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研究生: 劉敏瑛
Liu Ming-Ying
論文名稱: 華語文教師跨文化課室經營之探討
A Study of Cross-Cultural Classroom Management of L2 Chinese Language Teacher
指導教授: 信世昌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 151
中文關鍵詞: 跨文化課室經營華語教學華語文教師
英文關鍵詞: Cross-Culture, Classroom Management, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Chinese Language Teacher
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:521下載:301
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  • 本篇論文旨在探討華語文教師面對跨文化的外籍學生,可能遇到課室經營之疑難處以及對應之道,進而求得可供華語文教師於經營跨文化課室參考之通則。

    The objective of this study is to search in depth the principals of cross-cultural class management by L2 Chinese language teachers and research the possible difficulties they face and the way to overcome them.
    The theoretical structure of this research project begins with the discussion of the characteristic and complications of the management of cross-cultural classes, then it proceeds to discuss the effects and influence of cross-cultural factors in L2 Chinese language classes upon the teachers and students. The descriptive method is adopted as the research method which provides a wealth of details and explanations in what actually transpired in the classroom. It can also provide solutions to the various points raised and achieve the objectives of this research paper. Using the technique of questionnaires survey and interviews relevant materials are collected and collated from L2 Chinese language teachers in Chinese language centers affiliated to 13 universities. From information gathered from questionnaires survey it has established the common difficulties L2 Chinese language teachers encounter in cross-cultural class room management. From the results of interviews they have established the teaching attitude and actual means adopted by L2 Chinese language teaches in solving those problems. Using them as a basis to analyze and discuss class room management techniques and methods advocated by scholars and finally to accomplish the research objective of solving the common difficulties encountered in the cross-cultural classroom management. They comprise the characteristic of the students, their attitudes towards study and cross-cultural interaction with others; the special characteristics of teachers and their techniques in cross-cultural classroom management and their solutions to solving those difficulties.
    The results of the research have established the principals of L2 Chinese language teachers in the management of cross-cultural classroom management. They include (1) the specialized knowledge acquired by the L2 Chinese language teachers is a most important ingredient which they must possess because it is the basic and is also most desired by the students, (2) the understanding, knowledge and tolerance of cross-cultural values are the sole effective means for L2 Chinese language teachers to face students from different cultural backgrounds, (3) the technique of classroom management is the accumulated wisdom of teaching experience which can be acquired through learning and reflection, (4) L2 Chinese language teachers need to depend on their personal teaching concepts to formulate a classroom strategy suitable for their classroom management. It is only when teachers have their guidelines in place then the students can follow suit.

    第一章 緒論……………………………………….……..………………………1 第一節 研究背景…………………………………………..………………1 第二節 研究動機………………..…………………………………………3 第三節 研究目的與研究問題……………………………………………..4 第四節 本研究之重要性…………………………………………………..5 第五節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………………..9 一、跨文化……………………………………………………………..9 二、課室經營…………………………………………………………..9 三、華語、漢語、中文…………………………………………………..10 四、華語文教學…………………………………………….…………10 五、華語文教師……………………………………………………….10 六、外籍學生…………………………………………………………..10 第六節 小結………………………………………………………………10 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………………..13 第一節 跨文化…………………………………………………………....13 一、文化的本質………………………………………………………..13 二、跨文化認知……………………………………………………….16 三、跨文化歧見之成因……………………………………………… 18 四、小結……………………………………………………………….21 第二節 課室經營…………………………………………………………21 一、 內涵與複雜性……………………………………………………21 二、課室經營理念……………………………………………………22三、課室經營模式………………………………………...……….…24 四、小結…………………………………………………..…………..28 第三節 影響跨文化課室經營之因素………………………………..…..28 一、 學生方面…………………………………………………………28 (一) 跨文化衝突………………………………………..………..29 (二) 文化背景與學習行為……………………………..………..30 (三) 人格特質與學習態度………………………………..……..32 (四) 學習情感障礙之成因………………………………..……..34 (五) 學習動機……………………………………………..……..36 二、 教師方面………………………………………………….………38 (一) 面對跨文化衝突…………………………………...........38 (二)文化認同矛盾…………………………………….……...39 (二) 人格特質與教學態度……………………………….….41 (三) 課室教學技巧……………………………………….….43 (四) 課室經營策略…………………………………………..45 三、小結……………………………….………….…...…….….…...48 第四節 華語教學之跨文化與課室經營………………………….….…49 第三章 研究方法..……………………..…………..……...…………………...51 第一節 研究方法與設計……………..…………………..……….….....51 第二節 研究過程..……………………………………….……………...52 第三節 研究工具及編制..………………..……..………………………57 第四節 保持研究可信度………………………………………………..58 第四章 研究發現與分析…..………………………………………..…..…....61 第一節 問卷調查分析..…………………………………………………61 一、 學生人格特質………………………………………………....61 二、 學生學習行為與態度…………………………………………62 三、 學生人際關係………………………………………………....63 四、 學生跨文化問題………………………………………………64 五、 教學實務………………………………………………………65 六、 課室經營………………………………………………………66 七、 教師之人際關係………………………………………………67 八、 如何鼓勵學生…………………………………………………68 九、 如何處理衝突………………………………………………....69 十、 如何提升學習動機……………………………………………69 十一、 如何增進師生關係…………………………………………70 十二、 如何營造課室氣氛…………………………………………71 第二節 訪談分析……….……………………………………..……..…72 一、 學生部分………………………………………………………72 (一)學生人格特質…………………………………………….72 (二) 學生學習行為與態度…………………………………....76 (三) 學生人際關係……………………………………………80 (四) 學生跨文化問題…………………………………………86 二、 教師部分…………………………………………………..…..92 (一) 教學實務…………………………………………………92 (二) 課室經營…………………………………………………96 (三) 教師之人際關係…………………………………………100 三、 解決作法部分……………………………………..………….104 (一) 鼓勵學生積極學習………………...………………….104 (二)處理衝突……..………………………………..………108 (三)提升學習情緒……………………………………..…..109 (四)增進師生關係………………………………………....112 (五)營造課室氣氛………………………………………....114 第五章 研究結果……………………………………………………………..117 第一節 學生部分………………………………………………………..117 一、 學生人格特質…………………………………………………..117 二、 學生學習行為與態度…………………………………………..118 三、 跨文化人際關係………………………………………………..119 第二節 教師部分………………………………………………………..120 一、 人格特質………………………………………………………..120 二、 跨文化課室經營技巧…………………………………………..121 第三節 解決作法部分…………………………………………………..122 一、 鼓勵學生積極學習……………………………………………..122 二、 增進師生關係…………………………………………………..124 三、 營造積極的課室氣氛…………………………………………..125 第四節 小結……………………………………………………………..126 第六章 結論與建議………..…………………………………………………129 第一節 研究結論…………………………………………..……………129 一、華語文教師跨文化課室經營之通則…………………..………130 第二節 研究限制………………………………………………………..132 一、時間能力的限制………………………………………………..132 二、研究對象與內容的限制…………………………….………….132 三、研究工具內容的限制………………………….……………….132 第三節 研究歷程反思… ……………………………………………….133 第四節 對未來研究發展之建議………………………………………..134 參考文獻………………………………………………….…………………….136 附錄一、「華語文教師跨文化課室經營之探討」調查問卷………………..147 附錄二、華語教師訪談逐字稿範例…………….…………………………….151

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