研究生: |
林淑芬 Lin Shu-Fen |
論文名稱: |
省多付少—綠色民宿之願付價格 Pay Less and Save More—Willingness to Pay for Green B&B |
指導教授: |
Wang, Kuo-Ching |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
餐旅管理與教育研究所 |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 129 |
中文關鍵詞: | 綠色民宿 、方案建構模式 、願付價格 |
英文關鍵詞: | green B&B, option framing, willingness to pay |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:322 下載:47 |
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本研究採用2 (備品選擇:完整型、基本型) ×2 (願付價格:高價格、低價格)的實驗矩陣,並為符合業者實際營運,本研究與綠色民宿業者合作,以其網站為設計範本,使受試者有實際訂房之感受,以減少紙本問卷之不足,並分別針對業者所提供之雙人房及四人房進行實驗研究。發放問卷494份,共回收問卷493,扣除填答不完全或填答錯誤之無效問卷51份及曾經看過民宿網站者或認識民宿者8份,有效問卷共計434份,有效回收率為87.85 %。研究結果顯示,有78 %的消費者同意並接受業者提供備品之選擇,在四人房房型之實驗組合皆無顯著影響;雙人房之實驗組三、四有顯著影響,並發現消費者較偏好完整型備品選擇,也就是基於損失趨避的原理而言,消費者在效用減少的情況下以獲取貨幣的補償,亦反應出消費者希望若民宿業者不提供備品(效用減少),但必須有金額上的補償,且消費者所願意接受之備品折扣金額為325元。另外在受試者的平均消費金額完整型 (雙人房:2,586元、2,032元;四人房:4,086元、3,027元)皆高於基本型(雙人房:2,378元、1,914元;四人房:4,009元、2,918元),而在備品的選擇上完整型需要的備品亦多於基本型之備品項目。
Due to the growth of the environmental concern, the green B&Bs were getting popular in recent years in order to decreasing the wastes of resources and declining the environment impacts.The purpose of this present study focuses on the amities and pricing strategy by using “the randomized posttest-only control group design” (2×2×2 matrix). It intends to understand the consumers’ purchase intentions under the green B&B context. In total 12 experimental groups will be conducted and each group will have at least 50 usable samples. Therefore, approximately 600 subjects will be conducted in this study. A well-known green B&B which is located in the eastern part of Taiwan is invited to join this study. With the permission and assistance from this green B&B owner, this study is allowed to use all the content of its website for the experiments.
The study showed that by using the adding option framing (+OF) will make customers felt that they could save more money compared to the subtractive option framing (-OF). This also could decrease the wasting of amenities. Although, for satisfying customers needs the present study suggests that green B&B owners could use the subtractive option framing (-OF), for balancing the challenge between how to meet the customers needs and the benefits of owners in order to save more resources to protect the environment. Study also suggests that B&B owners could promote and educate consumers taking the non-reusable amenities themselves, and increase their environmental concern and attitude by environmental education.
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