detoxification of tilapia larvae.
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