簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林明德
Lin, Ming Teh
論文名稱: 戀愛出軌者的故事敘說
The narrative inquiry of two-timer
指導教授: 周麗端
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 戀愛出軌者不忠敘說研究
英文關鍵詞: two-timer, dating infidelity, narrative inquiry
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:617下載:87
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  • 本論文透過敘說研究的方式探討戀愛出軌者為何出軌、對不同關係的心境以及其他對戀愛出軌的想法。參與訪談的對象為兩男兩女,發生戀愛出軌的時間介於20-30歲之間。論文第一章的部分敘說著我之所以對戀愛出軌現象投以關注的幾段相關故事;第二章描寫我閱覽探訪前人論述,企圖找到對於戀愛出軌的一般性理解;第三章紀錄我如何尋找與形塑出心目中的敘說研究;第四章呈現四位戀愛出軌者的故事歷程,並以故事細節、前人論述及我的經驗觀點來進行焦點分析;第五章則是我嘗試統整四個故事,從中尋見過去所未見之處,並提出我的反思,包括(1)戀愛出軌現象不能只以一般大眾的理解來看待,因為在那樣的表面理解之下存在著複雜脈絡,包括多重因素的影響以及當事人心境的轉折;(2)出軌者於當下可能找不到更好的方式去滿足其需求;(3)出軌者對於人際親密互動的認知與原伴侶有落差,包含對於異性互動的界線、出軌者低估原伴侶對出軌的反應、對出軌的雙重標準;(4)出軌者並非一開始便抱著出軌的意圖,而是不自禁地逐漸走入出軌的處境(5)關係層面的內外在縫隙因素以及社會層面的人際壓力、一夫一妻制觀念、性保守觀念、戀愛關係角色期望等因素也會促進出軌秘密戀情的形成;(6)出軌者有選擇性忠誠的想法,認為自己還是愛著原伴侶,並非完全不忠誠於原關係,因此也較能容忍自己的出軌行為。

    Through narrative analysis, this qualitative study explores why one wants to involve in dating infidelity, how he/she thinks of the primary relation and the extradyadic relations, as well as his/her thoughts about dating infidelity. The participants interviewed (2 males and 2 females) were between 20 and 30 when they were involving in dating infidelity.
    The first chapter of the thesis delineates the stories that drew my attention and curiosity on dating infidelity. The second chapter depicts my attempts to find out the common understanding of two-timers involving in dating infidelity by reviewing previous research findings. The third chapter illustrates the methodology that I use and the research process. The fourth chapter presents four stories of dating infidelity and analysis with narratives, previous literature, and my own stories. The fifth chapter concludes my reflections on the stories and analyses, which includes: (1) Beneath the phenomena of dating infidelity, there is a more complicated context; (2) Two-timers may have no better options to fulfill their needs; (3) Two-timers may have a perception gap with their primary partners; (4) Two-timers may have little awareness and resistance of ambiguous feelings from themselves and others, thus easily get themselves into situations in which certain feelings naturally arise; (5) Infidelity secrets are influenced not only by individual factors but also by relational and social context factors; (6) Two-timers may take their behavior as a selectively fidelity, which means not violating all the promises and having more tolerance for their behavior.

    第一章 故事前的故事 1 第二章 前人點燈 8 第一節 不摸那個米,有錯嗎 8 第二節 所謂戀愛出軌 11 第三節 拼湊出軌者的模樣 18 第三章 翻滾吧!敘說 27 第一節 從量化、質性到敘說 27 第二節 我心目中的敘說 32 第三節 故事裡的人物 43 第四章 故事 50 第一節 跳火坑的女人---SMALL 50 第二節 迷「網」的女人---朵兒 66 第三節 「性」格的男人---阿德 82 第四節 拒絕寂寞的男人---小布 92 第五章 整理與反思 108 第一節 關於出軌者:與眾相同的與眾不同 108 第二節 格局與展望 119 第三節 回到原點:關於我的內在挪動 126 參考文獻 130

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