研究生: |
邱淑宜 Chiou Shuyi |
論文名稱: |
教學空間之認同感與領域感研究 |
指導教授: | 楊紹裘 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 125 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教學空間 、認同感 、領域 、領域性 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:313 下載:36 |
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本文主要探討學生使用教學空間之認同感與領域感,「領域性」是指由個體、群體或其他社群(social group)單位所知覺到的物理空間的所有權為基礎,所發展的一組行為與認知;「認同感」對應在領域上,可提供個人表達認同,並防止攻擊行為,促進個人歸屬於內團體,經由使用與標記行為,強化認同的產生,進而與領域性相互影響。本文以量化研究方式,針對台北市五所公立工科高職學校學生,進行問卷調查,並輔以質化研究方式,隨機抽樣訪談學生的看法,經由量與質的結果分析,瞭解學生使用教學空間的現況與期待,並得到以下結論:
This article mainly discusses the students’ acceptance and domain feeling to the use of teaching space, "The territoriality " is basic to the development of the groups’ behavior and recognizes importance of the environment on the individual, the community or other society groups. "The acceptance" of the environment, in providing for individual expression, may prevent the incidence of violence, promote a sense of individual ownership within the group and in this way, the improve behavior and the feeling of belonging, thus further improving the teaching environment. This article uses the result of research by the students from Taipei’s five public vocation schools, the results of a questionnaire survey, auxiliary research, and a random sampling of student’s opinion, By quantifying and bench marking the result, an understanding is gained of the present situation and the expectations of the students in the use of the teaching environment, is gained. The following conclusion are made:
1.Enhancing the characteristic of campus space is helpful to promote acceptance by students of the campus space.
2.The classroom should not be classified as a secondary domain and measures should be taken to avoid this situation by integrating the environment of the class and grade classroom. For example, by taking the aspects of field of study as a theme for the classroom arrangement can help to engender an understanding and feel towards the field of study.
3.The students believe that the shared-classroom necessitated by a different course should be reinstated back to the original condition. This may be achieved by avoiding leaving trash and other personal goods, reduce the occurrence of the change of layout to the environment and minimizing damage.
4.The following aspects enable the student to absorb themselves to into the class and grade life: Inside classroom make decoration changes as necessary, allowing students to define the environment that best suit themselves.
5.The outside corridor is the extension area of classroom, the domain feeling and acceptance can be strengthened after the decoration arrangement.
6.On the students preferred seat allow the introduction of personal belongings, letting students decorate their own seating areas can improve their acceptance and the domain feeling.
7.The students believe that the location of their cabinet is important, and it is better to have their personal cabinet in their own classroom.
Key word: Teaching space, acceptance, domain, and domain feeling.
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