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研究生: 方文椿
Pang, Moonchun
論文名稱: 探討社會企業行銷 — 敘事法、口碑與消費者行為
Navigating Social Enterprise Marketing — The Role of Storytelling, WOM, and Consumer Behavior
指導教授: 鄒蘊欣
Chou, Cindy Yunhsin
口試委員: 張瑋倫
Chang, Wei-Lun
Chiang, Lan-Lung
Chou, Cindy Yunhsin
口試日期: 2023/06/01
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 社會企業敘事法內容營銷企業社會責任中小企業
英文關鍵詞: Social Enterprise, Storytelling, Contents Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301284
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:310下載:37
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  • 這篇研究論文的動機來自於各國社會企業在執行行銷時,時常面臨的窘境。許多社會企業雖然努力嘗試解決各種社會企業問題,但仍然遇到他們難以避免的挑戰,以下舉例說明:
    所謂企業面臨的問題涵蓋,企業穩固雙重目標(公司營利及社會問題)、 專業行銷人員及掌握財務限制。面臨這些問題,使社會企業難以有效地展現他們獨特價值,甚至增加與目標客群交流的困難度。為了強化此問題,社會企業行銷負責人及經營人可透過本研究提高社會企業之洞察力並有效執行行銷策略及增進公司成長。
    本研究最主要的重點之一是針對敘事法行銷的探究。每家社會企業都有獨特的故事. 透過這些故事進行內容行銷(contents marketing)能提高顧客們的參與度。

    This research paper was motivated by the persistent challenges faced by social enterprises in their marketing endeavors even though they are contributing to improve many social problem in every country. This arises from the inherent dual objectives they must balance, financial constraints, and lack of professional marketing personnel. These factors collectively make it difficult for these enterprises to effectively communicate their unique value proposition and engage with their target audience. In an attempt to address these issues, the study provides social enterprise marketers and operators with insights and tools that can enhance their marketing efficiency and effectiveness so that they can make the growth of their company easier.
    One of the most important points of this research is the exploration of the power of storytelling in content marketing. Every social enterprise carries a unique story, and leveraging this in their marketing content can significantly enhance consumer engagement. The study, therefore, delves into the storytelling aspects of credibility, referring the relevance of the story to the product and the trustworthiness of the story, and clarity mentioning the degree of simplicity and clearness of the story.
    Furthermore, the research incorporates widely accepted marketing variables, including those from the Theory of Planned Behavior (such as attitude and subjective norms) and consumer behavior determinants (including perceived epistemic value or and perceived social initiatives).
    The study's key findings indicate that credibility significantly and positively impacts both perceived epistemic value and perceived social initiatives. Furthermore, perceived social initiatives bear a positive correlation with attitudes towards the social brand. Subjective norms have a positive relationship with perceived epistemic value, and both subjective norms and attitudes significantly influence Word of Mouth (WOM) marketing. These findings highlight the need for effective storytelling and mark its pivotal role in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors in the context of social enterprise marketing.

    Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Changes in corporate form due to changes in consumer expectations 1 1.2 Definition and description of Social Enterprise and Social Enterprise Product 1 1.3 History and Contribution of Social Enterprises and Social Enterprise Product 3 1.4 Limitations of Social Enterprise and Social Enterprise Product 5 1.5 Marketing of Social Enterprises 7 1.6 Social Enterprise marketing and Storytelling 7 1.7 Social Enterprise marketing and Word Of Mouth (WOM) 8 1.8 Literature Review about marketing of social enterprise 9 Chapter 2. Research Model and Hypothesis Development 12 2.1 Storytelling variables 12 2.2 Perceived values affecting consumer behavior 15 2.3 Variables from Theory of planned behavior (TPB) 16 2.4 Word of mouth (WOM) 18 Chapter 3. Research Gap 19 Chapter 4. Research Design 21 Chapter 5. Analysis and Results 24 5.1 Measurement model 24 5.2 Hypothesis testing 28 5.3 Discussion 32 Chapter 6. Conclusions 34 6.1 Theoretical contribution 34 6.2 Management implication 35 6.3 Limitations of the study 36 6.4 Future Research Suggestion 36 . . References 38

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