研究生: |
黃姿蓉 Huang, Tzu-jung |
論文名稱: |
宜蘭地區農舍建築形式現況與市場偏好之研究 A study of Farmhouse Architectrual Form Research and Market Preference in I-Lan Area |
指導教授: |
Liang, Kuei-Chia |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 121 |
中文關鍵詞: | 宜蘭農舍 、建築形式 、不動產行銷策略 |
英文關鍵詞: | I-Lan farmhouse, architectural forms, marketing strategy for real estate |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:208 下載:0 |
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This paper aims to explore the relative issues of farmhouse architectural forms in the Yilan area, including the current situation, market preference and orientation tendency, and also summarize and analyze the various architectural forms. Combined with the qualitative and quantitative researches, the author collects relevant materials and conducts in-depth interviews with farmhouse users to learn about the major considerations and real demands and figure out the subjective complicated issues. Moreover, the author also uses a questionnaire survey to investigate the statistical data of market preferences for farmhouse architectural forms, from which a quantitative analysis can be done to serve as future reference.
According to the research findings, the new reinforced concrete (RC) style of farmhouses has replaced the traditional Yilan House since 1970,showing a trend toward the transcultural architectures. It does not only represent the advancement of architectural forms and construction technologies, but also shows the differences in the people’s cognition of the natural environment and life demands. After the Hsueh Shan Tunnel was opened to traffic, majority of the Yilan residents came from other cities. Even the aborigines have migrated, thus the transcultural longing for architectural forms originating from other areas are reflected in the farmhouses of Yilan. Between the selections of traditional and new styles, the architectural forms of farmhouses in Yilan tend to display the architects’ own ideas; however, the Yilan House promoted by the Yilan government tries to restore the traditional architectural forms. Furthermore, this paper also takes the group with an annual revenue above 1 million as samples to investigate their preferences for architectural forms. The results show that this sample group has no preference for any architectural forms but only ask for “green” architectural designs. 80% of the interviewees know little about the twelve construction rules of the Yilan House, and 94% are willing to plan the farmhouses in line with the nine indexes of green architecture.
Based on the study on the current situation and market preference for farmhouse architectural forms in the Yilan area, this paper starts from the perspective that the masses are concerned mostly and introduces the users’ visual experiences of the architectural forms into the nine indexes of green architecture which is people-oriented and in harmony with nature. It also integrates the twelve planning rules of the Yilan House based on the special climate of Yilan area, so as to make the knowledge related to architecture and environment easy to understand, to make the people aware of the climate changes caused by them. This paper hopes that architects, design professionals as well as farmhouse users and the masses, can be farsighted to lead the architectural designs in Yilan to become more sustainable forms of architecture.
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