研究生: |
王煜捷 Yu-Chieh, Wang |
論文名稱: |
外展體驗學習方案(ELOB)內涵及其在臺灣應用的可行性分析 Examine the Essence of Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound and its Feasibility in Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Wang, Li-Yun |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育政策與行政研究所 Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 156 |
中文關鍵詞: | 新美國學校 、外展體驗學習方案 、體驗學習 、另類教育 |
英文關鍵詞: | New American School, Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound project, expeditionary learning, alternative education |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:343 下載:37 |
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本論文是以美國「外展體驗學習方案」 (ELOB)的發展為借鏡,並以臺灣一所中學為例,研究該方案於我國教育環境中實施的可行性。外展體驗教育方案起源於美國九0年代「新美國學校」教育改革運動之構想,希冀達成「全學校改革」(school-wide reform)之理想,廣徵提升學校教育品質之方案,而外展體驗學習方案以「體驗學習」為設計依據,應用於學校各學科的學習模式,除獲得機構評鑑認可以及基金會贊助外,學生參與考試測驗成績在數年之間也產生極為可觀的進步。體驗教育在我國一般教育體系的發展多半偏重於藝能科學習,或於另類教育才得以存續,相較於體驗教育在美國公私立教育體系的蓬勃發展,以及在考試測驗的實質表現,值得一探究竟。
The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of implementing Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound (ELOB) project in Taiwan using a junior high school experience as a case. Originated from 1990’s New American School movement which aims to achieve the goal of school-wide reform and to promote educational quality, ELOB project is designed based on the experiential learning theory. Based on the U.S. experience, the learning models developed by ELOB project are applied to all school subjects and have been proved to be effective in raising students’ academic outcomes. Thus, the development and achievement of ELOB project is worthy of studying. This research aims to understand the implementation of ELOB project in the selected school and the problems its teacher encountered.
To answer the research questions, previous studies of ELOB project were reviewed in order to depict a better framework about the background of this reform program, its application process, probabilities and limitations. Further, document analysis and interview were used as methods to explore the feasibility of ELOB in Taiwan’s context. Several school teachers are interviewed and served as the main source for analysis.
Data indicates that teachers held positive attitudes toward ELOB project, giving high appraisal for ELOB for its’ distinctive features such as “learning by doing’’, “reality situation’’, “integrated learning’’, “multi-interaction between teacher and student’’, “cooperative learning”, and “product presentation’’. Students can cultivate active learning habits and challenge themselves via ELOB teaching program.
The following are the limitations of implementing ELOB project in the selected school: over-emphasis on test scores, less concerns of process and multi-values of individual learning. In addition, school timetable, class utilization, techniques of curriculum transformation, insufficient capacity in curriculum design, high teacher turnover rates, attitudes of parents and teachers are the very impediments for implementing ELOB project.
Several suggestions to increase the feasibility of ELOB program are provided as follows: enhancing the curriculum design, improving teacher professional abilities to implement the project, implementing expeditionary learning with a concern about current test pressure, seeking community approval to expand the resources needed for implementation, decreasing teachers’ administration burden, increasing collaborative opportunities among teachers, extending the program to the elementary education stage, applying for educational experiment to get rid of the burden of normal educational system, and providing continuous support and consultation.
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