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研究生: 阮宇鴻
Hung Ngoc Nguyen
論文名稱: 越南湄公河三角洲四種岩虎的種化與生態棲位分化
Speciation and niche analysis of four rock geckos (genus Cnemaspis) in Mekong Delta, Vietnam
指導教授: 林思民
Lin, Si-Min
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 岩虎東南亞限制酶基因組測序時間棲位棲位分化越南彎趾虎種化
英文關鍵詞: Cnemaspis, Cyrtodactylus, Niche partitioning, RAD-seq, Speciation, Southeast Asia, Temporal niche, Vietnam
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900272
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:345下載:9
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  • 在過去幾十年間,物種生態、分布、與種化之間的連結,一直是演化生物學上的研究重點。近年,具有高度多樣性的蜥蜴,逐漸成為各種時間與空間尺度生態學和演化生物學的研究對象。岩虎(Cnemaspis)是廣布在東南亞的類群,在地理分布和活動時間均呈現很大的種間變異,也使得本屬成為深具價值的研究對象。湄公河三角洲淋溶殘存的花崗岩石洞中,就分布著四種當地特有的岩虎,分別是坎山岩虎(C. nuicamensis)、鐸山岩虎(C. tucdupensis)、橙肢岩虎(C. aurantiacopes)、與雪尾岩虎(C. caudanivea)。這些洞穴壁虎極為狹窄的分布區域,以及特化的生態現象,成為我珍貴的研究題材。我利用次世代定序技術之中的限制酶基因組測序技術(RAD-seq),以瞭解這四個特有物種的演化過程。由於壁虎並沒有可供參考比對的基因組序列,因此我們利用不同的參數設定,嘗試對定序獲得的大量序列進行組裝,最後將相關的參數M設置為4,而n設置為7;相關的運算與評估過程描述於第一章。

    For decades, the link among ecology, distribution and speciation has been the focus for evolutionary biologist. Recently, lizards as a widely distributed and highly diverse group, have emerged as new model organisms for ecological and evolutionary studies from various community levels at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Rock geckos – genus Cnemaspis, are widely distributed in Southeast Asia and have diverse spatial ranges and temporal activity pattern among its species. This makes this genus a suitable model to study the relationship among ecology, distribution and speciation. The monophyletic group of four Cnemaspis species (C. nuicamensis, C. tucdupensis, C. caudanivea and C. aurantiacopes) are endemic to southern Mekong Delta and are isolated to multiple neighbor rocky areas. This distributional pattern provides an excellent chance to study genetic and ecological differentiation within a minute geographic scale. Therefore, I focused on investigation on the speciation and niche of these four species, especially the two sister species C. nuicamensis and C. tucdupensis.
    In order to understand the speciation of these species, I inferred the historical demography by estimating the population parameters (population size, divergence time and gene flow) of these species. I utilized one of the powerful of Next Generation Sequencing tools, the Restriction site associated DNA sequencing, which can generate large genetic data to fill the necessity of data analyses. In order to overcome the caveat of RAD-seq without reference genome, I explored the influence of parameters on the output loci dataset in Chapter 1. By using the most recommended program for RAD-seq – STAKCS, I conducted the optimization of a de novo assembly for my downstream population genetics analyses. After iterating values of the main parameter of STACKS and comparing the resultants from multiple de novo loci assembly, the most optimized parameters for my RAD-seq dataset were selected as M = 4 and n = 7. Using the optimized parameter for my dataset from Chapter 1, I applied several coalescence-based approaches to estimate divergence times, gene flow and demographic fluctuations during speciation processes in Chapter 2. The results showed long-term population shrinkage in the four geckos and limited gene flow during their divergence, suggesting that the erosion and fragmentation of the granite boulder hills have had great impacts on these populations’ divergences and population declines. These results also showed that the specialist gecko’s habitat specialization has facilitated the fine-scaled speciation in these granite rocky hills; in contrast, specialization might also have pushed these species toward the edge of extinction. My study also emphasizes the conservation urgency of these vulnerable, cave-dependent geckos.
    The results from Chapter 2 showed the limited dispersal ability of C. nuicamensis. And it was confirmed when the recent described Cyrtodactylus species, which occurs in similar habitat, can cross the range of both Cnemaspis sister species. Therefore, there is a question why C. nuicamensis did not cross to its sister species’ range. In Chapter 3, I investigate the realized niche of the two sister species to see if there is enough divergence in their habitat use for them to coexist. The results showed that there is somewhat difference in the habitat preference of the sister species but is unlikely enough to use distinct resource and be sympatric. This suggest that there is strong niche conservatism in Cnemaspis species which promoted speciation and prevent sympatry afterward.
    In Chapter 4, I attempted to infer the link between the pattern of temporal activity among Cnemaspis species and the existence of sympatric Cyrtodactylus species. Diel activity and habitat use pattern across the phylogeny of Cnemaspis genus were analyzed. And the relationship between the temporal activity pattern of Cnemaspis species with the existence of sympatric Cyrtodactylus species along with other ecological factors was tested. I found strong phylogenetic signal in habitat use trait but not in temporal activity, showing that the temporal niche of this genus is more labile compare to microhabitat niche. Further, the absent of the competitor as Cyrtodactylus species may create an opportunity for Cnemaspis species to shift back to nocturnality.

    Table of Contents 中文摘要........................................................I Abstract......................................................III List of tables...............................................VIII List of figure..................................................X Chapter 1.......................................................1 Optimizing parameters for de novo assembly of RAD-seq in STACKS pipeline 1 Abstract........................................................1 1 Introduction...............................................1 2 Materials and Methods......................................3 3 Results....................................................4 4 Discussion.................................................6 Tables and Figures..............................................8 Chapter 2......................................................16 Historical demography of four gecko species specializing in boulder cave habitat 16 Abstract.......................................................16 1 Introduction..............................................17 2 Materials and Methods.....................................20 3 Results...................................................26 4 Discussion................................................30 Tables and Figures.............................................35 Chapter 3......................................................40 Niche similarity between Cnemaspis sister species..............40 Abstract.......................................................40 1 Introduction..............................................40 2 Materials and Methods.....................................42 3 Results...................................................43 4 Discussion................................................44 Tables and Figures.............................................47 Chapter 4......................................................54 Temporal activity response to sympatric competitors in Cnemaspis genus in Southeast Asia 54 Abstract.......................................................54 1 Introduction..............................................54 2 Materials and Methods.....................................56 3 Results...................................................59 4 Discussion................................................60 Tables and Figures.............................................64 References.....................................................80

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