研究生: |
董永祥 Tung Yung Hsiang |
論文名稱: |
國軍就業服務委外作業之研究 An Analysis for Employment Service of Armed Forces Personnel, ROC. |
指導教授: |
Chu, Chao-Hsiang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
政治學研究所 Graduate Institute of Political Science |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 258 |
中文關鍵詞: | 就業服務 、委託辦理 、職業訓練 、國軍 、國軍就業服務中心 |
英文關鍵詞: | employment service, outsourcing, vocational training, military, military employment service center |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:286 下載:8 |
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In order to help those young men in the obligatory military service to have a successful transition from the military service into the competitive and volatile job market, Commission for Youth Assistance and Guidance has cooperated with Ministry of National Defense, Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Serviceperson, and Council for Economic Planning and Development on holding “vocational service activities for retiring military servicemen” since 1995. The purpose is to open up the way to job seeking for the retiring serviceperson. Via on site employee hunting of job fairs on major military posts and employment forums in small units, servicemen are able to see the industrial trend, understand the job market, as well as plan for their own careers and get the employment opportunities.
By Ministry of National Defense’s holding vocational service activities for retiring military serviceperson on various military posts, government creates the platform of matching the right talent with the right job and maximizes the effectiveness of human resources in military services. In a job market that has high supply and low demand, if the retiring serviceperson can get the ideal jobs and continue their career-and life-planning before they finally leave the military service via these activities, the human resources will be injected right into the production line of the society and the precious humane resources are thus prevented from being wasted.
The design of this study combines the qualitative and quantitative methods. In the quantitative analysis, the related data of “vocational service activities for retiring military serviceperson” provided by the vocational service center are used for secondary data analysis. This is to explore the results of after those vocational service activities held.
As for the qualitative part, methods of effectiveness analysis, related issues exploration, and constructive in-depth interviews with the experts of vocational service in the military are used. The effectiveness of vocational service activities is presented via the perspectives of “matching effectiveness of the vocational service activities,” “difficulties in execution,” “means of improvement,” “the influence of the policy of all volunteer military,” and “the employment status of participants after leaving the military.” Suggestions on aspects of strategy and execution are also presented via analysis of expert opinions.
In sum, this study considers the annual vocational service activities are necessary. However, given the current environment, some adjustments are in order. There should be separate concrete measures for voluntary and obligatory servicemen. There also should be additional budget to set up an independent professional assessment organization for monitoring the effectiveness of execution. All these are to maximize the retiring military serviceperson’s benefits relating to the employment services and to carry out the government’s policy of taking care of retiring military servicemen.
Therefore, this study suggests a thorough and pragmatic investigation of the policy of outsourcing the employment service by military. In order to maximize the effectiveness of a policy, the pros and cons of the outsourcing as well ad the necessary measures given the current environment should all be taken into consideration.
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