研究生: |
張家琳 Chia Lin Chang |
論文名稱: |
從當代藝術教育統整課程教學探討國小學童創造力表現研究 A Study on Elementary School Students' Creativity through Integrated Curriculum in Contemporary Art Education |
指導教授: |
Kuo, Chen-Hsiang |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 456 |
中文關鍵詞: | 當代藝術教育 、當代藝術教育統整課程教學 、創造力 |
英文關鍵詞: | Contemporary Art Education, Integrated Curriculum in Contemporary Art Education, Creativity |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:333 下載:40 |
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“A study on elementary school students’ creativity through integrated curriculum in contemporary art education” is a study which aims at school children in the second, fourth and sixth grades from an elementary school in Taipei and has three major purposes respectively as followed:
Firstly, understand the response and feedback from the school children during the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education; secondly, discuss the difference of school children’s creativity performance among different age groups and gender groups after the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education; thirdly, understand the differentiation among creative ideas and the characteristic of artwork of the school children among different age groups and gender groups after the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education.
The researcher has preceded the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education for thirteen weeks and adopted the experimental research and the content analysis to understand school children’s development and difference before the curriculums and after the curriculums. After the research, three points are concluded:
I. During the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education, school children showed weak connection between the “possibility” of imagination and creative artwork at the beginning, while they displayed diverse linkage later, which explains that the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education do place great influence on school children’s creative thinking and performance.
II. With quantitative analysis, it is found that children in the three grades have big improvement in creativity after being taught integrated curriculum in contemporary art education. Sixth-grade children do perform better than fourth and second ones in most abilities of creativity. This result shows that children in the three grades are influenced by the integrated curriculum in contemporary art education and then have a better creativity performance than they did in the former test, especially the sixth-grade children. Among the gender group analysis, girls group generally have similar creativity performance in the post test as boys group except two categories: analytical ability and integral performance. In these two categories, girls group shows better performance than boys group. Thus, children are influenced by integrated curriculum in contemporary art education and show the difference between the gender groups.
III. From the content analysis of creative ideas and the construction of artwork toward the topic “perfect home”, it is found that the gap between the higher- scored group and the lower-scored group has been clearly reduced in the post test. In the pre-test, school children in lower-scored group showed practical and simple ideas and lacked imagination and creative ideas. However, in the post-test, those children expanded their content to wider dimension and showed greater ideas than children in the higher-scored group. In the analysis of construction of artwork, most works (except the lower-scored group of the second grader) in the pre-test present the feature “home and the community are centered in the layout and the house is part of home”, while in the post test, the feature becomes “the interaction between unreal items (such as fairies, angels and candy house)”. In the analysis of the gender group, both boys and girls reveal the idea “perfect home is to fulfill individual expectation”. Boys still tend to the idea “home is for fun”, which is a contrast to girls’ idea “home is a fairyland”. In the analysis of construction of artwork, both boys and girls show the feature “home and the community are centered in the layout and the house is part of home” first and then switch to “the interaction between unreal items (such as fairies, angels and candy house) without the house”.
Besides, the researcher has raised several suggestions for relevant scholars and teachers to go on further researches in the future.
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