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研究生: 郭姿均
Kuo, Tzu-Chun
論文名稱: 幼兒音樂教師教學信念之研究
The study on the teacher belief of young children music teachers
指導教授: 吳舜文
Wu, Shun-Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 幼兒音樂教育教學信念凱利庫存方格技術
英文關鍵詞: young children music education, teacher belief, Repertory Grid Technique (RGT)
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:459下載:194
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  • 本研究透過凱利庫存方格技術(RGT),以半結構式訪談探討七位現職幼兒音樂教師的教學信念。研究者就受訪教師的教學歷程及個人相關經驗建構三十六組教學信念,並分析其相關因素,研究結論如下:














    The purpose of this study was to investigate the teacher beliefs of young children music teachers. Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique (RGT) was used, along with semi-structured interviewing. Thirty-six beliefs were derived from teaching processes and personal experiences of seven children music teachers. Conclusions were stated according to six dimensions as below:

    1. Beliefs about the teaching method were: (1) using things that children were familiar with at the beginning; (2) to demonstrate and let children imitate; (3) to improve children’s attention by different ways of teaching; and (4) to adjust classroom activities anytime according to the reaction of children.

    2. Beliefs about the curriculum design were: (1) using varied activities such as listening, singing, playing, reading, music appreciation and ensemble; (2) using stories and pictures to make children impressed; (3) using drama as an instruction aid; and (4) using the systematic teaching material and teaching aids appropriately.

    3. Beliefs about the teacher role were that: (1) teachers should improve their own ability; (2) teachers should prepare lessons very well; (3) teacher should be aware of children’s condition while teaching; and (4) children’s learning response will arouse teachers’ positive or negative feelings of teaching.

    4. Beliefs about the communication with parents were that: (1) parents have powerful influence on children’s music learning; (2) teacher should be serious to communicate with parents; and (3) teacher should encourage children to share their learning results with their families.

    5. Beliefs about the classroom management were that: (1) the learning environment for children should be joyful; (2) positive interaction between teachers and students will help the class and promote children’s motivation; and (3) music learning is beneficial for children’s personal and behavioral development.

    6. Beliefs about the assessment were: (1) immediate affirmation in the classroom and regular practicing at home are necessary; and (2) an oral or the material rewards can help to encourage children.

    7. Teachers’ beliefs were no obvious influence on teaching practice while considering personal music learning background, but the background had some negative influence while looking for jobs or getting parents’ identification.

    8. Important persons such as family, friends, and teachers who had taught have much influence on teachers’ beliefs.

    9. The motivation to be a young children group music teacher included teachers’ music learning experience in childhood, music ability, a longing to increase one's own teaching experience, and enjoying the children music teaching. Such were also important factors for teachers’ beliefs.

    10. The closely attentive things by teachers were the teaching ability and experience, the communication with children, parents’ attitude, childhood learning experience, and the professional education. Such were also important factors for teachers’ beliefs.

    11. Teachers’ view about present occupations was also a factor to influence teachers’ beliefs. Those who would continue to teach had positive attitudes towards teaching, but those who wouldn’t continue worried about the social development and the limit of their teaching age.

    12. The conditions of marriage and the children to bring up were also important factors to influence teachers’ beliefs.

    According to this research, several suggestions for young children music education were also proposed to the teachers and institutions along with some advices for future studies.

    目 次 摘要..........i 目次..........v 表次..........vii 圖次..........ix 第一章 緒論..........1 第一節 研究動機..........1 第二節 研究目的..........5 第三節 待答問題..........6 第四節 名詞釋義..........7 第二章 文獻探討..........9 第一節 教學信念的意義與理論基礎..........9 第二節 幼兒音樂教師教學信念相關研究..........19 第三節 幼兒音樂學習相關理論..........39 第三章 研究設計..........49 第一節 研究架構..........49 第二節 研究方法-凱利庫存方格技術..........51 第三節 研究對象..........58 第四節 研究程序..........61 第五節 資料處理..........64 第四章 研究結果與討論..........67 第一節 教學信念的個別呈現..........67 第二節 教學信念各層面之分析..........118 第三節 教師信念影響因素分析..........126 第四節 回饋與省思..........133 第五章 結論與建議..........139 第一節 結論..........139 第二節 建議..........142 參考文獻..........145 壹、中文部份..........145 貳、英文部分..........151 附錄..........157 附錄一 第一次晤談說明信..........157 附錄二 第二次晤談說明信..........158 附錄三 最後檢核信..........159 表 次 表2-1-1國內外幼教教師教學信念相關研究..........20 表2-1-2國內外音樂教師教學信念相關研究..........28 表2-2幼稚園課程標準「音樂」領域課程目標及內容要項..........45 表2-3五歲幼兒基本能力「藝術」學力指標..........46 表3-1 訪談教師基本資料..........60 表3-2 訪談日期及時間表..........62 表4-1-1 A師24句RGT元素..........68 表4-1-2 A師元素與構念的分類..........70 表4-1-3 A師各組構念及整合後的信念..........72 表4-2-1 B師20句RGT元素..........76 表4-2-2 B師元素與構念的分類..........78 表4-2-3 B師各組構念及整合後的信念..........79 表4-3-1 C師21句RGT元素..........83 表4-3-2 C師元素與構念的分類..........85 表4-3-3 C師各組的構念與整合後的信念..........86 表4-4-1 D師18句RGT元素..........90 表4-4-2 D師元素與構念的分類..........92 表4-4-3 D師各組構念與整合後的信念..........93 表4-5-1 E師21句RGT元素..........96 表4-5-2 E師元素與構念的分類..........98 表4-5-3 E師各組的構念與整合後的信念..........99 表4-6-1 F師20句RGT元素..........103 表4-6-2 F師元素與構念的分類..........105 表4-6-3 F師各組的構念與整合後的信念...........107 表4-7-1 G師20句RGT元素..........110 表4-7-2 G師元素與構念的分類..........112 表4-7-3 G師各組的構念與整合後的信念..........113 圖 次 圖3-1研究架構圖..........50 圖3-2研究程序圖..........63

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