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研究生: 萬家春
Wan Chia-chun
論文名稱: 以認定同體為核心的人格教育研究
Education for ldentity and Personality Development
指導教授: 賈馥茗
Chia, Fu-Ming
Chien, Maw-Fa
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 259
中文關鍵詞: 認定同體人格人格教育
英文關鍵詞: identity, personality, education for personality development
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:420下載:41
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  • 摘 要
    研 究 者:萬家春
    本研究以探討個人認定同體(identity)為出發點,確定其和人格的關係,擬定「以認定同體為核心的人格教育」實施要領,並將酌定人格教育辦學策略,實際在國民中學驗証,依據所得,提出適用於國民教育階段的「以認定同體為核心的人格教育」推展途徑。為達成四個具有層次性和順序性的目的,本研究以文獻探討和試驗研究(experimental study)為主要的研究方法。

    Education for Identity and Personality Development
    Wan Chia-chun
    The purpose of this study is fourfold:
    1. to survey theories of identity;
    2. to investigate relationships between identity and personality development;
    3. to explore strategies of developing healthy personality through self-identity;
    4. to experiment with appropriate methods of identity and personality development of junior high school students.
    Through literature review and by the use of action research method, eight factors are drawn, namely physical figure, gender image, personal ideology, self-appraisal, family relationships, school relationships, friendships, and career expectation as aspects for development identity and personality. Throughout three-year research, the following results are found:
    1. Identity means " I am the person as I perceived and will be." It implies " I am as I hoped and others recognized." and it includes self-acceptance, self-understanding, self-satisfaction, and self-esteem.
    2. Although identity is life-long process, the period of adolescence is the stage of serious crisis, which is affected by family environment and school education. Junior high school education is at this stage. If this period of education is proper, it helps them develop proper identity and personality.
    3. Parental relationship, parents' attitudes toward their children and education, and teachers' attitudes toward their students and teaching methods highly influence on the identity development of the young.
    4. When parents, teachers, school staff, and community organizations work together to assist students to face frustrations and crisis, to get a better self-understanding, and to accept self and others, their self-identity is improved and stable; eventually their personality is more admirable.

    目 次 第一章 緒論………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機和研究目的…………………………… 1 第二節 研究方法和研究架構…………………………… 4 第二章 認定同體的基本概念……………………………… 8 第一節 意義和內涵……………………………………… 8 第二節 基礎和要素……………………………………… 19 第三節 功能和類型……………………………………… 23 第四節 形成和發展……………………………………… 30 第五節 不同同體狀態者的特質………………………… 42 第三章 認定同體的應用和研究…………………………… 46 第一節 影響同體形成和擴展的因素…………………… 46 第二節 善用影響因素擴展同體的原則………………… 60 第三節 影響學生同體發展的關鍵性學校因素………… 64 第四節 建構擴展同體的學校…………………………… 72 第五節 研究方法和趨勢………………………………… 77 第四章 認定同體為人格教育的核心……………………… 84 第一節 人格的意義和內涵……………………………… 84 第二節 認定同體和人格的關係………………………… 92 第三節 教育的本質在培育人格………………………… 97 第五章 以認定同體為核心的人格教育實施要領…………104 第一節 目標………………………………………………105 第二節 方向………………………………………………110 第三節 法則………………………………………………113 第四節 內涵………………………………………………120 第五節 施教者……………………………………………136 第六章 以認定同體為核心的人格教育試驗………………146 第一節 試驗計畫…………………………………………146 第二節 試驗歷程…………………………………………152 第三節 試驗結果和討論…………………………………179 第七章 推展以認定同體為核心的人格教育(結論和建 議) ………………………………………………206 第一節 認識認定同體肯定人格教育……………………206 第二節 掌握關鍵階段奠定終生基礎……………………208 第三節 運用推展策略建構理想學校……………………210 第四節 發展專業同體培育優良師資……………………224 第五節 結合人力物力充實相關研究……………………228 參考書目………………………………………………………231 附錄……………………………………………………………244

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