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研究生: 傅慧玲
Evelyn Krisnanda Linardi
論文名稱: 網站客製化廣告、產品屬性、以及消費者自尊心對於消費者的態度與行為之影響
The Effect of Website Customized Advertising, Product Attributes, and Self-Esteem on Consumer's Attitude and Purchase Intention
指導教授: 林慧斐
Lin, Hui-Fei
口試委員: 陳聖智
Chen, Sheng-Chih
Chiang, Hsu-Cheng
口試日期: 2021/06/08
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 客製化自尊心產品屬性廣告價值
英文關鍵詞: Customization, Self-esteem, Product Attributes, Advertising Value
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100756
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:441下載:32
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  • 資訊科技的迅速發展改變了人們溝通與購物的方式,企業和行銷者開始使用電子平台以及社群媒體推廣銷售。因使用者接受的資訊量過多,資訊處理系統如: 客製化與個人化系統變成更加重要。已過研究指出,使用客製化技術帶來一些好處,如: 促進與客戶溝通的品質、收集客戶的資訊、提供企業有效的工具、以及促進消費者的經驗。本研究探討消費者對客製化廣告的態度和行為,探索消費者心理層面 ( 外表自尊心 ) 以及訊息內容 ( 產品屬性 ) 對消費者接受客製化過程中的影響。同時,取用Ducoffe的理論探索廣告價值在客製化對依變項 ( 廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願 ) 的仲介效果。

    本研究進行2 ( 客製化: 客製化 vs. 非客製化 ) x 2 ( 產品屬性: 功利屬性 vs. 享樂屬性 ) x 2 ( 自尊心: 高自尊心 vs. 低自尊心 ) 的組間試驗設計。本研究創造四個網頁操弄客製化與產品屬性的變項,而使用外表自尊心的量表測受試者的自尊心。本研究收集240位女性受試者的資料進行研究與分析,以SPSS MANOVA檢定檢驗客製化、產品屬性、以及自尊心對依變項 ( 廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願 )的影響,而使用SPSS Hayes Process Model 4 檢驗廣告價值的仲介效果。

    研究結果指出,高自尊心的消費者接受客製化廣告比非客製化廣告呈現更高的品牌態度以及購買意願。對低自尊心消費者,客製化廣告比非客製化廣告呈現更高的購買意願,但對廣告態度與品牌態度並無顯著差異。當高自尊心消費者接受非客製化廣告時,享樂屬性訊息比功利屬性訊息呈現更高的購買意願。此外,廣告價值在客製化與依變項 ( 廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願 ) 之間具有仲介效果,指明客製化能通過廣告價值正向的影響消費者態度與行為。

    The common use of the internet and mobile devices has encouraged an increase in e-commerce and social media use for selling and promoting products. As the amount of information continues to grow, the technology of customization and personalization is needed to improve the effectiveness of providing information. A prior study shows that customizing information brings several benefits such as building communication, gathering information, improving company productivity, and enhancing consumers’ experiences. This study aimed to explore consumers’ attitudes and behavior when receiving customized advertising, as well as exploring the effect of their psychological beings (appearance self-esteem) and the content of the advertising messages (product attributes). Based on Ducoffe’s theory of advertising value, the mediation effect of advertising value between customization and the dependent variable was examined.

    In the study, a 2 (customization: customized ad vs. non-customized ad) x 2 (product attributes: utilitarian vs. hedonic) x 2 (self-esteem: high self-esteem vs. low self-esteem) experimental study was implemented. The customization and product attributes were manipulated, whereas self-esteem was measured using appearance self-esteem scales. A total of 240 young women participated in this study through an online survey. The factor analyses were tested using SPSS MANOVA, and the mediation effects of advertising value were tested using SPSS Hayes Process Model 4.

    The results indicate that high self-esteem consumers had more favorable brand attitudes and greater purchase intentions when receiving the customized ad rather than the non-customized ad. For the low self-esteem consumers, the customized ad was more effective in terms of their purchase intention than the non-customized ad. In the non-customized advertising condition, the hedonic product attribute led to greater purchase intention than the utilitarian product attribute. High self-esteem consumers had higher purchase intention when receiving the hedonic product attribute than when receiving the utilitarian product attribute in the non-customized ad condition. Furthermore, advertising value mediated the effect of customization on the dependent variable, indicating that customization had influenced consumers’ attitude and purchase intention through advertising value.

