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研究生: 梁郁
Liang, Yu
論文名稱: 文化旗艦場館與都市再生之研究-以貝爾法斯特•鐵達尼號紀念館為例
Cultural Flagship and Urban Regeneration: A Case Study of Titanic Belfast
指導教授: 劉以德
Liu, Yi-De
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 文化旗艦場館都市再生遺產化鐵達尼號貝爾法斯特
英文關鍵詞: Cultural Flagship, Urban Regeneration, Heritagisation, Titanic, Belfast
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201904
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:261下載:56
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  • 本研究旨在探討文化旗艦場館,尤其在那些具有爭議性的文化意識形態城市內,如何引領城市進行文化再生。這種文化旗艦場館的主要作用是能翻轉該城市的既定印象,若經長期妥善規劃,其效益亦促使該城市的經濟與觀光蓬勃發展並且吸引外資。然而推動「什麼樣的文化」在規劃一座文化旗艦場館是非常重要的,因為這要素將會影響與當地的連結性,若所推動的文化具有爭議性,此座文化旗艦場館的效益便大打折扣。以本研究的個案北愛爾蘭的貝爾法斯特市為例,它建立了一座鐵達尼號紀念館(The Titanic Belfast)並藉此推動「鐵達尼號文化」,但多數學者與當地居民並不認同單單一艘「百年沈船」能夠成為代表貝爾法斯特市的新城市印象,因此受到相當多的反彈。

    本研究先由簡述文化領導都市再生的脈絡來了解文化與都市再生的結合為何。此脈絡之下的產物之一為本研究所要探討的主要議題:文化旗艦場館的定義與效用。接著將會介紹文化旗艦場館的定義及在都市再生中的效益。除了以Hayes (2009)所提出的「文化旗艦場館評估表」中的四大要素:「遠見、設計、遊客吸引力、地域與社群的適切性」作為主軸探究外,亦將結合Grodach (2010)的「文化旗艦場館策劃評估表」為第五要素來補充其原結構不足之處。此外,本研究中將一併探討「遺產化」作為聯繫「文化再生」與「文化旗艦場館」的橋樑,探索遺產化的定義、價值與效能,並討論「遺產化的鐵達尼號文化」作為建造該文化旗艦場館的主題之適切性與衝突性。


    This research aims at discussing how cultural flagships in cities can be used as a method for a cultural-led regeneration, especially in a city which still has many ideological contradictions. An effective cultural flagship project not only may bring multi-level benefits to an area but also may twist the image of the place. However, the key factor of this method to achieve success is to win the local’s supports. As a result, the selection of ‘which culture’ to be promoted is a considerable issue. In the case of Belfast, even though the city has benefited from the cultural infrastructure, the choice of promoting the Titanic culture and the Titanic Belfast have both been criticised by many scholars and residents. A part of them do not identify the selection of a ‘Sunken Titanic culture’ as their new image or representation of Belfast.

    Therefore, this research starts with a brief concept of a culture-led regeneration. Secondly, the author will discuss the notion and the use of a heritagisation which is the bridge to connect a cultural flagship and a culture-led regeneration process. In other words, this study will probe the appropriation and contradiction of using the heritagised Titanic Culture in four dimensions, including the economic value, the social value, the political value, and the cultural value. Finally, by integrating the theories from Gordach (2010) and Hayes (2009) to evaluate a criterion, this research will examine the five factors of a beneficial cultural flagship with the case of the Titanic Belfast: the vision, the design, the visitor attractiveness, the location and community fit, and the planning process.

    Hence, the methodology of this study has a mixed incorporating qualitative point of interviews and secondary sources with different perspectives and approaches. A case study with the above elements of Belfast has been conducted in this study to investigate the reliabilities of the above theories. During the study, 187 opinions are divided among residents, stakeholders, and outsiders on their viewpoint of the application of the Titanic culture and the Titanic Belfast itself. The results from this study show that the establishment of the Titanic Belfast was unavoidable in Belfast’s urban planning. The cultural flagship did achieve its economic target to attract outsiders and bring several benefits to Belfast. However, people are still hesitated in selecting the Titanic for Belfast’s new image.

    碩士學位論文通過簽表 a Acknowledgements b 中文謝誌 c Abstract i 中文摘要 ii Table of Contents iii List of Figures vi List of Tables vii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Motivation 2 1.3 Research Aim and Objective 3 1.4 Research Case 4 1.5 Chapter Outline and Study Process 8 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 Culture and Urban Regeneration 10 2.1.1 The Role of Culture in Regeneration 10 2.1.2 Culture-led Regeneration 12 2.2 Heritagisation and Culture-led Regeneration 14 2.2.1 Heritagisation 14 2.2.2 The Values and Impacts of a Heritagisation Process 19 2.2.3 Heritagisation with Culture-led Regeneration Models 22 2.2.4 Cultural Flagships Projects 25 2.3 Evaluating Criterion for Cultural Flagships 28 2.4 Research Rationale 42 3 Methodology 48 3.1 Research Design 48 3.2 Data Collection 49 3.3 Validity and Reliability 59 3.3.1 Construct Validity 59 3.3.2 Internal Validity 60 3.3.3 External Validity 61 3.3.4 Reliability 61 4 Research Finding 62 4.1 The Transformation of Belfast 62 4.1.1 The Past Dilemmas and Urban Planning 62 4.1.2 Cultural Regeneration in Belfast 69 4.1.3 A Culture-led regeneration Target Planning: Building A Cultural Flagship 75 4.2 The Heritagisation of the Titanic Culture 80 4.2.1 The History Relationship Between the Titanic and Belfast 81 4.2.2 Heritagising the Titanic for Regeneration Use 83 4.2.3 The Four Values and Impacts of Titanic’s Heritagisation for Urban Regeneration 85 The Economic Values and Impacts of the Titanic 85 The Social Values and Impacts of the Titanic 87 The Political Values and Impacts of the Titanic 89 The Cultural Values and Impacts of the Titanic 92 4.2.4 Section Summary 94 4.3 Evaluating the Titanic Belfast 97 4.3.1 Vision 97 4.3.2 Design 104 4.3.3 Visitor-Attractiveness 110 4.3.4 Location and Community Fit 117 4.3.5 Planning Process 125 4.3.6 Section Summary 128 5 Conclusion 131 5.1 Theory Contribution 133 5.2 Pragmatic Contribution . 138 5.3 Limitation 140 5.4 An Advice for Further Studies 141 6 References 142 Appendixes 157 I. Interactive Travel Forums with Reviews Ranking List_The Titanic Belfast 157 II. Notification of the Restriction for any Interviewing in the TQ 162

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