研究生: |
邱萍芳 |
論文名稱: |
高空繩索課程之風險管理研究--以TA探索體驗學院為例 |
指導教授: | 林安邦 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 184 |
中文關鍵詞: | 高空繩索課程 、引導員 、探索教育機構 、風險管理 、確保系統 |
英文關鍵詞: | High rope course, Rope challenge course, Facilitator, Adventrure education, Risk management, Belay system |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:320 下載:53 |
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本文係以「TA東方探索體驗學院」為研究對象,利用文獻分析法、參與觀察法,以及深入訪談法,探究發生於高空繩索課程中意外事件的潛在風險因子;從風險管理策略的理論與實務,分析目前TA風險管理現況的缺失。最後根據風險評估結果,建立TA高空繩索課程的風險管理策略及因應對策,作為爾後探索教育活動機構進行相關課程時之參考。研究結果發現,高空繩索課程的風險有三大來源:1.場地設施與器材裝備、2.引導員、3.參與者,其中「人為疏失」是造成意外傷害的最大主因。國外曾經發生死亡案例,原因是引導員使用不符合安全標準的高空設施,國內繩索場地最常發生的意外傷害是:瘀青、肢體的摩擦傷以及腳踝扭傷,其次是骨折、脫臼等少數案例。受訪者一致認同高空繩索課程之風險管理最務實的做法是:選擇符合安全的建場標準、發展場地設施及器材裝備的定期安全檢查表、健全引導員培訓系統、提高引導員及參與者的風險認知、簽訂契約及保險、成立風險安全委員會,以及建立一套「場地標準作業程序」 (Local Operating Procedures)。本研究嘗試以「澳洲和紐西蘭國家標準」 (AS/NZS 4360:2002 Risk Management) 之風險管理架構,以及「JIS Q2001日本風險管理系統發展及執行指南」(JIS Q2001 Guideline for the development and implementation of a risk management system)的概念,發展「Team Adventure東方探索體驗學院」之高空繩索課程的風險管理策略,並提出「場地標準作業程序」之建議,做為國內有意願從事高空繩索課程人士之參考。
The Research on the Risk Management of High Rope Courses:
Based on “Team Adventure”
The High Rope Courses are flourishing in Taiwan nowadays; however; the underlying accidents and injuries during the courses may happen anytime. If we do not pay highly attention to it and manage the possible dangers, the forthcoming negative influence may expand. Therefore, the risk management of High Rope Courses becomes essential.
We take “Team Adventure” as the object of this research, using document analysis, participant observation, and in-depth interview to find out the underlying possible causes of the accidents in the procession of High Rope Courses. Then, we analyze the present defects of “Team Adventure” based on the theories and effects of Risk Management. At last, we build a risk management plan according to the result of risk evaluation, so as to be the reference for adventure education in the future. Findings discover, there are three aspects of the risks in High Rope Courses; (A) site elements and equipments, (B) facilitators, and (C) participants. Among them, the main cause of accident is man-made carelessness. There has been death case caused by using high elements which didn’t correspond to the safety standards in foreign counteries. However most common injuries of the High Rope Courses in Taiwan are bruise, bodily scratch and twist of the ankle; the next are fracture and dislocation. All the interviewees agree that the most pragmatic ways of the risk management of High Rope Courses are (A) choosing built to standards, (B) developing site elements, (C) developing a regular house site specific inspection schedule of the equipments, (D) a staff training plan, (E) enhancing facilitators’ and participants’ knowledge of risk, (F) signing the contract and insurance, (G) founding a safety committee, and (H) building a set of local operating procedures. This research tries to develop the strategy of risk management of the High Rope Courses of Team Adventure based on the framework of <the Australia and New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 4360: 2002 Risk Management> and <JIS Q2001 Guideline for the Development and Implementation of a Risk Management System>, and provide the suggestions of local operating procedures for those who are interested in High Rope Courses in the future.
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