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研究生: 龔愛琳
Ai-lin Kung
論文名稱: 全班性同儕指導策略對台灣國中生英語閱讀能力之效益研究
The Effects of Classwide Peer Tutoring on Reading Comprehension in an EFL Junior High Classroom
指導教授: 吳美貞
Wu, Mei-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 213
中文關鍵詞: 全班性同儕指導策略教學法低成就學生閱讀理解
英文關鍵詞: Classwide Peer Tutoring, low-achiever, reading comprehension
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:383下載:33
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  • 為了提供國中英語教師在面對異質教室和低成就學生在閱讀能力方面有困難的另一種教學方式,本研究旨在探討全班性同儕指導策略對台灣國中生英語閱讀能力的影響。研究對象為台北市某國中的兩班八年級學生,共六十八名學生被分為實驗組和控制組。兩組皆以前一學期的三次段考成績分為高分群和低分群。實驗組接受為期十周,每周三次的全班性同儕指導策略教學法,控制組接受傳統的文法翻譯教學法。本研究藉由學生的前、後測成績加以收集和分析,進行獨立樣本T考驗。此外,實驗組的學生在研究結束後須填寫一份問卷,藉以了解高分組和低分組學生對此教學法的觀感。

    In response to the problems of heterogeneous classrooms and low-achievers’ poor reading comprehension ability that junior high English teachers encounter, the present study aims to investigate the effects of Classwide Peer Tutoring on reading comprehension in an EFL junior high classroom. The participants of the study were sixty-eight eighth-graders from two intact classes in a municipal junior high school in Taipei. They were assigned to the experimental and control groups, and based on the scores of the three monthly exams during the previous semester, they were further divided into four subgroups, that is, the high-achievers in the experimental (HE) and control (HC) groups as well as the low-achievers in the experimental (LE) and control (LC) groups. The experimental group received three CWPT sessions a week, and the control group received Grammar-Translation Method the same amount of time, for ten weeks. The scores of the students’ pre- and posttests were collected and analyzed through the independent-samples t-test. In addition, those in the experimental group were given a post-treatment questionnaire to help the researcher further gain insights into the differences between the high- and low-achievers’ perceptions about CWPT.
    The major findings of the current study are summarized as follows. First, there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups, which indicated that CWPT was proved to enhance students’ reading comprehension ability. Second, HE, LE, and HC reached significant difference. According to the results of the progress range, LE made the most progress, followed by HE, HC and LC. The gap between the high- and low-achievers in the experimental group was narrowed down, compared with that in the control group. Third, the high- and low-achievers showed different opinions about the effectiveness of, and implementation of CWPT, while they all held positive attitudes toward the satisfaction with CWPT.
    The overall satisfactory results showed that CWPT was effective to boost students’ reading comprehension competence, and it simultaneously filled the gap between the high- and low-achievers on academic achievement. Additionally, the outcomes of the questionnaire indicated that the low-achievers expressed more difficulties on the effectiveness and implementation of CWPT, compared with their counterparts, yet they all felt satisfied with CWPT. In conclusion, the researcher suggested that English teachers adopt CWPT in their reading lessons.

    ABSTRACT(CHINESE) i ABSTRACT(ENGLISH) ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 2 Purpose of the Study 13 Research Questions 13 Definition of Terms 14 Significance of the Study 15 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 17 Research on Reading 17 An Overview of Reading 17 Reading Strategy Instruction 18 Research on Peer-Mediated Instruction 21 An Overview of Peer-Mediated Methods 21 Numbered Heads Together (NHT) 22 Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) 22 Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) 24 Classwide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) 24 Studies Underlying PMI 25 Research on Classwide Peer Tutoring 27 An Overview of CWPT 27 Theories Underlying CWPT 29 Negative Results of CWPT 31 Social Skill Development in CWPT 33 Reading Materials in CWPT 36 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 38 Participants 38 Instruments 41 Reading Texts 41 Reading Comprehension Tests 42 Post-treatment Questionnaire 42 Data Collection Procedures 43 Design of the Treatment 44 The Experimental Group 45 Tutor/Tutee Training 46 Intervention 48 Points Calculation and Award 52 The Control Group 52 The Pilot Study 53 Data Analysis 55 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 57 Results of the Reading Comprehension Test 57 Comparison of Scores between the Experimental and Control Groups 58 Comparison of Scores among High- and Low-achievers in the Experimental and Control Groups 59 The Effects of Classwide Peer Tutoring on High-achievers 61 The Effects of Classwide Peer Tutoring on Low-achievers 63 Participants’ Responses in the Questionnaire 64 Results and Discussion of the Effectiveness of CWPT 64 High-achievers’ Responses to the Effectiveness of CWPT 68 Low-achievers’ Responses to the Effectiveness of CWPT 69 Results and Discussion of the Implementation of CWPT 70 High-achievers’ Responses to the Implementation of CWPT 74 Low-achievers’ Responses to the Implementation of CWPT 76 Results and Discussion of the Satisfaction with CWPT 77 High-achievers’ Responses to the Satisfaction with CWPT 81 Low-achievers’ Responses to the Satisfaction with CWPT 83 Summary of Chapter Four 84 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 86 Summary of the Study 86 Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications 88 Limitations of the Study 90 Directions for Future Research 93 REFERENCES 95 Appendices 118 Appendix A: Pretest 118 Appendix B: Posttest 124 Appendix C: Questionnaire (for students) 130 Appendix D: Questionnaire for the research of Classwide Peer Tutoring 132 Appendix E: Reading materials for students in the control group 134 Appendix F: Reading materials for students in the experimental group 164 Appendix G: Score charts for the experimental group 194 Appendix H: Seating arrangement 204

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