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研究生: 徐仲俞
論文名稱: 鈷在銀/鍺(111)-c(2×8)及鈷在銀/鍺(111)-(√3×√3)及(4×4)表面的結構衍化
Structure transformation of Ag on Ge(111)-c(2×8) and Co on Ag/Ge(111)-(√3×√3)/(4×4) surfaces
指導教授: 傅祖怡
Fu, Tsu-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 歐傑電子能譜低能量電子繞射儀重構相變
英文關鍵詞: Co, Ag, AES, LEED, Reconstruction, Phase transition, Ge
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:6
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  • 我們利用歐傑電子能譜(Auger electron spectroscopy,AES)、低能量電子繞射(low-energy electron diffraction )來深入探討銀在鍺(111)-c(2×8)及鈷在銀/鍺(111)-(√3×√3)R30°及(4×4)隨著不同退火溫度下表面的結構衍化。
    室溫下,銀原子在鍺(111)的成長模式為層狀成長之後再以三維島狀的Stranstri-Krastanov (SK) mode。室溫蒸鍍不同鍍量的銀在鍺(111)-c(2×8)上並退火到420 K至930 K之間,隨著溫度上升至570 K,超過1 ML的銀原子會退吸附直到剩下1 ML的銀,最後在退火溫度為930 K時,銀原子會完全退吸附。在退火過程中,隨著不同的退火溫度及銀鍍量,銀/鍺(111)的結構,由原本的c(2×8)分別會形成(1×1)、(3×1)、(4×4)或(√3×√3)R30°的結構。
    室溫蒸鍍鈷在銀/鍺(111)-(√3×√3) R30°及(4×4)上並退火到420 K至930 K之間,鈷在銀/鍺(111)-(√3×√3)R30°及(4×4)的結構上,在退火溫度570 K時,鈷會形成(√13×√13)及(2×2)的重構,而在退火溫度為650 K和730 K時,鈷都是形成(2×2)的重構,在退火溫度為830 K時,鈷原子會退吸附,此結果顯示鈷與基底不會形成合金。

    The growth of Ag atoms on Ge(111)-c(2×8) and Co atoms on Ag/Ge(111)-(√3×√3)R30° and (4×4) surfaces followed by annealing at temperature ranging from 420 K to 930 K has been studied by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED).
    The formation of Ag films on the Ge(111) was found to support Stranstri-Krastanov growth mode. The sample was prepared by room-temperature Ag atoms deposition onto Ge(111), followed by annealing at the temperature ranging from 420 K to 930 K. The redundant Ag atoms desorbed until only 1ML Ag left on the surface at annealing temperature 570 K. After annealing at 930 K, all the Ag atoms desorbed from the surface. This procedure resulted in a number of structure transformations that are ranging from the native
    c(2×8) into (1×1), (3×1), (4×4), or (√3×√3)R30° structure.
    Co atoms were deposited on the Ag/Ge(111)-(√3×√3)R30° and (4×4) surface at room temperature and annealed at temperature ranging from 420 K to 930 K. After annealed to 570 K, Co atoms on the Ag/Ge(111)-(4×4) and (√3×√3)R30° surface formed (√13×√13) and (2×2) reconstruction. After annealing to 650 K and 730 K, Co formed (2×2 reconstruction. After annealing to 830 K, Co atoms completely diffused into the Ge(111) substrate.

    致謝.......................................................i 摘要.....................................................iii 目錄...................................................... v 圖表目錄.................................................viii Chapter 1緒論..............................................1 Chapter 2儀器設備與工作原理..................................5 2-1樣品的清潔與製備..........................................5 2-1-1超高真空系統...........................................5 2-1-2抽超高真空系統的理由....................................8 2-1-3抽氣設備...............................................9 2-1-4達到超高真空系統的順序..................................11 2-1-5樣品的清潔............................................13 2-1-6樣品的升降溫系統.......................................13 2-1-7樣品的蒸鍍裝置.........................................15 2-2歐傑電子能譜術...........................................17 2-2-1歐傑效應與電子能譜.....................................17 2-2-2歐傑電子能譜的應用.....................................20 2-2-3同心半球能譜分析儀.....................................26 2-2-4電子能譜的分析.........................................28 2-3低能量電子繞射儀.........................................30 2-3-1倒晶格與電子繞射.......................................30 2-3-2LEED的工作方式........................................35 2-3-3 LEED圖形所傳達的表面訊息..............................37 Chapter 3實驗結果與討論.....................................41 3-1樣品的準備..............................................41 3-1-1樣品的清潔............................................41 3-2銀薄膜在Ge(111)上的成長模式..............................42 3-2-1銀鍍源鍍量的刻度.......................................42 3-2-2利用AES探討銀在Ge(111)上的成長.........................43 3-2-3以LEED來觀察X ML Ag/Ge(111)表面結構..................44 3-3探討銀在Ge(111)上隨溫度變化的情形.........................49 3-3-1利用AES觀察X ML Ag/Ge(111)在不同退火溫度下的變化.........49 3-3-2以LEED來觀察X ML Ag/Ge(111)在不同退火溫度下的表面結構變化.60 3-4鈷在Ag/Ge(111)上隨溫度變化的情形..........................87 3-4-1鈷鍍源的刻度..........................................87 3-4-2利用AES觀察X ML Ag/Ge(111)在不同退火溫度下的變化........88 3-4-2以LEED來觀察X ML Ag/Ge(111)在不同退火溫度下的表面結構變化.94 Chapter 4結論............................................108 參考資料..................................................110

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