研究生: |
黃義 Huang, Samuel Yee |
論文名稱: |
臺灣返鄉與移居青年個人社會支持網絡研究 A Study on Individual Social Support Network of the Returning and Migrant Young Adults in Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Kuo, Nae-Wen |
口試委員: |
Chi, Heng-Chang 張峻嘉 Chang, Chun-Chia 郭乃文 Kuo, Nae-Wen |
口試日期: | 2023/01/06 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 195 |
中文關鍵詞: | 地方創生 、返鄉青年 、移居青年 、社會支持 、個人網絡 |
英文關鍵詞: | placemaking, returned youth, migrant youth, social support, personal network |
研究方法: | 社會網路分析 、 深度訪談法 、 半結構式訪談法 、 田野調查法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300270 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:311 下載:21 |
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隨著地方創生政策的推動,臺灣島內遷居漸成風氣,如何讓青年們「不只搬過去,更 要留下來」成為一項急需面對的議題。此議題涉及多重行動者以及地方特性、社會風氣與區 域發展等因素,單純由政府提供的支持恐不足因應,因此有必要建立一個由廣泛社會關係與 行動者構織成的支持系統。
本研究援引個人核心網絡與社會支持等概念,嘗試勾勒出既有返鄉與移居青年的社會 支持網絡樣態。採取深度訪談的研究方法,於臺東關山、屏東竹田、臺南將軍與苗栗南庄等 四個研究樣區,訪談12位返鄉者與12位移居者,共24位青年。
研究結果顯示,受訪青年現有情感性支持網絡具有同質性高、關係強度大、空間臨近 性較低等特性,成員最大占比屬於跨城鄉網絡;工具性核心網絡則具有網絡規模較小、關係 強度弱、空間鄰近性較高等特性,最多成員來自於返鄉移居者網絡。
本研究歸納出在地社會網絡、返鄉與移居者網絡、家庭網絡、公部門資源網絡、跨城 鄉網絡以及虛擬社群媒體網絡等六種青年日常參與的社會網絡。不論是哪一種社會網絡,對 青年留鄉的影響,皆非單純的支持或阻礙。他們在其中時而得利,時而損失,充分體驗關係 如同雙面刃的特質。這六種社會網絡的拓展與運作,又受到地方特性、地理空間、遷居類 型、個人特質、組織參與、遷居時間長短、婚姻狀況與工作類型等八個因素影響,展現出個 人核心網絡在多重社會關係相互作用以及主客觀因素影響下構建與運作的動態過程。
Driven by placemaking policy in Taiwan, in-migrant within the island has gradually become a trend. However, how to let young people "not only move, but also stay" has become an urgent issue. This issue involves multiple actors and factors such as local characteristics, social attitude, and regional development. Support system mainly provided by the government may not be able to deal with it. Therefore, it’s necessary to reconsider a support model composed by multiple social relations and networks.
Through the concept of individual core network and social support, this study tries to outlines the structure of social support networks of returned and migrant youth. Using the method of in- depth interviews, this study has interviewed 24 returned or immigrant youths from four different countryside places around Taiwan, including Guanshan, Taitung; Zhutian, Pingtung; JiangJun Tainan, and Nanzhuang, Miaoli.
The results show that the existing emotional support network of youths has high homogeneity, strong relationship strength, and low spatial proximity, and the largest proportion of members belongs to the network between urban and rural. In contrast, lower network size, weaker strength, and higher spatial proximity are the characteristics of instrumental support network. Most members come from the network of other returner and migrants.
The study summarizes six types of social networks in which young people participate, including local networks, network of returners and immigrants, family network, government resource network, cross-urban and rural network, and virtual social media network. No matter what kind of social networks it is, its effect on youths staying-at-place is not simply support or hindrance. Young people sometimes get support and sometimes face obstacle from the networks, experiencing the characteristics of relationship as a double-edged sword. The expansion and operation of these six social networks are also affected by eight factors, including local characteristics, geographical space, type of migration, personal characteristics, organization participation, length of migration, marriage, and occupations. Revealing the dynamic process of construction and operation of indiidual core network under multiple interaction and the influence of different factors.
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