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研究生: 謝旻儒
Hsieh, Min-Ru
論文名稱: 未來長期氣候變遷對西北太平洋超級颱風個案降水潛在影響之模擬研究
The Simulation Studies of Potential Influence of Future Long-term Climate Change on Super Typhoon Precipitation Cases in Western North Pacific
指導教授: 王重傑
Wang, Chung-Chieh
口試委員: 王重傑
Wang, Chung-Chieh
Chen, Cheng-Ta
Yang, Ming-Jen
口試日期: 2023/06/02
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: 氣候變遷超級颱風水收支降水
英文關鍵詞: climate change, precipitation, super typhoon, water budget
研究方法: 次級資料分析個案研究法比較研究內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300625
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:487下載:22
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  • 氣候變遷所衍生的極端天氣現象是人類在未來須面對的環境議題之一,近年來逐漸在國際間獲得重視,而對於未來的災害推估也是學界近期正努力鑽研的一大領域。對於西北太平洋區域而言,颱風的肆虐往往對陸地造成嚴重災損,除風力驚人,其挾帶的劇烈降水更具有破壞力,尤其薩菲爾·辛普森等級C4或C5的強颱更是不可言喻。為探討未來暖化下強烈颱風的降水變化,本研究以此為動機,自Thean (2021) 選取雲解析風暴模式CReSS模擬之梅姬(2010)、海燕(2013)、莫蘭蒂(2016)三個典型超級颱風個案及未來21世紀末RCP 4.5及RCP 8.5情境的模擬實驗結果,加以分析相關降水參數及環流結構變異,另使用水收支做更進一步的定性與定量診斷作為研究主軸。
    研究結果指出,三個案在未來情境模擬下,背景水氣增加與垂直次環流上升運動的加強導致颱風劇烈降水皆有顯著成長,在0~400公里半徑範圍內,經全模擬時間平均,梅姬颱風分別在RCP 4.5及RCP 8.5情境下增加6.04%、12.85%,海燕颱風分別增加12.85%、29.6%,莫蘭蒂分別增加4.63%、6.3%;若縮小至0~200公里半徑,梅姬颱風於兩環境下分別成長11%、19.99%,海燕颱風分別增加10.42%、19.43%,莫蘭蒂颱風則成長5.92%、19.58%。各類水象粒子的軸對稱垂直剖面分布也呼應到降水,水氣、降水粒子在內核有顯著增長,而冰相粒子因溶解層提高,生成高度會些許增加且有總含量減少的可能性。

    The extreme weather under climate change is one of the environmental problems that the humanity will face in the future. Related researches of estimating future disasters are still ongoing recently. In western North Pacific (WNP), typhoons often cause huge damage. In addition to the strong wind, its torrential precipitation is even more destructive, especially for category 4 and 5 super-typhoons. To explore the changes in precipitation caused by intense typhoons under future warming scenarios, this study selected three super-typhoon cases from Thean (2021): Megi (2010), Haiyan (2013), and Meranti (2016). This study uses cloud-resolving storm simulator (CReSS) to reproduce these cases and simulate their precipitation at the end of the 21st century under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 warming scenarios combined with Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) data. Following analysis in this research includes the variations of relevant parameters, circulation structures, and water budget.
    The results indicate the increase of background moisture and the strengthening of upward motion in the typhoon circulation cause significant increase in precipitation in future scenarios. In radii of 0-400 km, the growth of Typhoon Megi precipitation under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 is 6.04% and 12.85%, respectively; Typhoon Haiyan grows by 12.85% and 29.6%; Typhoon Meranti also increases by 4.63% and 6.3%. For the inner core of 0-200 km, rainfall of Megi grows by 11% and 19.99% under the two scenarios; Haiyan also grows by 10.42% and 19.43%, and precipitation of Meranti has 5.92% and 19.58% increases, respectively. The mean radial profiles of water species also reflect the rainfall distributions: the water vapor and precipitation particles significantly increase in the inner core, and due to the rising of melting layer, there is a possibility that the generation height of ice-phase particles will increase and the quantities will slightly decrease.
    As for the water budget, considering different circulation radius and computational accuracy, these three cases were calculated with different radii and durations, but all the results are consistent. In the warming future, total water transport would increase, including the enhancement of flux convergence (i.e. summation of density convergence and density advection), and absolute humidity change rate; meanwhile, the domination term of water budget is water vapor density convergence. In addition, by calculating precipitable water (PW) and integrated horizontal convergence (IHC) within the height of 0-5.5 km, this study shows the attribution inducing precipitation in different experiments is different: rainfall variation in some experiments come from the changes in IHC, and some of which are caused by PW. Nevertheless, the fact that the increase of future super typhoon rainfall by the interaction between these two mechanisms remains unchanged.

    第一章 前言 1 1.1 文獻回顧 1 1.2 研究動機 4 1.3 篇章結構 5 第二章 資料與研究方法 6 2.1 資料來源 6 2.2 個案挑選及研究方法 7 2.3 模式簡介 10 2.4 模式設定 13 第三章 未來氣候環境及個案模擬與觀測比對 15 3.1 未來西北太平洋區域氣候環境變異 15 3.2 模擬個案一:梅姬颱風(2010) 16 3.3 模擬個案二:海燕颱風(2013) 17 3.4 模擬個案三:莫蘭蒂颱風(2016) 18 第四章 颱風綜觀環流特徵及定量降雨變異 20 4.1 個案降雨在未來環境之定性、定量變化 20 4.2 徑向、切向風與垂直風場差異 24 4.3 暖心結構與融解層特性的變異 26 4.4 小結 27 第五章 環流水象粒子分析 28 5.1 水象粒子水平分布與徑向平均特徵差異 28 5.2 水象粒子徑向定量分析 29 5.3 小結 31 第六章 水收支診斷 32 6.1 水收支各項時序變化 32 6.2 水收支各項徑向特徵變化 33 6.3 水收支各項之定量分析 36 6.4 可降水量與水平輻合積分 38 6.5 小結 40 第七章 討論 42 第八章 結論 47 參考文獻 49 附表 54 附圖 76

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