研究生: |
李光耀 Lee, Kuang-Yao |
論文名稱: |
技術型高中機械群專業課程發展取向與核心能力之研究 The approaches and core competence in professional curriculum for the mechanical engineering group of technical high schools |
指導教授: |
Hau, Chuan-Shou |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 183 |
中文關鍵詞: | 技術型高中機械群 、課程取向 、核心職能 |
英文關鍵詞: | technical high schools, curriculum approach, core competence |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202508 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:319 下載:55 |
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從OECD(2014a)超越學校的技能之報告,了解先進國家對高端人力培育和核心職能之重視。反思國內技術型高中熱衷升學和產業以中小企業為主的職場現況,思索技術型高中因應高端人力之產業發展趨勢,探討機械群之專業課程發展之取向和內涵。本文分析先進國家之政府、官方組織和專業團體推動、論述的人才培育文件,發現諸如美國、德國與日本等國家,對培育職場技術人力關注具有高層次、創新和異質之特質,強調終身學習以因應產業變革和成功職涯之課題。基此,本研究參酌美國的ETA的職能模組(competency model),綜理OECD、EU、Advance CTE與CareerOneStop等專業組織和政府之文件和論述,探討技術型高中機械群專業課程發展之取向與核心職能,經專家檢核與確認後,據以發展本研究之技術型高中機械群專業課程內涵之調查問卷,普查技術型高中機械群機械科之機械專長教師(含兼任教育行政職之主任)共79人,有效回收問卷61份(77.2%)。經以SPSS 21版統計軟體分析其平均數、標準差、單一樣本t考驗,並以分析層級法(AHP)統計核心職能的相對權重,獲致的結論有:1.技術型高中機械群專業,宜分升讀高教準備、從事機械製造加工或機械設備構裝與維修之三種取向發展課程;2.各取向之專業能力內涵,宜有個人效能、群核心職能與專業核心職能,以培育學生具備不同取向的競爭力;3.各取向之個人效能有相同的核心職能,卻有不同的權重,宜由校本位課程凸顯其差異。本研究之結果應用建議:1.基於12年國民基本教育成就每一位孩子,宜依學生特質發展符應之取向課程,對準升學或就業之目標;2.型塑技術型高中之辦學特色,宜由校本課程落實三種取向之核心職能對準接軌後續進路;3.落實職場學習力是三種取向共同關注的能力,符應學生特質是校本課程成功的關鍵。
This study takes into account the functional building blocks of ETA to manage professional, organizational and national documents and discussions, develop investigation surveys in the mechanical engineering group field-curriculum content of technical high schools, and conduct general surveys on domestic mechanical engineering groups’ mechanical engineering division teachers concurrently serving as academic directors, internship directors, and mechanical engineering directors, a total of 79 persons and 61 valid copies (77.2%).
The conclusions include: 1. The professional development of the mechanical engineering groups of technical high schools should provide students with three development approaches: “preparation for advancing to higher education”, “machinery manufacture processing”, and “machinery equipment repair and maintenance”; 2. The content of each approach includes: personal performance, common cluster core competence, comon professional core competence, and other factors; 3. The content of each approach has its relative importance and heterogeneity. The recommendations include: 1. Targeting field-curriculum development approaches and core competence, cultivate students’ workplace learning; 2. The common cluster core competence of each approach shall serve as the basis for checking the subject contents of the school-based curriculums, thereby identifying course contents to choose the essential that meet future workplace needs; 3. The comon professional core competence through the school-based curriculums, create talent training and cooperation and exchange opportunities.
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