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研究生: 黃加明
Fred, Chia-ming Huang
論文名稱: 字詞搭配教學對台灣高中學生學習英文語法字詞搭配之效益研究
指導教授: 張武昌
Chang, Wu-Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 字詞搭配教學語法字詞搭配
英文關鍵詞: collocation instruction, grammatical collocation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:637下載:21
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  • 本研究的目的是了解台灣高中生英語語法字詞搭配(grammatical collocation)的字詞搭配能力,以及字詞搭配教學對台灣高中學生學習語法字詞搭配能力的效益。六十九名台北市某所市立高中高一學生參加此項研究。首先,他們被區分為實驗組與控制組;兩組皆以第一學期的三次正式段考成績分為高分組、中間組、以及低分組。實驗組接受為期十二週的語法字詞搭配教學;他們接受字詞搭配概念的介紹及語法字詞搭配例句練習。另外一方面,控制組接受傳統的字彙教學;字詞搭配的概念並不會融入傳統字彙教學。本研究使用三種方式來檢測所有參與學生的英語字詞搭配能力;它們分別是二份問卷、一份選擇題測驗、以及一份填充題測驗。

    This study aims to investigate the effects of explicit collocation instruction on Taiwanese EFL learners’ learning of grammatical collocations. 69 first-grade senior high school students in a municipal senior high school in Taipei participated in the study. These participants were divided into the experimental group and the control group. Each group were further divided into three different proficiency levels—high, middle, and low levels—based on the scores of the formal school exams in their first semester. The experimental group received the explicit collocation instruction for twelve weeks, while the control group was not introduced to the concept of collocations and the collocation practice. This study used three different kinds of instruments. They are two questionnaires, one multiple-choice task, and one blank-filling task.
    The results show that senior high school students are in general ignorant of the concept of collocation, and that they need guidance to pay attention to the collocation in the English example sentences. It is found that the participants had some knowledge of collocation before the explicit collocation instruction because they could provide correct answers in the collocation test. The reasons for the difficult collocations are: 1) the participants are ignorant of collocation restriction, 2) the preposition without Chinese counterpart in a collocation are difficult, 3) the prepositions with similar Chinese meaning but are used to collocate with different headwords are also difficult, and 4) the collocations in which the same headword that collocate with different prepositions to denote different meaning are difficult. After the explicit collocation instruction, the experimental group performed better than the control group. And the participants in different levels all benefit from the explicit collocation instruction. Furthermore, Noun + Prep collocation is found to be more difficult to the participants. The reasons for the difficult collocations after the collocation instruction are: 1) the prepositions with Chinese counterpart are still difficult, 2) the prepositions with similar Chinese translation but are used in different collocations cause confusion for the participants, and 3) the collocation that is idiomatic in meaning and is not introduced in the textbook is difficult for the participants.
    Based on the research findings, this study presents the following pedagogical suggestions. First of all, more attention should be paid to the multi-word items while teaching and learning English vocabulary. Second, contrastive study between English and Chinese should be presented systematically to help the learners notice the different prepositions in collocations. Thirdly, collocation instruction should include both lexical and grammatical collocations. Fourthly, teachers should lead the learners to notice collocation restriction. Last but not least, teachers should encourage students to make full use of collocation dictionaries and concordancers to increase their receptive and productive collocation competence.
    As for the suggestions for further research, more participants from different age or proficiency levels should be included in collocation studies. In addition, future research can focus on other types of grammatical collocations. Furthermore, longitudinal studies should be conducted to investigate EFL learners’ retention of collocation competence. Lastly, the reasons of the difficulty for the grammatical collocations other than those tested in the present study are worth investigating in the future.

    中文摘要 i ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Research Questions of the Study 3 Scope of the Study 3 Organization of the Thesis 5 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 7 The Notion of Collocation 7 Word-partnership or Co-occurrence of Words 8 Categories of Collocations 10 Four Types of Grammatical Collocations in the Present Study 13 Studies on Collocation Competence and Overall Language Proficiency 16 Studies on Collocation Instructional Effects 21 Comparison of Collocation Instruction Studies 23 CHAPTER THREE:RESEARCH METHOD 25 The Overall Design 25 Participants 27 Instruments 28 The Questionnaires 29 The First Collocation Test 29 The Second Collocation Test 30 Experimental Procedure 31 Collocation Instruction Design 32 Instruction of Collocations 33 Introduction of Five Collocation Dictionaries 33 The Introduction of Uses of Prepositions 34 Examples and Practices of Four Grammatical Collocations 34 Reviews of Four Grammatical Collocations 35 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 37 The Results and Discussion of the First Questionnaire 37 The Results and Discussion of the First Collocation Test 41 The Results and Discussion of the Second Collocation Test 52 The Results and Discussion of the Second Questionnaire 62 Summary of Chapter Four 66 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION 70 Major Findings 70 Comparison with Previous Studies 73 Limitations of the Study 75 Pedagogical Implications 76 Suggestions for Further Research 77 REFERENCES 80 APPENDICES 88 Appendix A: The First Questionnaire 88 Appendix B: The Second Questionnaire 89 Appendix C: The First Collocation Test 90 Appendix D: The Second Collocation Test 93 Appendix E: Introduction of Five Collocation Dictionaries 95 Appendix F: Introduction of Prepositional Uses 97 Appendix G : G1 (Noun + Prep) Collocation Practice 99 Appendix H : Review of Grammatical Collocations (I) 101 Appendix I: Review of Grammatical Collocations (II) 107 Appendix J: The Answer Frequency of the First Questionnaire among different proficiency levels. 112

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