    ABSTRACT II TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF TABLES IX LIST OF FIGURES XI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1 1.2 PURPOSES OF THE STUDY 3 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 WEBSITE 7 2.1.1 The Trends of Websites 7 2.1.2 Advertising on Websites 10 2.1.3 Websites as a Marketing Platform 11 2.1.4 Summary 14 2.2 CUSTOMIZATION 15 2.2.1 The Age of Mass Customization 15 2.2.2 Product Customization 16 2.2.3 Information Customization on Websites 18 2.2.4 Applying Customization for Marketing 19 2.2.5 Summary 27 2.3 PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES (HEDONIC / UTILITARIAN) 28 2.3.1 Definition 28 2.3.2 Product Attributes and Consumer Behavior 29 2.3.3 Product Attributes of Cosmetic Products 30 2.3.4 Summary 31 2.4 SELF-ESTEEM 32 2.4.1 Definition 32 2.4.2 Global Self-Esteem and Specific Self-Esteem 32 2.4.3 Self-Esteem and Consumer Behavior 33 2.4.4 Summary 36 2.5 ADVERTISING VALUE 37 2.5.1 Definition 37 2.5.2 Customization and Advertising Value 37 2.6 HYPOTHESES 38 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 50 3.1 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK 50 3.2 EXPERIMENT DESIGN AND MANIPULATION OF INDEPENDENT VARIABLES 51 3.2.1 Experiment Design 51 3.2.2 Manipulation of the Independent Variable 52 3.3 PRE-TEST 54 3.3.1 Pre-Test I (Customization Level) 54 3.3.2 Results 57 3.3.3 Pre-test II (Product Attributes) 58 3.3.4 Results 59 3.4 MAIN EXPERIMENT 60 3.4.1 Product and Brand 60 3.4.2 Stimulus Design 61 3.4.3 Procedure 64 3.5 MEASUREMENTS 65 3.5.1 Manipulation Check 65 3.5.2 Self-Esteem 66 3.5.3 Dependent Variable 66 3.5.4 Advertising Value as Mediator 69 CHAPTER IV RESULTS 70 4.1 DEMOGRAPHICS 70 4.2 RELIABILITY TEST 73 4.3 SELF-ESTEEM MEASUREMENT 73 4.4 MANIPULATION CHECK 74 4.4.1 Manipulation Check of Customization 74 4.4.2 Manipulation Check of Product Attributes 75 4.5 HYPOTHESIS TESTING 76 4.5.1 The Effects of Customization on Attitude and Purchase Intention 78 4.5.2 The Effects of Product Attributes on Attitude and Purchase Intention 79 4.5.3 The Effects of Self-Esteem Level on Attitude and Purchase Intention 79 4.5.4 The Interaction Effects Between Customization and Product Attributes on Attitude and Purchase Intention 80 4.5.5 The Interaction Effects Between Customization and Self-Esteem Levels on Attitude and Purchase Intention 81 4.5.6 The Interaction Effects of Product Attributes and Self-Esteem on Attitude and Purchase Intention 83 4.5.7 The Three-Way Interaction Effect of the Three Factors on Attitude and Purchase Intention 84 4.5.8 The Mediation Effect of Advertising Value 85 4.6 THE SUMMARIZATION OF THE HYPOTHESIS TESTING 92 CHAPTER V DISCUSSION 95 5.1 RESEARCH FINDINGS 95 5.1.1 The Effect of Customization on Consumers’ Attitude and Behavior 95 5.1.2 The Effect of Self-Esteem on Consumers’ Attitude and Behavior 96 5.1.3 The Effect of Product Attributes on Consumers’ Attitude and Behaviors 97 5.1.4 The Role of Customization in Consumers’ Varied Level of Self-Esteem 97 5.1.5 The Role of Product Attributes in Non-Customized Advertising Effectiveness 99 5.1.6 The Role of Product Attributes for High Self-Esteem Consumer in the Non-Customized Advertising 99 5.1.7 The Mediation Effect of Advertising Value Between Customization and Consumer Attitude and Behavior 100 5.2 THEORETICAL CONTRIBUTION AND PRACTICAL IMPLICATION 101 5.3 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS 103 5.4 FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 104 REFERENCES 106 APPENDIX A: CUSTOMIZATION LEVEL PRETEST 121 APPENDIX B: PRODUCT ATTRIBUTE PRETEST 124 APPENDIX C: MAIN EXPERIMENT – CUSTOMIZED / UTILITARIAN 126 APPENDIX D: MAIN EXPERIMENT – CUSTOMIZED / HEDONIC 132 APPENDIX E: MAIN EXPERIMENT – NON CUSTOMIZED / UTILITARIAN 139 APPENDIX F: MAIN EXPERIMENT – NON CUSTOMIZED / HEDONIC 145

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