研究生: |
呂伯寧 Lyu, Bo-Ning |
論文名稱: |
虛擬實境中的真實體驗對華語寫作之影響研究 An Investigation into the Effects of Authentic Experieces in Virtual Environments on Mandarin Chinese Writing |
指導教授: |
Lan, Yu-Ju 陳之權 Chin, Chee-Kuen. |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
應用華語文學系 Applied Chinese Language and Culture |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 112 |
中文關鍵詞: | 虛擬實境 、第二人生 、真實學習 、寫作能力 、態度 |
英文關鍵詞: | virtual environment, Second Life, authentic learning, writing ability, attitude |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203720 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:400 下載:72 |
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近年來,利用3D虛擬實境,如「第二人生」(Second Life)輔助語言教學的研究日益興起。在虛擬實境裡基於網絡的文本和語音即時通訊增強了師生間、同儕間、學習者與虛擬物體間的互動,并在其中構建生活中可能遇到的真實情境,為學習者提供大量有意義的互動的機會。在其中,學習者充分調動視覺、聽覺等多感官,在潛移默化中實現語言習得。此外,由於在「第二人生」可創造完全沉浸式的語言環境,對於促進海外華語教學意義重大。
In recent years, research on applying 3D virtual environments, such as Second Life, to assist language teaching are increasingly emerging. In a 3D virtual environment, the web-based text and real-time voice communication not only enhance the interaction of teacher-student, peer-peer and learner-virtual object, but also provides a lot of meaningful interaction opportunities by building real situations that may be encountered in life. In this way, the learners fully utilize vision, hearing and other senses to achieve imperceptible language acquisition. Besides, since Second Life can create a fully immersive language environment, it is of great significance in promoting overseas Mandarin Chinese teaching.
This study, conducted on Mandarin Chinese language learners in Singapore, focuses on the effects of authentic experiences in virtual environments on Mandarin Chinese writing and it is. A quasi-experimental design is applied, in which the participants in the control group take traditional writing lessons while those in the test group have authentic experiences in a 3D virtual world before writing. The duration is five weeks. By comparing the writing scores of the two groups and the results of surveys taken before and after the experiment, this study is expected to explore the effects of Second Life on Mandarin Chinese writing ability and motivation. The study finds that the composition scores of the students in the experimental group are significantly higher than that in the control group, including the scores for content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Particularly, the differences in the scores for content, organization, grammar and vocabulary of the two groups were statistically significant. In addition, the number of the students who utilized prewriting brainstorming was far higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and showed more diversity in the form, content and language in the writing. However, in this study, there is no obvious difference between the two groups in the motivation questionnaires, which may be caused by the lack of tasks designed in the curriculum and lack of an incentive mechanism.
As a test to evaluate the effectiveness of Mandarin Chinese teaching by applying Second Life, the study is expected to take advantages of 3D virtual environments in order to offset time and space constraints, and promotes the development of Mandarin Chinese education.
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