研究生: |
林琨芳 |
論文名稱: |
地方品牌化之形象視覺設計創作與研究 以新店區廣興里為例 Visual Design Creation and Research on the Image of Place Branding Take the Restoration of Guangsing District in Xindian Adminisfration Area as an Example |
指導教授: | 張柏舟 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 103 |
中文關鍵詞: | 地方品牌化 、地方行銷 、地方識別 、視覺設計 |
英文關鍵詞: | Place branding, local marketing, local recognition, visual design |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:388 下載:53 |
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近年來受到全球化的衝擊,世界各國或地方的經濟、產業、區域發展都受到影響,而各個地為了要在與全球或地區競爭的情況中找到適合的發展定位與調適,皆不斷努力尋找新方向,而在這波風潮中地方行銷(Place Marketing)則成為新的顯學。
In recent years, the impact of globalization has influenced the economy, industries, and regional development of countries or regions. To find a suitable development orientation and adjustment within the global and regional competition, efforts were made to find new ways in every regional development. During this trend, Place Marketing has become the new dominance.
Looking back on the urban development of Europe, the United States, and other advanced countries, when undergoing similar circumstances, it is a more feasible and necessary mean to let the local development lead the overall local economic development. Our government also responded to this trend. In 1998, Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed “Four-year New Taiwan brand commercial district plan from 2008 to 2011”. Its purpose is to integrate local resources, activate local cultures, cohere with local awareness, and extend to create a brand shopping district. Place Brand theory, based on Place Marketing theory, utilizes its strategic identifying factor such as functions of place, self-expressions, emotions…etc., to promote local characteristics, improve the future of Place and attract human resources, tourism and investment, increase Place competitiveness, then to better meet the local marketing policy, promote the brand to create a commercial district.
Place Marketing has become a national, regional and the city's major issues in recent years. But Kwong Hing area, which the writer has studied, currently faces the difficulties of local decline and industrial depression due to its fail to develop local characteristics effectively. As a result, by integrating the region’s visual elements such as its humanity, history, industry, tourism, ecology, using Place branding to plan the overall visual design, and fusing into the local identity design and the marketing of visual image, would benefit the development of local characteristics, rebuild the local image, and revitalize a variety of local economic activities. It is the objective of this study.
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