研究生: |
王偉民 |
論文名稱: |
衝浪品牌的視覺識別設計表現 The Visual Identification Of Surf Branding |
指導教授: | 周賢彬 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 148 |
中文關鍵詞: | 品牌 、品牌設計 、衝浪 、衝浪板 、衝浪運動 、視覺識別 |
英文關鍵詞: | Brand, Brand Design, Surfing, Surfboard, Surfing Activity, Visual Recognition, VI, Surf |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:860 下載:38 |
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1. 品牌是一個商品成功與否的重要關鍵,舉凡衝浪的商品和其他的運動知名品牌,皆有其獨特且系統化的品牌形象和識別,其商標的設計及顏色的選擇上,皆以簡單為原則。
2. 台灣衝浪運動與國外的衝浪運動發展過程相似,以俱樂部的方式開始群聚經營,隨著從事運動人口的增加,對設備及產品研發產生需求,開始改良並製作符合衝浪者需求的產品,因此本研究以國外知名品牌為案例,將現有的藍洋衝浪俱樂部,以「品牌」的概念行銷,建立特有、完整視覺識別系統,並實際應用於相關生產的產品當中。
3. 品牌創立的初期,因人力、物力、資金等尚無法達到市場上的規模經濟,因此在商品的創造上可結合其他企業進行資源的整合,例如與知名的衝浪板品牌合作,結合其專業的製作技術,設計符合本地市場的產品。
4. 品牌的發展應注重文化性,以求與市場不同的獨特性,這次的創作當中,將烏石港衝浪環境中特有的「消波塊」、代表當地衝浪語言的「明」字中文字樣、代表噶瑪蘭族的植物「大葉山欖」等元素加入創作當中,除了可增加獨特性外,並能利用其特有的文化特質行銷。
Surfing has been played for many years in Taiwan and has many participants. Gradually, surfing clubs and shops have been opened at many places, and many famous global surfing brands have been introduced into Taiwan. Although surfing has gradually been well-know in Taiwan, most surfing brands and surfing-related products are almost imported. They are not designed specifically for Taiwanese market. Moreover, they are not only expensive, but also lack of local specialty. Surfing in Taiwan is developed from local surfing clubs, and many clubs have their own high reputations and loyal customers. This study tries to build up visual recognition systems and develop brands for surfing clubs. By doing these, I will create surfing-related products that are special and have local characteristics.
In this study, firstly, I will explore the meanings of brand, the theories of visual expression, design methods and surfing history to establish the fundamental theoretical background. Secondly, by using case study approach, I will analyze the visual images of surfing brands and their recognition plans. Moreover, surfing-related companies’ brands will also be deeply studied to expand the theoretical understandings of brand creation. Finally, basing on the conclusions drawn from my case study, I will apply theories of brand to design Blue Sea Surfing Club’s brand and visual recognition system. This creative work is also based on brand theories, visual expression design methods, and the understandings of surfing history and culture.
This creative work is processed very smoothly because it is based on systematic analysis and theories from related professional fields. Although creative work is a very subjective behavioral science, with the help of scientific approach, this study is more valuable and I am also able to gain ample knowledge during this process.
In the end, this study sums up some conclusions.
1. Brand is a very important determinant for business success. Every famous surfing-related and sport-related product has their own special and systematic brand images and recognitions.
2. Brand design should be simple. This simplicity rule should also be applied to choose the brand’s color in order to enhance the level of brand’s recognition.
3. In the early stage of brand creation, resources are not enough to help the business operate at scale of economies. As a result, it is beneficial to integrate other companies’ resources, e.g. cooperating with consigners, to design localized products.
4. Culture should be emphasized in brand development in order to create the brand’s specialty.
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