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研究生: 張瑞賓
Ray-bin Chang
論文名稱: 具有開放式聯結語的命題式屬性化概念構圖系統
Proposition-Based Attributed Concept Mapping System with Relation-Free
指導教授: 張國恩
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 概念圖開放式聯結語評量回饋命題圖
英文關鍵詞: concept maps, assessment, relation-free, feedback, proposition graph
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:412下載:0
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  • 近幾年來,概念圖(concept maps)被廣泛的應用在教育的訓練、教學、及學生的評量上,且深受肯定。而過去概念圖的評量標準,有的僅考慮概念節點,有的則是以概念節點為主,聯結語為輔的方式來評量,但命題(proposition)是構成知識的最小單位,這對由許多命題彼此相互連結所組成的概念圖而言,以往的評量方式,似乎稍嫌薄弱,因此本文提出一種以命題為主的屬性化概念圖(proposition-based attributed concept maps)的觀念,也就是對概念圖中的每一命題給予一權值代表其重要程度。

    In recent years, concept maps have widely been applied in education for training, instruction, as well as assessment. In the past, the assessment of concept maps only considered concept nodes or with assisted relation link between the two concepts. However, proposition is the essential element of knowledge, the above assessment are slightly frail. In this thesis, proposition-based attributed concept map is proposed. Each proposition in the attributed concept map is given a weight based on importance in a subject matter.
    In the conventional concept mapping system, students construct their concept maps by using the predefined concept nodes and relation links. The use of predefined concept nodes and relation links may reduce the chance of students to reflect by themselves. In this thesis, a computer-based concept mapping with relation-free is proposed. The system provides a mapping environment in which students can construct their concept maps by the use of their own relations and predefined concepts. Keeping students with freedom to use their own relations will increase the chance of students’ self-reflection and get more learning.
    In the previous assessment, students’ states, such as what is student learned, what is student unlearned, and what is student’s misconception cannot reported and also cannot provide an appropriate feedback. A qualitative matching method is proposed to diagnose students’ states. This matching method also provides an appropriate feedback based on the diagnosed states.
    In order to evaluate the proposed studies, an experiment was conducted. The experimental results revealed that the studies showed a good learning impacts on students, assisted students to efficiently construct their concept maps by using the assessment and feedback functions, and precisely diagnosed the students’ learning states.

    附表目錄 vi 附圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 命題式屬性化概念圖的定義 6 第三章 評量與回饋 8 3.1 聯結詞語集合 8 3.2 部分正確命題的型態 9 3.2.1 「正確聯結關係」的部分正確命題 9 3.2.2 「命題語意」的部分正確命題 10 3.3 命題比對方法 13 3.4 評分與S指數 14 3.5 回饋 20 第四章 系統實作 27 4.1 專家版本 27 4.2 學生版本 33 第五章 實驗結果與討論 36 5.1 實驗對象 36 5.2 實驗教材 37 5.3 實驗工具 37 5.4 實施程序 37 5.5 實驗結果 39 第六章 結論與未來發展方向 59 附錄一 「記憶體的種類與特性」的專家概念圖 62 附錄二 「變質作用」的專家概念圖 63 附錄三 「記憶體的種類與特性」成就測驗試題 64 附錄四 「變質作用」成就測驗試題 65 參考著作 66

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